No entanto, neste blogue também se acredita que a existência dum salário mínimo nacional (SMN) é algo que prejudica os trabalhadores mais vulneráveis... isto de obrigar uma empresa em Bragança a pagar o mesmo SMN que uma empresa de Lisboa é absurdo.
Por isso, este artigo "Minimum wage rise is maximum idiocy" faz todo o sentido:
"One of the tragedies of the minimum wage is that it is a tax on those companies that are large employers of the least well educated and those who do not possess scarce skills. Citizens at the bottom are further squeezed out of the market because they have become more expensive. It is a form of punishment for that cohort. Minimum wage increases positively encourage companies to seek alternatives to labour, such as outsourcing or automation.
The cheerleaders for minimum wage rises are typically academic economists. Most of them receive salaries from the taxpayer, directly or indirectly, and have never built a business or met a payroll. Their chief worries are publishing arcane papers; many can be wrong all their lives and never lose a penny of their own money."