segunda-feira, fevereiro 03, 2014

Criação e comunicação de valor para os clientes (parte VI)

Parte V.
O autor do capítulo 17 de "Innovation in Pricing", "Using Ecoonomic Value Communication to Bend Business-to-Business Buyers' Value Perceptions" é Christopher Provines.
Mal vi o título deste postal "Do Customers Even Care About Value?" recordei ter lido a mesma pergunta no referido capítulo.
Neste postal Provines dá 5 razões plausíveis para explicar porque é que um cliente parece não querer saber do o valor e só se concentra no preço:
"The customer really doesn’t care about value: For a variety of reasons, some customers really only care about price.
It’s a negotiation tactic: Customers are becoming increasingly sophisticated buyers. It could be that the customer has learned to focus on price as a negotiation tactic to get suppliers to lower their prices.
There are no perceived value differences: The customer may see no real difference in value between your solution and the next best alternative.
You’re not aligned with the buying process: ... If you engage at the wrong time in the buying process or engage in the wrong way, there’s no hope to get your value message across.
You’re talking to the wrong person: It could merely be that you’re talking to the wrong person. Maybe the person you are selling to has a personal incentive to reduce costs and doesn’t care about value differences. If this is the case, you need to find someone who cares."

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