- Por que é que não está já a ser aproveitada?
- Se é assim tão boa por que é que não há mercado? Por que tem de ser criado, fomentado pelo Estado?
- E se acabou o dinheiro fácil é possível fazer algo sem um grande investimento de capital? Qual o risco associado?
quinta-feira, abril 29, 2010
A regra de ouro da estratégia
Só acordaram ontem!
A não esquecer!
quarta-feira, abril 28, 2010
O mapa de benefícios
benefits that will be the most useful to you when understanding why you are providing different and significant value to your customers. In other words, it’s the maximum value experience") e os benefícios potenciais (o UAUUUUUUUU).
É a economia, estúpido.
terça-feira, abril 27, 2010
Também serve para reflexão
Proposta de valor = concentração, foco, sintonização
Para definir uma proposta de valor há que primeiro identificar e caracterizar os clientes-alvo. Assim, formular uma proposta de valor implica concentrar, focar as atenções num grupo específico de clientes e equacionar as experiências que buscam quando vão ao mercado.
“So a value proposition statement is a clear, compelling and credible expression of the experience that a customer will receive from a supplier’s measurably value-creating offering. It is not a description of what your organization does for a customer.
Value proposition thinking is at the heart of any value-focused organization. It sharpens the way organizations work by focusing activity so as to serve customers profitably. Note the use of ‘profitably’: the value proposition approach recognizes that you must be profitable to stay in business. A value proposition approach does not mean that your organization responds to every customer or prospect demand. That would be a sure path to bankruptcy.
value proposition development is an organizational approach to building in value to the customer experience; it is the management of the discipline of providing profitable customer value.
The entire value proposition building process is about focus. Going into organizations and asking them what they think their value is, it is our experience that executives adopt a ‘more is better’ approach.
They’ll say things like ‘We deliver great service’, and ‘Our intellectual property is really robust’, and ‘We’ve got the best people’, and so on, and on and on and on. The point is that although these may be interesting features, they are not differentiating, and will not make the organization stand out from the crowd.
Put simply, lists of features of this kind provide no directional clarity as to why a particular organization is special. In fact, more usually they get in the way, cluttering the view, so that it becomes impossible for a would-be client to see where the real value is in a given circumstance.
So, much of the purpose of the market, value experience and offerings steps is to strip away features that are irrelevant, unnecessary, and confusing – because they actually detract from a company’s value delivery potential.”
Acerca do valor e das listagens de atributos vale a pena ler este excelente postal “The Difference Between Features and Value”
Trechos retirados de “Creating & Delivering Your Value Proposition” de Cindy Barnes, Helen Blake e David Pinder.
Isto também é material para reflexão
segunda-feira, abril 26, 2010
Para reflexão
Por que o desemprego não é prioritário
domingo, abril 25, 2010
Para reflexão
Há marca e gente de carne e osso ou só funcionários?
- falou da importância de ter uma marca, para distinguir produto de commodity; e
- sobretudo, não se concentrou em salvar o passado, falou das oportunidades que se podem abrir para novas aplicações.
sábado, abril 24, 2010
O que é a proposta de valor!
"When, late in the 20th century, the globalization tipping point happened, enabling supply to approach and exceed demand, and when Japanese goods were enthusiastically being snapped up, Western companies at long last recognized the imperative to produce quality goods. But even then, it took a while for many companies to understand that quality has to be built in to products and services, rather than being ‘inspected in’.
In the mid- to late 20th century, companies often tried to identify for their products and services a unique selling proposition, or USP.
This was, as the term suggests, something that made a product or service ‘special’, something that could be thrown into a sales situation as a clincher to get the deal. Bizarrely, however, USPs often were not directly related to value and, sometimes, not even directly related to the product or service."
"Next, ‘features and benefits’ emerged as an advance on USPs. In fact, the formula evolved to ‘features–advantages–benefits’, which gave the handy acronym FAB. In countless workshops in the 1970s and 1980s delegates learned that features were connected to advantages, and advantages to benefits, ....
You get the idea? Fab! There was often no great effort to prove the claims, and the idea at the time was to create as long a list as possible.
More, so the thinking went, was better.
Then, the truth dawned… a feature is not a benefit unless it is a solution to a need. This was perhaps the moment that the concept of the value proposition was born. Even then, it took time to get to today’s understanding of the term.
The first post-FAB differentiating technique compared a product or service with its competitor(s) by listing points of parity (POP) and points of difference (POD). This had the virtue of at least acknowledging competitive offerings. POP–POD analyses, however, were not necessarily discriminating in relation to a particular customer’s need or situation.
The time for the value proposition had arrived.
However, no sooner had value proposition entered the business lexicon than it started to be misapplied. It became used as an alternative for USPs, features, benefits, POPs and PODs."
"And let’s make it clear from the outset that a value proposition is not what you do. It is the value experience that you deliver."
sexta-feira, abril 23, 2010
Auditorias internas que acrescentam valor (parte X)
Uma visão sensata
- Desde Mourinho e Heiddeger "O nosso Eu em construção, em função do futuro que desenhamos e visualizamos" (“o futuro é o que importa”. O futuro é a base do significado, é de onde vem o projecto que alguém tem para si próprio.”)
- Desde Ortega y Gasset "O meu presente não existe senão graças ao meu futuro" (“O meu presente não existe senão graças ao meu futuro, sob a pressão do meu futuro. Pois bem, isto significa que neste agora do tempo que um relógio mede eu sou de cada vez o meu futuro e o meu presente”
“Digo, pois, que eu agora sou conjuntamente futuro e presente. Esse meu futuro exerce pressão sobre o agora e dessa pressão sobre a circunstância brota a minha vida presente”) - Desde Stephen Covey "Fazer a mudança acontecer (parte III)" ("Begin with the end in mind is to begin today with the image, picture, or paradigm of the end of your life as your frame of reference or the criterion by which everything else is examined. Each part of your life - today's behavior, tomorrow's behavior, next week's behavior, next month's behavior - can be examined in the context of the whole, of what really matters most to you. By keeping that end clearly in mind, you can make certain that whatever you do on any particular day does not violate the criteria you have defined as supremely important, and that each day of your life contributes in a meaningful way to the vision you have of your life as a whole.
To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. ) - "Fazer uma Excursão até ao futuro imaginado"
- "Começar pelo fim"
Há sempre uma solução
quinta-feira, abril 22, 2010
The Day of Reckoning is near
""Estamos a ser alvo de um ataque especulativo mas a culpa é nossa"" (Discordo de Silva Lopes, as comissões de inquérito são boas, mantêm os políticos entretidos e, por isso, evita-se que se entretenham a fazer mais leis que enterram mais os portugueses e os criadores de riqueza que vão sobrando)