"Successful commodity marketers must start by recognizing that no market is truly homogeneous.Primeiro: quem são os clientes-alvo?
Gold Standard Customers - These are the customers whose concerns exceed a narrow fixation with rock-bottom price. They will pay a premium for offerings that deliver true value in terms of process enhancements, cost reduction or benefits to end-users. They typically represent a small portion, anywhere from 5 to 25 percent, of the total market.
Potentials - A larger segment of the market, generally ranging from 30 to 45 percent, places a higher emphasis on pure price, but is occasionally willing to entertain the notion of selective relationships involving certain products or services. Customers in this segment have some degree of interest in partnering, although they shy away from long-term commitments.
Incorrigibles - No matter what you do, these customers are not going to love you. You can rent their affection, but only until your money runs out. These are not strategic thinkers. They are tightly focused on a single goal: making the best possible deal on the transaction at hand.
These are the pure price buyers, who treat suppliers as the enemy and focus exclusively on current delivered price. They will switch suppliers with lightning speed for even the slightest price differential. Not only is it often a waste of time to market to these bottomfeeders, it is sometimes not even worth the trouble of having them as customers; their greatest use is often as gifts to competitors.
Unfortunately, the Incorrigibles constitute half the market, or more, in some commodity businesses. They are so prevalent that no supplier can seriously think about "firing" all of them."
Faz sentido, tem utilidade sondar a satisfação de clientes que não são os clientes-alvo?
E se faz sentido sondar a satisfação de clientes que não são os clientes-alvo, não fará sentido fazer um outro tipo de sondagem, focada em outras preocupações?
Como é na sua empresa?
Trechos retirados de "How to Brand Sand"