quinta-feira, novembro 19, 2015


Vivemos tempos interessantes.
Ainda ontem me debruçava sobre uma análise PESTEL  de uma PME e todos comentávamos como o mundo mudou, cá e lá fora, nos últimos 12 meses.
Até que ponto os acontecimentos da última sexta-feira virão acrescentar mais alterações permanentes? E como afectarão a vida das PME exportadoras?
"Hungary has fenced off its border with Serbia and Croatia, while Slovenia started building a fence with Croatia earlier this month. Border crossings are taking as long as 90 minutes between those countries while the transport of livestock was halted entirely for several days in October.
Austria and Germany are particularly affected, with German companies seeing a 10 per cent increase in delivery prices, Cips said."
Trechos retirados de "Global supply chains hit by terror threats and flows of migrants"

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