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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta desenhar cenários. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, junho 18, 2017

Cenários e estratégia (parte VII)

Parte Iparte IIparte III,  parte IVparte V e parte VI.

"it is important to distinguish between immediate actors one does business with (located in the smaller brown oval) and the diverse factors in the larger contextual environment. The contextual factors are beyond the influence of the organization.Scenario planning is about exploring how larger contextual factors might affect an organization. Scenarios are developed by combining contextual factors (particularly ones that are less well-known and more uncertain). Each scenario will be based on a unique combination of contextual factors."
 Trechos e imagem retirada de "Using Scenario Planning to Reshape Strategy"

sábado, junho 17, 2017

Cenários e estratégia (parte VI)

Parte Iparte IIparte III,  parte IV e parte V.

"Rather than trying to predict the future, organizations need to strengthen their abilities to cope with uncertainty.
Rather than tying their company’s future to a strategy geared to a single set of events, many senior executives are coming to the view that smart management benefits from a richer understanding of the present possibilities afforded from multiple views about possible futures.
 the Oxford scenario planning approach is based on plausibility. By recognizing the part of uncertainty that is unpredictable and by actively exploring the sources of the turbulence and uncertainty, the goal is to iteratively and interactively generate new knowledge and insights to help organizations reperceive their circumstances.
During periods of turbulence, unpredictable uncertainty, novelty, and ambiguity (what the Oxford scenario planning approach refers to as TUNA conditions), organizations frequently experience serious challenges that threaten existing value chains, communities, and even whole fields of endeavor. Such conditions can be unsettling and destabilizing on many different levels. But they also present opportunities for organizations to reframe their strategies and innovate.
A core feature in the Oxford approach is making a distinction between the immediate business environment an organization inhabits (where business transactions take place) and the broader environment, or context, in which it operates. In principle, our approach focuses on two layers. The first layer is the immediate business environment and includes a company’s suppliers, customers, competitors, partners, and other stakeholders. The second layer is made up of all the factors that are beyond the organization’s direct influence. Scenario planning is about exploring how the second layer might transform the first layer."

Trechos retirados de "Using Scenario Planning to Reshape Strategy"

sexta-feira, junho 16, 2017

Cenários e estratégia (parte V)

Parte Iparte IIparte III e parte IV,

"First, making strategy is not about accurate forecasting. You must consider the multiple interpretations of present concerns and historical trajectories that help to constitute  those forecasts.
Second, achieving an innovative future is not about forgetting the past. Some people have suggested that new strategies require strategic “forgetting,” so that organizations are not anchored in old ways of doing things.
Constructing new narratives is a way to achieve change while at the same time showing how the new strategy achieves some form of continuity with a (reimagined) past. In other words, history matters — but not in the way you might think. The past is not a singular guide to the future. In fact, it is the multiplicity and ambiguity of experiences of the past that enable the different interpretations that can generate innovative alternatives.
Third, strategy making is not about getting the “right” narrative. It’s about getting a narrative that is good enough for now, so that the organization can move forward and take action in uncertain times. This recognizes that strategy will in some ways always be evolving and “emergent.” Our view of strategy making suggests that the narratives that managers construct will shape the direction of future actions, just as those actions, in turn, will lead to further reconfiguring of the company’s strategic narratives over time.
Fourth, breakdowns in the strategy-making process are not failures but rather opportunities for learning and for reconfiguring the strategic narrative.
A model of strategy making that focuses on strategic narratives provides insights into a long-standing puzzle about the sources of competitive advantage: Is company performance mainly derived from luck or managerial foresight? Evidence from our field study suggests that both past legacies and future projections shape future outcomes."

quinta-feira, junho 15, 2017

Cenários e estratégia (parte IV)

Parte Iparte II e parte III.

"The past, present and future were thus all interpreted and reinterpreted in the CommCorp strategy-making process, and these interpretations were multiple, interdependent — and sometimes conflicting.
New visions of the future also triggered reconsiderations of current concerns.
The more the participants reconsidered present concerns, the greater the tensions that arose. However, it was through such interactions that new connections were built among the past, present and future.
A particular view of the future shaped and was shaped by certain understandings of history and present priorities. Envisioning new futures provoked reassessments of the past and present, just as new understandings of current concerns triggered new imaginings of the future and alternative versions of history. Negotiating these interpretive differences proved to be central to strategy making in practice"
Fundamental esta experiência repetida de sondar, criar uma narrativa e pôr a empresa em cheque, testar mentalmente como será viver no futuro hipotético e como será a preparação para esse futuro.


"Beyond Forecasting: Creating New Strategic Narratives"

quarta-feira, junho 14, 2017

Cenários e estratégia (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

Parece de propósito! O que incluí na Parte I, o receio de que o reshoring já esteja a ser mais por causa do preço do que outra coisa, e isto que acabo de encontrar:
"A new study finds that hourly wages in China’s manufacturing sector are now higher than those in every Latin American country other than Chile and are nearing the level found in some of the Eurozone’s lower-income countries such as Portugal and Greece. [Moi ici: O bloco de países de Leste referido na apresentação da Parte I não está incluído na zona euro] This is a sea change from just a decade ago, when China’s wages were among the lowest in the world. It means that living standards in China have risen substantially. It also means that China’s competitive advantage no longer stems simply from low labor costs."

Trecho retirado de "China: Changing drivers for competitiveness Global Economic Outlook, Q2 2017"

Esta fonte ainda vai servir para mais um episódio de "I rest my case: competitividade e CUT"

terça-feira, março 21, 2017

"imagining a preferred future and then stepping backward toward the present"

Trechos que parecem retirados deste blogue:
"We’ve been trained to think of the future as a linear extension of what we know, typically imagining change as a 10 percent improvement (or decline) from what we see around us.
Technological, environmental and political changes will likely disrupt your business. How can you prepare for a different, even unimaginable world that will arrive faster than projected?
Once you’ve identified your preferred future, you can start to identify key activities and milestones that would help create that future.
Backcasting is the act of imagining a preferred future and then stepping backward toward the present, repeatedly probing what has to happen to enable each step.
Backcasting is anchored in an aspirational future state rather than being constrained by limitations of the current state. This allows people to create their own richly detailed stories of the future and leads naturally to the discussion: “How can our product/service do that?”"
Trechos retirados de "How Leaders Dream Boldly to Bring New Futures to Life"

Recordar temas como "Começar pelo fim" ou "Mais uma vez e sempre: Começar pelo fim!!!" ou "future-back" approach to strategy" ou "Transformar uma empresa em 3 passos"

quarta-feira, janeiro 18, 2017

"An if/when-then plan "

Aplicar o texto que se segue para empresas, para a definição de objectivos. Ou melhor ainda, para a definição de acções a tomar quando certos eventos ocorrem e indicam que certo cenário vai desenrolar-se:
"The recognition that pre-suasive associations are manufacturable can lead us to much personal profit, even if we are not savvy advertising copywriters or renowned Russian scientists [Pavlov]. From time to time we all set objectives for ourselves, targets to hit, standards to meet and exceed. But too often, our hopes go unrealized as we fail to reach the goals. There’s a well-studied reason for the difficulty: although generating an intention is important, that process alone isn’t enough to get us to take all the steps necessary to achieve a goal. Within health, for instance, we translate our good intentions into any type of active step only about half the time. The disappointing success rates have been traced to a pair of failings. First, besides sometimes forgetting about an intention—let’s say, to exercise more—we frequently don’t recognize opportune moments or circumstances for healthy behaviors, such as taking the stairs rather than the elevator. Second, we are often derailed from goal strivings by factors —such as especially busy days—that distract us from our purpose. Fortunately, there is a category of strategic self-statements that can overcome these problems pre-suasively. The statements have various names in scholarly usage, but I’m going to call them if/when-then plans. They are designed to help us achieve a goal by readying us (1) to register certain cues in settings where we can further our goal, and (2) to take an appropriate action spurred by the cues and consistent with the goal. Let’s say that we aim to lose weight. An if/when-then plan might be “If/when, after my business lunches, the server asks if I’d like to have dessert, then I will order mint tea.”
Additionally impressive is the extent to which if/when-then plans are superior to simple intention statements or action plans such as “I intend to lose five pounds this month” or “I plan to lose weight by cutting down on sweets.” Merely stating an intention to reach a goal or even forming an ordinary action plan is considerably less likely to succeed. There are good reasons for the superiority of if/when-then plans: the specific sequencing of elements within the plans can help us defeat the traditional enemies of goal achievement. The “if/when-then” wording is designed to put us on high alert for a particular time or circumstance when a productive action could be performed. We become prepared, first, to notice the favorable time or circumstance and, second, to associate it automatically and directly with desired conduct. Noteworthy is the self-tailored nature of this pre-suasive process. We get to install in ourselves heightened vigilance for certain cues that we have targeted previously, and we get to employ a strong association that we have constructed previously between those cues and a beneficial step toward our goal."

Trechos retirados de "Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade"

quarta-feira, janeiro 04, 2017

Tendências que estão a mudar o mundo da moda

Em "No More Athleisure, Brick And Mortar, Made in China? How Fashion Will Change In 2017" algumas notas sobre as tendências que estão a mudar o mundo da moda. Saliento a decadência das marcas do passado e a ascensão de novas marcas nascidas no online.
"These companies are offering something different from the flashy designers of yesterday: the insight into their supply chain and sometimes even a breakdown of their sales margins, providing the customer with a better understanding of the quality they're getting for their money.
Over the next year, we'll see how these online brands continue to transform the fashion landscape. We'll see big shifts in brick and mortar stores, fashion supply chains, the athleisure trend, and the idea of value.
1. Brick And Mortar Makes A Comeback [Moi ici: Atenção! Estas lojas físicas não são as tradicionais lojas físicas que tentam subornar os clientes com descontos]
"Brands are thinking about what the internet cannot give you,"
the one thing the internet does not provide is human contact. She predicts that in 2017, customers will increasingly visit stores to get curated experiences from shop representatives. For brands to meet this demand, they need to have well-trained staff who understand products inside and out and can offer personalized advice.
We will also see a rise in experiential retail, ... To encourage consumers to spend time in their stores browsing their products, brands will get more creative, adding amenities like bars, coffee shops, and yoga classes. In other words, stores will become more like entertainment spots for people who share similar lifestyles and interests to spend time together. "There will be an emphasis on physical brand experiences that will enable consumers to engage with not just product, but brand ethos and community," she says. "The main objective of this kind of blending will be brand awareness, but the scope and reach will be much more than what’s been traditional. These experiences will be leveraging what is happening with social and taking it offline."
3. Value Matters More Than LabelsCustomers are smart and want to know what they are paying for.
[Moi ici: E relacionado com o reshoring, com a flexibilidade, rapidez e pequenas séries] Gallardo believes that over the next year, companies that build their business model on making large wholesale margins will struggle to compete with this new flock of brands. Consumers are also losing interest in big discounts since they often come paired with lower-quality products. Gallardo says that brands struggling to survive in this shifting landscape—including J.Crew and the Gap Brands—will need to rethink their entire supply chain so they are making high-quality products with the best materials, then selling them at the best possible prices. This means not only being "direct-to-consumer" but also "direct-to-supplier.
4. Made In AmericaMore production is returning home.
The majority of U.S. fashion brands have moved production to Asia, where labor costs are lower. But there's been a shift in recent years as a wave of startups have chosen to make products in U.S. factories because it allows them to better monitor quality and take advantage of the most recent manufacturing technology.
More and more brands are focusing on smaller, more timeless product lines," he says. "We're not trying to make the cheapest white T-shirt, but the most well-constructed, best-fitting, softest T-shirt, at the absolute best price.""

terça-feira, janeiro 03, 2017

Não perca tempo

Já aqui escrevi, mais do que uma vez, que os líderes de uma associação sectorial ou empresarial devem idealmente vir da vanguarda do pensamento estratégico.

Colocar e manter mentes demasiado agarradas ao passado, demasiado confiantes no direito adquirido ao queijo  garantido, em posições de chefia tem tendência a resultar em erro.

Considerando o tema de Pre-suasion, por exemplo aqui e aqui:
"frequently the factor most likely to determine a person’s choice in a situation is not the one that counsels most wisely there; it is one that has been elevated in attention (and, thereby, in privilege) at the time of the decision"
Se quem ocupa uma posição de liderança vê a mudança como uma ameaça, vê um futuro com mais nuvens negras do que oportunidades, então, o mais provável é que todo o sector assuma esse posicionamento e se refugie no papel de vítima, de coitadinho que tem de depender de outros para sobreviver.

Esses "líderes" presos ao passado, quando o mundo muda ficam perdidos e como que esperam ser socorridos. Líderes (sem aspas) virados para o futuro acham-se a si mesmos, encontram um novo lar nesse novo futuro.

Numa pesquisa que fiz aqui no blogue fui parar por acaso, não há acasos todas as coincidências são significativas, a um postal de Julho de 2006 intitulado "O futuro para o têxtil português" onde se podia ler:
""In a fast-paced environment where time-to-market and short-cycle production are powerful levers of competitive advantage, proximity has taken on much greater significance in all but "fashion" items, where once-a-season orders still prevail.
The keys to success in an age of product proliferation, the authors found, are no longer economies of scale and cheap labor but an up-to-the-minute knowledge of what sells and what doesn't, flexible manufacturing capabilities that can respond appropriately to demand, lean rather than fat and costly inventories, and the rapid replenishment of stock."
Agora pensem nos anos que o sector têxtil perdeu em Portugal porque em vez de olhar para o futuro pelo lado das oportunidades, em vez de divulgar esse futuro possível, em vez de comunicar os exemplos de sucesso, gastou demasiado tempo a defender o passado, a esperar que tudo voltasse à "normalidade".

Este blogue ganhou vida própria entretanto mas quando começou a ser escrito com regularidade tinha como objectivo ser um prolongamento da minha memória. E ter memória ás vezes é um castigo dos deuses:

Agora imagine que a sua empresa têxtil tinha recorrido aos serviços deste consultor anónimo da província e que tinha feito um gerador de cenários e tinha formulado uma estratégia de trajectória para vir encontrar-se com um futuro mais risonho à custa da batota, comandando em vez de ser comandada, apostando na proximidade, na rapidez, na flexibilidade muito antes dos outros.

Se tiver tempo leia mesmo este postal de ontem "Isto está tudo ligado (parte II)". Consegue sentir como eu o arrepio de descobrir o quão facilmente podemos ser enganados por nós próprios?

E mais uma vez aquela descoberta: sentado num banco no interior do Amoreiras, ao princípio de uma noite de 1998, enquanto aguardava pela minha colega Dores para jantarmos, lia Stephen Covey em “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”:
"Não é o que acontece que conta, é o que nós decidimos fazer com o que nos acontece."
E aquela outra mais recente mas igualmente bela proporcionada por Gonzales:
"É como se a nossa economia fosse um conjunto de pessoas que viajava de avião. O avião despenhou-se e, agora, as pessoas encontram-se numa floresta tropical cheia de perigos e riscos. Há uns que querem aventurar-se e procurar a salvação atravessando a floresta, há outros que querem permanecer junto ao avião esperando que ele volte novamente a levantar vôo, há outros que gritam por ajuda e esperam um milagre. O que aprendi com Gonzales, e chocou com o que ouvi de Lobo Xavier, é que os que decidem aventurar-se e procurar a salvação, enfrentando o desconhecido, ao fazerem essa viagem, acabam por se transformarem a eles próprios e o mais interessante é que quando chegam à "civilização", ou quando são encontrados, já não estão perdidos, já se encontraram, já se adaptaram a uma nova realidade." 
Não perca tempo com líderes que fazem do seu sector um coitadinho, procure gente com o locus de controlo no interior.

BTW, se precisar de apoio estamos por aqui.

quinta-feira, novembro 17, 2016

O que vai fazer?

"It seems reasonable to use these intentions as a basis for forecasting the impact on taxes, trade, demand, employment, and mobility of labor.
One thing we can say with confidence is that uncertainty will remain high for some time in politics, macroeconomics, and business, at both global and national levels. We can also assume that precise point forecasts are likely to be wrong. Likewise, we know that whatever our historical assumptions have been, many are likely to change as technology advances. And the impacts of policies will be highly specific in nature, degree, and speed for each industry and company.
The capabilities of adaptation, shaping the business environment, and ambidexterity (the ability to apply different and potentially conflicting approaches to strategy, as described above, in different parts of the business) are typically under-developed in large established companies and will likely become more important. This is necessarily so, since winning in uncertainty requires more than defensive moves, and every company will need to both run and reinvent the business.
Companies need to detect, interpret, and translate patterns in politics and macroeconomics for business implications. We are living in an era where macro effects can easily swamp competitive and operational considerations. For example, the presence or absence of a trade deal or an interest rate cut can potentially have a bigger impact than reducing cost or increasing marketing."
O que é que uma PME pode fazer, deve fazer, para navegar nesta situação?
Desenhar cenários, imaginar futuros possíveis, futurizar e preparar estratégias menos vulneráveis.

Trechos retirados de "The World Just Got More Uncertain and Your Strategy Needs to Adjust"

terça-feira, setembro 20, 2016

Matéria-prima para cenários

Dois textos que permitem perceber como o proteccionismo se está a entranhar nos Estados Unidos.

Não deixa de ser sintomático. Quando países como Portugal e a Itália foram atirados para a arena e sofreram o choque do confronto directo com as Chinas deste mundo os gringos não viram razão para se preocupar.
Quando as PME portuguesas foram ao tapete abalroadas pelas Chinas os gringos não viram razão para se preocupar.
Agora que as PME portuguesas aprenderam a dar a volta ao factor China é que os gringos se mostram preocupados...
E estão preocupados porque os líderes do pensamento gringo ainda estão com o modelo mental do Fórum para a Competitividade e, agora que se começa a ver o reshoring continuam a querer ganhar o mesmo mantendo a mesma estratégia tornada obsoleta.
Muito cuidado com o peso dos gringos, podem ser como um governo português para quem opera no sector não-transaccionável, game-changers para pior.

segunda-feira, julho 18, 2016

E se acontecer uma quarta vinda do FMI ...

"In my view, the future is built out of three pieces. It’s what comes from the past—existing trends and established commitments. It’s what comes from the future—new business models, new technologies, or new value systems. And it’s the decisions we make today.
Whether it’s a country, a business, or an individual looking at family and career, foresight is a means to be adaptable and robust in the face of scenarios that might knock you off a path to success. [Moi ici: Fragilista é acreditar que os astros se vão alinhar para nos servir. Treta da grande!] And it’s a means to identify new models that might be opportunities to deliver new value.
It’s also very important that the process is neutral, in the sense that you need to be able to look at all possible scenarios, whether you like them or not. A neutral, independent platform, process, and research effort is extremely important for putting issues on the table that, sometimes, people have difficulties talking about because their implications might be scary or uncomfortable.
You need to open people up enough that they can be comfortable with the uncomfortable. They have to learn to make decisions under uncertainty."
E se acontecer uma quarta vinda do FMI, a sua empresa vai estar preparada?

Trechos retirados de "How Do You Plan for Uncertainty?"

domingo, julho 10, 2016

O poder crescente das mulheres

Um dos vectores que o "Footwear Consumer 2030" usa para fazer previsões para o ano 2030 no mundo calçado é:

  • "o poder crescente das mulheres (mais educação, mais emprego e mais poder de compra)". Recordar "Calçado e previsões"
Por isso, talvez esta movimentação "Adidas Makes A Play For Women" faça todo o sentido:
"This year, in a stark change of strategy, Adidas released a series of videos that offer a glimpse into the lives of sporty female celebrities. ...The company's biggest sport stars were almost always male. But these days, it's making a concerted effort to reach female consumers, and the company's branding strategists have determined that women respond to a different message. Rather than portraying women focused on a single sport, they believe female consumers will respond to images of women who incorporate their athletic pursuits into a busy lifestyle....sports participation among high school girls has jumped from 17% to 35% in the last 35 years, which has cultivated a generation of women who want to incorporate fitness into their everyday life. This has driven the so-called "athleisure" trend: Activewear has moved out of the gym, with women wearing stylish yoga leggings and sweatpants to brunch and even the office....And yet, during the very same period that people were filling their closets with more sneakers and running pants than ever, Adidas sales have been in decline. The company saw a 38% drop in its share price from 2014 to 2015, with sales plummeting by the same percentage. Adidas has also been losing market share: For decades, it was the second largest sportswear company in the world after Nike, but in 2014, Under Armour overtook it, pushing it into third place. As of last year, Nike owned 45.2% of the sports footwear market and 27.8% of the sports apparel market, while Adidas owned 5.5% and 4.5% of those categories respectively..So now, Adidas is playing catchup. One part of the company's current five-year plan, according to Stewart, is to build a brand that will appeal to the woman currently buying athleisure clothing—a customer that Adidas describes as the versatile female athlete."

quarta-feira, junho 29, 2016

Calçado e previsões (parte II)

Parte I.
No documento "Footwear Consumer 2030", acerca do couro podemos ler:

  • "An increase in leather demand from other sectors is pushing prices up"
  • "Change in the produt mix, with leather potentially becoming a niche oriented product"
  • "Higher leather prices will allow new materials to emerge, such as plastics and synthetics"
  • "Social norms will be effective wheels of change"
  • "Leather vs Synthetic. Which are greener?"
Entretanto, mais um bilião de pessoas chegarão ao mercado de trabalho, sobretudo nos países emergentes, sobretudo mulheres, com mais poder de compra e com mais atenção à moda.
Entretanto, sábado passado cheguei a este site e a esta cultura que desconhecia por completo.
Não admira que surja, ou venha a surgir, esta possibilidade "Real Leather Grown In A Lab Is Moving Closer To Your Closet".

quinta-feira, junho 09, 2016

Esqueça a política!

"Vivemos hoje em Portugal uma das situações mais terríveis e perturbadoras da humanidade: a lenta gestação de uma catástrofe. No futuro, quando olharem para o nosso tempo, as pessoas terão muita dificuldade em entender a apatia nacional que conduziu ao colapso de 2017-2018. Nessa altura muitos perguntarão como foi possível tal cegueira, ignorando os verdadeiros problemas, até se cair na ruína?"
Esqueça a política e concentre-se na sua empresa!
Admita que o autor do texto tem razão.
Como se pode preparar para fazer face ao cenário do tempo novo que aí virá?
Como pode fazer desse tempo novo uma oportunidade?
Como vai resistir a esse tempo novo e às dificuldades que ele acarretará?

Trecho retirado de "Até agora, tudo bem"

Calçado e previsões

Através de um empresário o sector cheguei ao "Footwear Consumer 2030" onde 7 tendências são identificadas:
  • importância crescente do consumo nos mercados emergentes;
  • envelhecimento da população um pouco por todo o lado;
  • o poder crescente das mulheres (mais educação, mais emprego e mais poder de compra);
  • concentração urbana;
  • a ascensão do online;
  • custo do couro;
  • sustentabilidade ambiental.
Com base no texto fiz um esquema:
  • os OK - sinalizam conclusões que estão de acordo com o meu modelo mental;
  • os (+) - sinalizam conclusões que não considerávamos importantes e que podem realmente ter importância;
  • os (-) - sinalizam conclusões com as quais discordamos.
Um dos vectores apontado pelas conclusões é a importância crescente da moda, do design, do estilo, no acto de compra.
Por que é que uma empresa que cria calçado não há-de aproveitar este vector para reforçar a sua oferta com adereços em sintonia? 
Fará sentido copiar a Apple? A colecção é a plataforma. 
Designer independente, em vez de criar app cria conjunto de adereços de moda relacionados com a colecção de calçado. 
Empresa de calçado apresenta conjuntos sapatos+adereços nas feiras e lojas online.
Quais os riscos associados a cada uma das partes neste modelo?
Será que deve ser a empresa de calçado a liderar este modelo ou a loja (digital ou física)? No caso da loja, a plataforma passaria a ser a loja.

quarta-feira, maio 11, 2016

"is on the making"

Uma leitura que me fez recuar a estudos de 2007 sobre a utilidade de desenhar cenários acerca do futuro das empresas:
"The idea behind Scenario Planning is to examine the drivers that will impact the organization in the future and, based on those drivers, create several plausible scenarios related to the decision at hand. For each of those scenarios, the organization then formulates a story that explains the scenario, and that can be used to determine how the company would like to see itself in that scenario.
Scenarios are not about predicting the future, rather they are about perceiving futures in the present.” As they look to the future, however, they give decision-makers high-resolution images of what that future might look like, rather than the single weighted metric often used in investment planning. Scenarios are not just about making better decisions in the present instant.
Scenario Planning practitioners try to find leading indicators for each scenario. As Schwartz explains, “It is important to know as soon as possible which of several scenarios is closest to the course of history as it actually unfolds.” In other words, Scenario Planning increases our agility because it keeps all scenarios alive as possibilities, and it trains us to recognize which scenario is occurring and to react accordingly. “Using scenarios,” Schwartz says, “is rehearsing the future. You run through the simulated events as if you were already living them. You train yourself to recognize which drama is unfolding. That helps you avoid unpleasant surprises and know how to act.”"
Ao ler isto como não pensar na situação do país... os drivers todos os dias vão pintando um cenário cada vez mais negro e, no entanto, quem de direito continua a contar uma estória da carochinha e recusa agir em conformidade.
Se a isto associarmos o aumento da despesa no Estado, não é difícil prever que algo de doloroso "is on the making". No entanto, media, maioria, governo e presidente continuam a embalar-nos com contos de fadas.

Trechos retirados de "The Art of Business Value", de Mark Schwartz.