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quinta-feira, novembro 22, 2018

Project Based Organisation

Mongo também passa por isto:
"The number and importance of projects are increasing steadily. Projects are being used to deliver innovative products and services, to perform change and transformation and – in general – get things done in organisations.
A project based organisation (PBO) is ... one in which the project is the primary unit for performing certain tasks.
Processes in a PBO are organised from the client to the client, a value stream of activities, orchestrated by a project manager, using agile or traditional methods, tools and techniques. The culture of a PBO is clearly project-friendly, client-centric and oriented towards “doing the right things right”, which means combining effectiveness and efficiency.
A PBO may comprise several firms, for example a project consortium or network organisation, and thus is temporarily organised, flexible and adaptable to the specific circumstances of the project, its context and partners.
The more we see a change from products to services, from mass production to individualisation, from single organisations performing projects to a co-creative network of partners, the more we´ll see PBO as a role model. So PBOs are a trend which will change the way of organising, and the transformation of many organisations prove that this process is already taking place. We need to see this from an economic perspective, identify the drivers for this change and the impact it may have for traditional organisations."
Trechos retirados de "Will project-based organisations be the new normal?"

domingo, novembro 11, 2018

“Globalization is becoming regionalization, and regionalization is becoming intra-national,”

A propósito de "More Factories Crop Up Closer to Customers":
"The largest share of manufacturers in at least a decade is spending to expand facilities, as companies look to build plants closer to their customers to offset record-high trucking costs and seek out pockets of available workers in a tight labor market.
Twelve percent of U.S. manufacturers that invested in added capacity at domestic factories in the second quarter did so through building expansions, according to the Census Bureau, the highest proportion in the decade that metric has been released. Manufacturing construction spending hit a 16-month high in September, according to the Census Bureau. Executives are making some of those investments in new factories to alleviate rising transport bills and supply-chain bottlenecks.
as the company seeks to make its products as close to customers as possible to speed up delivery times and cut logistics costs.
Companies building plants nearer to customers say the investment costs can be made up in faster turnaround times and increased orders.
Some companies also are trying to source more parts locally to mitigate the impact of U.S. tariffs on some foreign goods, said executives at Flex Ltd., which makes and ships products—including shoes and personal electronics— for other companies.
Globalization is becoming regionalization, and regionalization is becoming intra-national,” said Tom Linton, Flex’s supply-chain officer.""
A mim ninguém me tira a ideia de que Mongo tem um dedo importante nesta evolução: proximidade, rapidez, flexibilidade, interacção, co-criação

terça-feira, novembro 06, 2018

Algo para fermentar

Volta e meia repito uma frase que aprendi em São João da Madeira:
"O boi cresce mais com o olhar do dono do que com a erva do pasto"
Ainda ontem de manhã, em Felgueiras, a usei para resumir o que me estavam a contar. Fui com um controlador da qualidade de calçado visitar várias pequenas empresas que trabalham como costuras subcontratadas. Contou-me como em algumas costuras, a patroa olha para um modelo e visualiza logo a sequência de trabalho, alterando o posicionamento das máquinas para minimizar operações e tempos sem acrescento de valor.

No dia anterior tinha lido mais uma porção de "Reinventing Organizations: An Illustrated Invitation to Join the Conversation on Next-Stage Organizations" de Frederic Laloux:
"Self-management has proven itself in many industries. There are, for instance, a number of very successful factories that operate in this way. One of them is FAVI, a five hundred-person brass foundry in the north of France that produces gearbox forks for the automotive industry, among others."
Estas pequenas unidades não têm nada a ver com o conceito de "self-management", mas é interessante como conseguem que muitas decisões cheguem mais próximo da trabalhadora da linha do que na produção de uma empresa de maior dimensão.

Entretanto, encontrei esta reflexão, "We need to shift our focus from competencies to agency":
"In mass-production, work corresponds mainly with what has been planned and budgeted. But today, knowledge work is understood as creative work we do in interaction. Unlike the repetitive business processes we know so well, where inputs are acted on in some predictable, structured way and converted into outputs, the inputs and outputs of knowledge work are problem definitions and exploration for solutions. Even more, there are no predetermined task sequences that, if executed, would guarantee success.
Due to the variety of contexts people link to and work in, work requires interpretation, exploration and negotiation, work requires a new kind agency. What defines most problems today is that they are not isolated and independent. To solve them, a person has to think not only about what she believes the right answer is, but also about what other people think the right answers might be. Work, then, is exploration both what comes to defining the problems and finding the solutions.
The industrial make-and-sell model required categorical skills, as we still know them. The decisive thing was your individual knowledge and individual education. Today, in new creative spaces you work more from your presence and network than your explicit skills. Agency is more important than education.
The most important reason why we need a new concept of agency insted of competences is because the workers and their contributions in the post-industrial world are contextual and, at best, too diverse to rank. They are, and should be, too qualitatively different to compare quantitatively.
Instead of talking about generic competences we need to focus on continuously developing agency."
Decididamente algo para fermentar.

segunda-feira, outubro 29, 2018

A abominação da eficiência - o anti-Mongo (parte II)

Parte II.

Qual a reacção ao eficientismo? O toque humano, a co-criação, a proximidade, a interacção, ...

Voltemos ao livro "Reinventing Organizations: An Illustrated Invitation to Join the Conversation on Next-Stage Organizations" e à continuação do tema da mega-enfermagem:
"Jos had been working as a nurse for ten years and experienced firsthand the changes forced onto his profession. Disgusted, he quit his job and created Buurtzorg. It would operate entirely differently. Quickly, he found that a self-organizing team of ten to twelve nurses with no manager and no team leader was perfect to provide great care—and a great work place.
With a whole different perspective on health care Care, at its best, is a small miracle that happens, or not, in the relationship of a patient and a nurse. That miracle never shows up when a mechanical perspective is applied to care. The best care will happen, de Blok is convinced, when nurses are seen as professionals, when they are trusted. Give them freedom, and they will offer truly great care.
Patients and nurses love Buurtzorg so much that nurses have been deserting traditional nursing companies in droves. Every month, Buurtzorg receives hundreds of applications from nurses wanting to jump ship. Buurtzorg now employs more than nine thousand nurses, or two-thirds of all neighborhood nurses in the Netherlands! The nine thousand nurses all work in small teams of ten to twelve nurses, without a leader in the team and with no manager above them. No one times the nurses’ interventions with patients. The whole nine thousand-strong company is managed with a headquarters of just twenty-eight people."
E a cereja no topo do bolo:

Mandando a eficiência às malvas, têm-se melhores resultados com os clientes, com os trabalhadores e com menos custos para o pagador.

Por momentos lembrei-me de reunião com um grupo de empresários, em que quiseram que eu demonstrasse que um euro a mais no preço unitário era melhor que um euro a menos nos custos unitários: a receita para a loucura do eficientismo é o Evangelho do Valor.

segunda-feira, outubro 22, 2018

Mongo e o emprego

O que digo aqui sobre Mongo e o emprego?
  • O fim do emprego modelado pelo século XX e elevado à categoria de modelo único e eterno.
  • A ascensão dos artesãos
  • A perda de valor no mercado dos cursos superiores porque já não haverá CV para apresentar, só um portfólio de projectos em que se participou
"A report by Altagamma, the Italian luxury goods association, estimated that some 50,000 people working in the luxury goods industry in Italy are close to retirement and that it will be a struggle to find qualified personnel to fill those jobs.
The problem is, recent generations of Italian youth have increasingly shied away from traditional handwork, opting instead for seemingly more contemporary sectors like engineering, and cooking."
Recordar as preocupações com a automação... Mongo é sobre um mercado cada vez mais heterogéneo. Por isso, faz cada vez mais sentido fugir da produção em massa, e apostar na proximidade para fazer batota com a interacção e a co-criação. Assim, os robôs deixam de ser problema, porque tem de existir o criativo que interage com o cliente.

Em Mongo o futuro passará pela arte, pela criatividade, e longe do vómito.

domingo, outubro 14, 2018

Proximidade, interacção e co-criação

"As demands for higher value and creativity are the norm today and the complexity of offerings has grown, we have begun to see that the division of labor has reached its point of diminishing returns. What managers have learnt is that the division of labor always implies a scheme of interaction by which the different divided activities are made to work together. The lines between the boxes are starting to matter more than the boxes! Complex value creation is impossible without interaction. This is because any higher-value activity involves complementary, often parallel, contributions from more than one person or one team. In fact, the more complex the offering is and the more specialized the resources needed, the greater the demand for the amount, quality and efficiency of communication, because of the inherent interdependence of the activities."
 "Complex value creation is impossible without interaction" - recordar a importância da proximidade para a interacção por trás da co-criação:

Trecho inicial de "Interactive value creation"

quarta-feira, setembro 19, 2018

"psychological ownership"

"psychological ownership. That’s when consumers feel so invested in a product that it becomes an extension of themselves.
Companies that encourage psychological ownership can entice customers to buy more products, at higher prices, and even to willingly promote those products among their friends. But if businesses disrespect this feeling, sales can suffer."
Em "How Customers Come to Think of a Product as an Extension of Themselves" um texto sobre como promover a "psychological ownership":

  • "One way is to allow customers a hand in forming the product"
  • "Businesses should strive to make products customizable. When consumers can personalize products, they buy more and are happy to recommend those products to friends."
  • "Building intimate knowledge - This occurs when customers believe they know every facet of a product or brand so well that they have a special, unique relationship with it."
"Companies legally own their brand, but their most devoted customers may own it psychologically. Businesses should cultivate this feeling—and then respect it."

sábado, julho 21, 2018

Nós é que sabemos o que é melhor para os clientes

“Cars go to a diverse audience and diverse customers, and people don’t always agree with the balance or compromises, and you can’t get upset with that,”
Mesmo no final do artigo, "Car Engineers Scoff at Enthusiasts’ Modifications. But Not Always.",  aparece o trecho acima.

Algo que ajuda a explicar Mongo e a democratização da produção, algo que ajuda a explicar a co-criação, algo que ajuda a explicar o sucesso da Local Motors, algo que ajuda a explicar porque as empresas grandes vão perder o seu mercado actual (a reacção dos engenheiros das marcas):
"“I have no doubt in my mind they cannot do it better,”
“They can never achieve the finely balanced trade-off we have achieved,”"
Mas a verdade é:
“The reason the market grows the way it does is that the carmakers have a mass-production model and it does not leave a whole lot of room for people who want to improve or personalize or upgrade their cars and trucks,” he said.
Social media — like websites or Facebook pages for owners of specific models — is also playing an increasing role, Mr. Kersting said.
Now people who have similar interests are able to find one another and share expertise and the passion they have for whatever segment of automotive lifestyle or hobby they enjoy,” he said. “It has been very good for the market.”"

domingo, julho 08, 2018

"a natural fit for their agile development philosophies"

"Domestic manufacturing enables companies like Burrow and Chapter 3 to continually refine their designs and ramp production up and down in response to customer feedback. They can also ship directly to consumers, reducing delivery times.
“[Burrow] can send over an idea to me or my husband, and sometimes in the same day we can mock up a modification of something,” Schock says. “We can get the email, walk downstairs to the plant, and pull it together.”
She adds: “The consumer, if they want more choices, you’re going to need to have shorter lead times and smaller quantities. Importing doesn’t adhere to those things.
he and others are discovering that domestic manufacturing is a natural fit for their agile development philosophies. “I’ve made stuff in China, it’s a huge pain in the ass. You can’t be very reactive in your iteration process, and there are high minimum order quantities,” Kan says. “The cool thing about the internet is that you can make changes very quickly. Taking some of that to the physical goods world is really good.”"
Demoram tanto a perceber isto?

Trechos retirados de "From Mexico To Mississippi: Why This Sofa Startup Is Now “Made In The USA”"

quinta-feira, junho 28, 2018

Mais outro exemplo: Provinciano, mas muito à frente

Há anos que escrevo sobre o futuro do trabalho, sobretudo acerca do fim do emprego estabelecido como paradigma pelo século XX, e que a maioria acredita ser algo milenar, algo eterno. Sobretudo, acerca da ascensão do artesão, do artesão apoiado na tecnologia e dedicado à criação de arte e a trabalhar em co-criação com os seus clientes.

Por isso, isto faz todo o sentido, "(Re)naissance de l’Homo Faber : le travailleur de demain sera un artiste ou un artisan rompu aux nouvelles technologies":
"Les sociétés européennes ont toujours tenu pour acquis que la transmission de compétences se ferait de génération en génération : le développement d’un talent d’artiste ou d’artisan se faisait par les enseignements des maîtres précédents. On pourrait penser que ce paradigme a disparu avec la société industrielle, mais ce serait faux : l’avenir du travail pourrait bien revenir aux fondamentaux même de l’histoire du travail, et ce grâce à nos nouvelles technologies. [Moi ici: Tenho escrito sobre isto vezes sem conta, o regresso ao trabalho pré-Revolução Industrial, cooperativas de artesãos]
La fabrication numérique assistée par ordinateur fonctionne différemment. Elle ne requiert aucun moule et ne nécessite donc pas de répéter une même forme indéfiniment. Chaque pièce peut-être unique, telle une œuvre d’art. Là où les problématiques d’espace et de quantité dominaient le monde industriel, aujourd’hui, un petit atelier ou un studio peuvent concurrencer une grande usine. La production ne se résume plus à une question de volume.
L’émergence d’une économie sans échelle, une économie à taille humaine.
Dans ce nouvel environnement, le plus grand défi pour un travailleur est de penser en artiste tout en exploitant les possibilités des nouvelles technologies. [Moi ici: Outro tema tipo deste blogue, a ascensão da arte]
C’est la raison pour laquelle l’apprentissage doit évoluer : il ne s’agit plus de commencer par se former pour ensuite trouver un travail correspondant, mais bien de travailler d’abord, pour trouver par la suite les enseignements qui nous correspondent. [Moi ici: Tão bom!!! A ascensão da arte dita que tudo comece pelo fuçar, pela experimentação - "Não começamos a fazer arte assim que nos tornamos artistas. Ou seja, não é por sermos artistas que fazemos arte, é por fazermos arte que nos tornamos artistas."] Que les nouvelles technologies privent leurs utilisateurs de formations pratiques serait un désastre.
Le futur du travail que dessinent ces nouvelles technologies, c’est celui de « l’Homo Faber » : un homme qui sera son propre créateur, qui se réalisera à travers les gestes  du quotidien. Le travail permet d’écrire une histoire dans laquelle chaque projet est un chapitre de vie qui s’additionne aux autres et de ce point de vue, chacun pourra constater que sa vie est plus qu’une série aléatoire de jobs déconnectés – y compris pour les petits boulots rémunérés à la tâche. [Moi ici: Como não recordar o recente "Aproveitei o meu percurso"

domingo, maio 20, 2018


"Being on trend no longer guarantees sales and profitability in the fashion sector. In minutes, consumers can spot, own, and share a trend on social media, from any corner of the globe. As a result, hits can sell out rapidly, while misses do not move, even with heavy discounting.
The traditional product-development model is too slow. How do fashion brands outpace competitors? When we looked at differences between top and bottom performers, we found that top performers routinely use consumer insights very early in the product-design process and can have products ready for purchase in weeks, not months.
But established brands have great difficulty doing either well. This needs to change, as up-and-coming brands are breaking the rules and resetting consumer expectations. [Moi ici: Este título diz tudo "The Customer’s Time is The Only Time"]
Top performers make speed to market a top priority and get faster and faster. Top-performing companies can deliver product to market in less than six to eight weeks. The typical lead time in the industry is more than 40 weeks—far too long to stay ahead of consumers [Moi ici: Imaginem um empresário, ou um encarregado, habituados a sonhar com um regresso ao passado, às séries grandes, a um ritmo mais lento, ao ler estas linhas...]
Trecho retirado de "The need for speed: Capturing today’s fashion consumer"

E isto também vai ter o seu impacte "What Should French Fashion Do With Its Unsold Clothing?"

"Winners have significantly reduced time to market, but they also recognize that not every product requires a speedy supply chain. Leading fashion companies have divided their product lines into the following supply-chain segments, based on sales predictability:
Long cycle for basics. Long lead times of six months or more are acceptable for basics and never-out-of-stock items. Optimized sourcing gets the best value for money on these products.
Shorter cycle for the core seasonal collection. Retailers can use advanced visual-recognition tools to identify styles and colors trending on social-media sites.
Express cycle for new in-season products. An even shorter cycle of three to six weeks from design to delivery allows brands to inject novelty or innovation within a single season.
Read-and-react model for new and untested products. Close monitoring of these items during the season (for example, for trending prints and colors) ensures fast replenishment of top sellers and easier cancellation of slow movers.
Test model for the riskiest products. Launching virtual or small test batches of a sharply trending item provides insight into the consumer response before committing fully to a product."

domingo, maio 13, 2018

Effectual Logic

Muitas vezes dou comigo a regressar a este postal de Outubro de 2015, "Do concreto para o abstracto e não o contrário". Pensar estratégia para PME deve ser diferente de pensar estratégia para empresas grandes. As PME têm de partir do que têm e não se podem permitir entrar em ilusões de rico, ""analisamos os meios que temos e imaginamos futuros possíveis" (parte II)".

"Causation is when actions are made based on predetermined goals and focuses on the selection between available means to achieve those goals. It begins with the identification and exploitation of opportunity in the existing market, followed by a series of tasks that include extensive market study and detailed competitive analyses to develop a business plan. In order to implement the plan, resource acquisition and interaction with different stakeholders by developing partnerships takes place.
In contrast, effectuation focuses on choosing between possible objectives that can be created with the set of available resources (who I am, what I know, whom I know). Who I am includes these characteristics; for example traits, preferences, skills, abilities, passions, assets; what I know consists of prior knowledge including; education, training and expertise, knowledge from life, and informal learning. Lastly, who I know includes the social and professional networks. [Moi ici: Tudo isto tem a ver com a importância da idiossincrasia] Those goals are constructed and evaluated within affordable losses rather than expected returns. Effectuators then seek to co-create those goals through negotiating with various stakeholders who are willing to make actual commitments. These commitments add new resources to the pool of means to achieve new goals (markets, products, and firms). Effectual logic is focused on co-creating the future by the use of intangible resources, utilising co-creation of value and relationships. Effectual and causal logics are different in terms of having two different processes at their foundations.
when an individual uses causal logic they begin with a given goal, decision-making is based on expected returns, execute competitive advantage and conduct comprehensive market study, exploit pre-existing knowledge and try to predict the future. Whereas individuals uses effectual logic begin with a given set of means, decision making based on affordable loss, emphasize strategic alliances and exploit contingencies, and seek to control and embrace unpredictable future.
“Bricolage” is “making do by applying combinations of resources at hand to new problems and opportunities
Effectuation is characterized by flexibility, experimentation and affordable loses. Those characteristics allow service innovation to take place. In causal approach, outsiders are perceived as competitors or threats, while in effectual approach, customers, suppliers, workers even competitors are perceived as potential partners who can help in crystalizing the service by adding new means or goals. [Moi ici: Os meus queridos ecossistemas] Bricoleurs involve customers, suppliers and other parties to solve a problem or launch/improve service innovation. Collaboration expands the pool of available resource and helps to broaden ones expertise."
Trechos retirados de "Causation and Effectuation in the context of Service Innovation in small, independent firms - Integration and management of resources and capabilities"

domingo, maio 06, 2018

O papel das redes e as organizações de Mongo

Em Mongo, terra de tribos e de artesãos, as organizações vão ser diferentes das criadas para o Normalistão.
"network forms of organization - typified by reciprocal patterns of communication and exchange - represent a viable pattern of economic organization.

Pre-existing networks of relationships enable small firms to gain an established foothold almost overnight. These networks serve as conduits to provide small firms with the capacity to meet resource and functional needs.

I have a good deal of sympathy regarding the view the economic exchange is embedded in a particular social structural context. Yet it is also the case that certain forms of exchange are more social - this is, more dependent on relationships, mutual interest enter, and reputation - as well as less guided by a formal structure of authority. My aim is to identify a coherent set of factors the make it meaningful to talk about networks as a distinctive form of coordinating economic activity.

When the items exchanged between buyers and sellers processed qualities that are not easily measured, and the relations are so long-term and recurrent that it is difficult to speak of the parties as separate entities, can we still regard is as a market exchange? When the entangling of obligation  and reputation reaches a point that he actions of the parties are interdependent, but there is no common ownership or legal framework, do we not need a new conceptual toolkit to describe and analyze this relationship?

Network forms of exchange, however, entail indefinite, sequential transactions within the context of a general pattern of interaction. Sanctions are typically normative rather than legal.

In networks, the preferred option is often one of creating indebtedness and reliance over the long haul. Each approach does devalues the other: prosperous market traders would be viewed as petty and untrustworthy shysters in networks, while successful participants in networks who carried those practices into competitive markets would be viewed as naïve and foolish. Within hierarchies, communication and exchange is shaped by concerns with career mobility - in this sense, exchange is bound up with considerations of personal advancement.

Networks are “lighter on their feet” than hierarchies. In network modes of resource allocation, transactions occur neither through discrete exchanges nor by administrative fiat, but through networks of individuals engaged in reciprocal, preferential, mutually supportive actions. Networks can be complex: they involve neither the explicit criteria on the market, nor the familiar paternalism of the hierarchy, basic assumption of network relationships is that one party is dependent on the resources controlled by another, and that there are gains to be had by the pooling of resources. In essence, the parties to a network agreed to forego the right to pursue their own interests at the expense of others.
In networks forms of resource allocation, individual units exist not by themselves, but in relation to other units. These relationships to establish and sustain, thus they constrain both parters ability to adapt to changing circumstances. As networks evolve, it becomes more economically sensible to exercise voice rather than exit. Benefits and burdens come to be shared. Expectations are not frozen, but change as circumstances dictate. A mutual orientation - knowledge which the parties assume each has about the other and upon which day draw in communication and problem solving - is established. In short, complementarity and accommodation are the cornerstones of successful production networks. … the “entangling strings” of reputation, friendship, interdependence, and altruism become integral parts of the relationship.
Networks are particularly apt for circumstances in which there is a need for efficient, reliable information. The most useful information is rarely that which flows down the formal chain of command in an organization, or that which can be inferred from shifting price signals. Rather, it is that which is obtained from someone whom you have dealt with in the past found to be a reliable. You trust best information that comes from someone you know well. … information passed through networks is “thicker” [Moi ici: Como não associar este "thicker" ao densificar das relações em Normannthan information obtained in the market, and “freer” than communicated in a hierarchy. Networks, then, are especially useful for the exchange of commodities whose value is not easily measured. Such qualitative matters as know how, technological capability, a particular approach or style of production, a spirit of innovation or experimentation, or a philosophy of zero defects are very hard to place a price tag on. They are not easily traded in markets nor communicated through a corporate hierarchy. The open-ended, relational features of networks, with their relative absence of explicit quid pro quo behavior, greatly enhance the ability to transmit and learn new knowledge and skills."

"Neither Market Nor Hierarchy: Network Forms of Organization" de Walter Powell, publicado por Research in Organizational Behavior, Janeiro de 1990.

sexta-feira, maio 04, 2018

Contexto e valor (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.
"Context at the micro or individual level frames exchange as it occurs among individual actors. The important process of exchange at this level is direct service-for-service exchange. That is, each actor draws on its resources and competences to directly serve another actor. The context of this service-for-service exchange is a dyad, which consists of two actors and the service-for-service exchange between them. More important, this is a reciprocal dyad because both actors serve each other, which is an important aspect of value co-creation because both actors are active participants in the exchange process.
Context at the meso level frames exchange as it occurs among dyads.
Context at the macro level frames exchange as it occurs among triads. The important process of exchange at this level is complex service, or the synergies of multiple simultaneous direct and indirect service-for-service exchanges that enable actors to serve in a particular context, ... Each triad draws on its resources and competences, and applies them for a beneficiary in a particular context. The context of service-for-service exchanges at the macro context is a complex network. More important, the notion of a complex network is a fundamental aspect of value co-creation because of how actors, dyads, and triads create synergy among multiple simultaneous direct and indirect service-for-service exchanges."
Os trechos que se seguem são muito bons:
"Layer of meta-context: Framing exchange among complex networks as service ecosystems
Context at the meta-layer frames exchange as it occurs among complex networks. At the meta-level, the notions of time and replication are introduced. Specifically, practices, routines, activities, or processes may be replicated at any of the three levels of context. Based on this, the important process of exchange at this level is institutionalization, or the process by which various networks of actors become legitimized (or delegitimized) with respect to larger societal systems. Included within this notion is replication, especially of institutions, which paradoxically creates dynamically changing contexts at the same time that it also introduces stability to the system.
complex networks are sustained by the reciprocal service provision of multiple actors, dyads, triads, and complex networks that are accessing multiple resources. As shown in Figure 2, this is a complex multi-dimensional evolution that occurs simultaneously in three dimensions: across levels of context, over time, and through replication. When complex networks successfully institutionalize resources, they become joined together as a service ecosystem, or ‘a spontaneously sensing and responding spatial and temporal structure of largely loosely coupled value proposing social and economic actors’ interactions through institutions and technology, to (1) co-produce service offerings; (2) exchange service offerings; and (3) co-create value’. In other words, the meta layer covers all the levels of service-for-service exchanges such that they together constitute service ecosystems. The notion of a service ecosystem is a fundamental aspect of value co-creation because it acknowledges how large-scale social structures and institutions evolve relative to the individual service efforts of actors, dyads, triads, and complex networks."
Como não recuar no tempo e regressar a um projecto de 2004 e a um postal de 2007. Este blogue é fã dos ecossistemas há muito tempo.

quinta-feira, abril 19, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte VII)

"Focus on relationships.
When facing notions like interaction and integration, it becomes obvious that relationships play an important role within value creation, ... Both interaction and integration can be considered a means to the end, which is relational value. This is due to the important role of interactions in facilitating relationships.  ...  Relationships are a source of value, but they also provide companies with a good understanding of the customer and his/her needs. A multitude of studies have connected relationships with the customers’ willingness to provide information ... Hence, more accurate information can be gained concerning what customers value considering their life and experiences. Therefore, we propose that the relevance of relationships can also be considered as an important part in fitting the companies actions and offers to the customer’s life, stressed by the C-D logic."

Por isso, recusei:
 "Quem não aposta no "cheaper" e no "cost", aposta na interacção, aposta na co-criação, aposta noutro mindset... eu diria, "Every visit customers have to make are an opportunity for interaction and co-creation"
Nunca esquecer, Golias pode apostar e ganhar com a automação porque está no seu ADN; contudo, David não tem qualquer vantagem em seguir esse caminho, tem muito mais a perder do que os euros que poupa."

Como diz um empresário com que estou a trabalhar: Vai-te ganho que me trazes perda!!!

Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113

quarta-feira, abril 18, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte VI)

Parte I, parte II, parte IIIparte IV e parte V.

Closely connected to, but still distinct from, interactions as source of CV is the integration of resources. This includes the integration of the customers’ resources which refers to providing customers with the opportunity to participate within the companies processes. Integrating the resources of customers and companies is treated as prerequisite for interactions.
“An inherent aspect of inter- action is connectivity”, i.e., the parties involved are in some contact with each other. With the term ‘connectivity’, the authors emphasize the integration of the companies’ and the customers’ resources. The importance of the integration of the companies’ and customers’ resources in the value creation process is strongly emphasized by the S-D logic.
customer processes which are not controlled by a company are considered as a highly relevant part within value creation. Hence, the challenge that needs to be addressed is discovering the underlying issues which cannot be easily recognized by a company. When the customer’s life is brought into the focus of value creation, an in-depth knowledge of the customer becomes necessary.
One way to gain this depth of understanding of the customer is integrating customers into the company’s processes. The aim of integration may therefore not only be the creation of interactions, but also the achievement of profound customer insights that go beyond insights gained by traditional marketing research methods. Hence, integration can also be considered a way for getting deep customer insights regarding what the C-D logic describes as ‘value-in-life’.
We conclude by stating that the benefits of customer integration are twofold. On the one hand, interactions are generated, which in turn, are considered a source of CV. On the other hand, it has the ability to generate in-depth knowledge of the customer, which may provide insights regarding value-in-life considerations and, as a result, for aligning future company actions."
Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113

segunda-feira, abril 16, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte V)

Parte I, parte II, parte III e parte IV.
"Interaction [Moi ici: Uma palavra muito usada neste blogue, essencial para a co-criação].The recent literature concerning the S-D logic and value-in- use places a special emphasis on company-customer interactions as source of CV. Although interactions have already been acknowledged as source of value by other frameworks, the notion is further enhanced. Emphasizing interactions as a crucial concept from a S-D logic perspective, Grönroos and Ravald define interactions as “[...] a mutual or reciprocal action where two or more parties have an effect upon each other”. On this basis, it is argued that through interactive processes, companies can get actively involved in creating experiential value. Other contributions confirm this by seeing interactions as having the ability to promote experiential and phenomenological value..Similarly, scholars assess that interactions provide the basis for forming the customers’ preferences. The importance of the company-customer interaction is underlined by the ability to facilitate value and to influence CV perceptions. As a result, it is broadly accepted that the customers’ creation of value is catalyzed through interactions. Although the difference between services and goods environments is still discussed, it appears that interactions being especially important in a service-context is an accepted concept. From the companies’ perspective, this is due to the multitude of opportunities for co-creating value with the customer when acting within the customer’s sphere..One other issue that comes into play is the superior ability to sense the customers’ needs within interactions. Although interactions per se are especially considered by the S-D logic, they may also provide a source of in-depth knowledge about the customer and his/her life, which is rather emphasized by the C-D logic."
Um exemplo recente, fabricante de máquinas nacional visita potencial cliente e observa o tempo que demora a desmontar parte de máquina para limpeza, antes de poder avançar para a cor seguinte. Logo ali, propõe solução que transforma o tempo de limpeza de cerca de 20% do tempo disponível para operar em menos de 5%. A máquina que vai fabricar fará o mesmo serviço que a outra, mas demorará menos tempo a ser preparada para a produção seguinte, aumentando a produtividade do cliente.

Tudo porque foi visitar o cliente e a interacção permitiu "in-depth knowledge about the customer and his/her life".

Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113

domingo, abril 15, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte IV)

Parte I, parte II e parte III.
"Experience-based facet.
Contrary to the experiential and phenomenological nature, the facet of CV that we term ‘experience-based’ refers to the past experiences of customers. ... the starting point is the customer’s reality and life”. Value is therefore regarded as part of the dynamically-constructed and multi-framed reality of each customer. Although earlier contributions also recognized similar aspects, the focus on the customer’s history, and thus, the experience- based nature of CV was especially emphasized by the C- D logic. In this light, value is termed ‘value-in-life’, which better explains the holistic view of the customer’s life than value-in-context. With this focus on the internal context, it is emphasized that value formation is extended beyond the interactive processes and the visibility of companies and includes the customer’s mental processes, resulting in an increase in complexity as now the customer’s history is also considered.
A facet of the experience-based nature of value is its dynamic aspect, which expresses the constantly changing and adapting evaluations of what customer’s value."

Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113

sábado, abril 14, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte III)

Parte I e parte II.

"Context-specific facet.
Following the notion of multiple relationships, the literature acknowledges the important role of the customer’s external and social context in the assessment of CV [Customer Value]. In doing so, the idea of the customer, just like the company, being embedded in a system of other actors is expressed. In this complex system, the customer acts as a resource integrator, simultaneously combining various resources for value creation. This implies that the customer uses his/her own resources (i.e., knowledge and skills) and the resources of other actors. Hence, CV is dependent on a network of competences and resources.
Value has a collective and intersubjective dimension and should be understood as value-in-social- context” and “[...] the way in which resources are assessed depends on the social context”. It can be concluded that research efforts begin to adapt a more differentiated point of view, which includes the social context as an important variable for the determination of value.
The C-D logic argues in a similar manner, stating that the dyadic approach that was historically used is not enough to display the complex construct of CV. Hence, this logic also highlights that the customer is socially-embedded, interacting with other groups, such as other customers. Compared to the S-D logic, the C-D logic more strongly emphasizes the customer’s point of view. An even higher focus is laid on the customer, and thus, on his/ her speci c context."

Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113

quinta-feira, abril 12, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte II)

Parte I.

Quem quiser abordar a temática do pricing a sério tem de obrigatoriamente começar pelos clientes e pelo que é valor para eles
"Phenomenological and experiential facet...
Both terms, ‘experiential’ and ‘phenomenological’, emphasize the co-creation role of the customer. From this understanding, ‘experience’ does not refer to the customer’s past experiences, it rather describes the perishability inherent to CV. This underscores that value cannot be inventoried and is not created solely by the company which is, however, not new to the literature.
Although both terms are still discussed, ‘phenomenological’ has recently been preferred, as ‘experiential’ implies several other meanings, such as a focus on the past. In contrast, phenomenological emphasizes the idiosyncratic determination of value without implying a focus on the past.
the phenomenological nature of CV as context-specific, interactive, and attached with meanings. The C-D logic accepts that interactions facilitate the creation of value, however, contrary to the S-D logic’s supplier-oriented approach, it emphasizes that it is the customer who ultimately determines the value created. In doing so, the C-D logic stresses that other processes not directly related to interactions also need to be considered.
Seeing the customer in a constant and interactive process with other actors, such as companies and other customers, bolds the increasing focus on relational aspects, which is therefore underpinned in the S-D and C-D logic. Hence, an increasing focus on relationships, rather than on transactions, is suggested. According to both logics, the customer is engaged in multiple relations- hips, also to actors other than the company. The old-fashioned view on relational aspects as being dyadic does not seem to be supportable anymore. Intuitively, the customer now appears as being embedded within a context of other value determining resources and actors.[Moi ici: Outra vez algo que ajuda a perceber o valor que pode ter uma utilização criteriosa da cláusula 4.2 da ISO 9001:2015]"

Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113