segunda-feira, outubro 29, 2018

A abominação da eficiência - o anti-Mongo (parte II)

Parte II.

Qual a reacção ao eficientismo? O toque humano, a co-criação, a proximidade, a interacção, ...

Voltemos ao livro "Reinventing Organizations: An Illustrated Invitation to Join the Conversation on Next-Stage Organizations" e à continuação do tema da mega-enfermagem:
"Jos had been working as a nurse for ten years and experienced firsthand the changes forced onto his profession. Disgusted, he quit his job and created Buurtzorg. It would operate entirely differently. Quickly, he found that a self-organizing team of ten to twelve nurses with no manager and no team leader was perfect to provide great care—and a great work place.
With a whole different perspective on health care Care, at its best, is a small miracle that happens, or not, in the relationship of a patient and a nurse. That miracle never shows up when a mechanical perspective is applied to care. The best care will happen, de Blok is convinced, when nurses are seen as professionals, when they are trusted. Give them freedom, and they will offer truly great care.
Patients and nurses love Buurtzorg so much that nurses have been deserting traditional nursing companies in droves. Every month, Buurtzorg receives hundreds of applications from nurses wanting to jump ship. Buurtzorg now employs more than nine thousand nurses, or two-thirds of all neighborhood nurses in the Netherlands! The nine thousand nurses all work in small teams of ten to twelve nurses, without a leader in the team and with no manager above them. No one times the nurses’ interventions with patients. The whole nine thousand-strong company is managed with a headquarters of just twenty-eight people."
E a cereja no topo do bolo:

Mandando a eficiência às malvas, têm-se melhores resultados com os clientes, com os trabalhadores e com menos custos para o pagador.

Por momentos lembrei-me de reunião com um grupo de empresários, em que quiseram que eu demonstrasse que um euro a mais no preço unitário era melhor que um euro a menos nos custos unitários: a receita para a loucura do eficientismo é o Evangelho do Valor.

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