segunda-feira, abril 16, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte V)

Parte I, parte II, parte III e parte IV.
"Interaction [Moi ici: Uma palavra muito usada neste blogue, essencial para a co-criação].The recent literature concerning the S-D logic and value-in- use places a special emphasis on company-customer interactions as source of CV. Although interactions have already been acknowledged as source of value by other frameworks, the notion is further enhanced. Emphasizing interactions as a crucial concept from a S-D logic perspective, Grönroos and Ravald define interactions as “[...] a mutual or reciprocal action where two or more parties have an effect upon each other”. On this basis, it is argued that through interactive processes, companies can get actively involved in creating experiential value. Other contributions confirm this by seeing interactions as having the ability to promote experiential and phenomenological value..Similarly, scholars assess that interactions provide the basis for forming the customers’ preferences. The importance of the company-customer interaction is underlined by the ability to facilitate value and to influence CV perceptions. As a result, it is broadly accepted that the customers’ creation of value is catalyzed through interactions. Although the difference between services and goods environments is still discussed, it appears that interactions being especially important in a service-context is an accepted concept. From the companies’ perspective, this is due to the multitude of opportunities for co-creating value with the customer when acting within the customer’s sphere..One other issue that comes into play is the superior ability to sense the customers’ needs within interactions. Although interactions per se are especially considered by the S-D logic, they may also provide a source of in-depth knowledge about the customer and his/her life, which is rather emphasized by the C-D logic."
Um exemplo recente, fabricante de máquinas nacional visita potencial cliente e observa o tempo que demora a desmontar parte de máquina para limpeza, antes de poder avançar para a cor seguinte. Logo ali, propõe solução que transforma o tempo de limpeza de cerca de 20% do tempo disponível para operar em menos de 5%. A máquina que vai fabricar fará o mesmo serviço que a outra, mas demorará menos tempo a ser preparada para a produção seguinte, aumentando a produtividade do cliente.

Tudo porque foi visitar o cliente e a interacção permitiu "in-depth knowledge about the customer and his/her life".

Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113