Como as empresas não se mexem, julgando que podem ser neutras e estacionar algures num local confortável:
O que faz a sua empresa para se diferenciar?"While categories are expanding thanks to the law of division, something sinister is happening. Despite all the attention paid to branding these days, more and more of these categories are sliding into commoditization. In other words, fewer and fewer of the brands in these categories are well differentiated....[Moi ici: Por que é que a Starbucks tem pricing power?] Today everybody from clothing designers to celebrities claims to be a brand, but ultimately the products and services must face the realities of the marketplace—and the consumers. Consumers ask, ‘‘What do you have on offer? How are you different from others inthe category? How are you better? Do you represent values that are valuable to me and make me feel valued? How are you differentiated from the others?’’.‘‘It’s no secret that more and more companies are having problems differentiating themselves from their competitors. [Moi ici: E agora um tema caro a este blogue. Caro porque foi aqui que começamos a nossa vida profissional e, porque percebemos que se trata de um grupo que não percebeu a mudança que ocorreu no mundo com a globalização e com a mass customization e o advento de Mongo. O mundo da qualidade continua tão concentrado a construir a Torre de Babel, a combater a variabilidade que nem se apercebe do tesouro que é a variedade]
The Total Quality and Process Re-Engineering movements of the last two decades of the 20th century pretty much guaranteed that companies that actually made it to the 21st century were going to be virtually indistinguishable from one another,’’
Trechos retirados de "Differentiate or Die: Survival in Our Era of Killer Competition" de Jack Trout.