"Does your company (or the one you want to build) have a compelling and clearly articulated North Star? This refers to a company's stated purpose, values, and priorities. The logical extension of this question is explored here: Do you know what your strategy is?A maior ilusão da comunicação é crer que ela teve lugar, é crer que o conteúdo comunicado é uma realidade objectiva.
Corporate executives often struggle with strategy formulation and communication. In such cases, the problem often starts with an inability to define genuine North Star corporate goals that can be translated into specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-dependent objectives. This often leads to strategic inertia, undermining the ability to effectively respond to the accelerating pace of marketplace shifts. Ask any CEO, and you'll undoubtedly hear this: "Of course we know our strategy!" If this were the case, one should also get the same response from each of the company's key constituencies: the board of directors, employees, business partners, customers, and investors. But the reality is, far too often, companies can't or don't express their strategy in terms that are clearly understood and embraced by their stakeholders. Or there is a serious disconnect between what senior executives say their business strategy and priorities are, and how employees are actually managed and incentivized."
O que a vida cada vez mais me leva a concluir é que a realidade existe. No entanto, nós humanos nunca vemos a realidade. Nós só conseguimos percepcionar uma espécie de realidade aumentada
E o que percepcionamos está fortemente influenciado pelas experiências de vida que nos vão acontecendo e que nos vão construindo permanentemente.
Acreditar que um texto escrito ou uma comunicação verbal é objectiva é uma ilusão tremenda.
Trechos retirados de "If You're in a Dogfight, Become a Cat!: Strategies for Long-Term Growth"