Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta a experiência é o produto. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta a experiência é o produto. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quarta-feira, julho 13, 2016

Online conjugado com a economia das experiências

Pode não ser à velocidade do Pokemon Go mas um dia também veremos esta evolução nos centros comerciais em Portugal:

"At the Florida Mall in Orlando, Nordstrom was torn down and replaced with a Dick’s Sporting Goods store and a crayon-based family attraction called the Crayola Experience.
Once the linchpin of American shopping malls, department stores are being displaced by newer types of retailers that do a better job of driving shoppers to the centers and lifting overall mall sales.[Moi ici: Atenção PME exportadoras, cuidado com os vossos clientes B2B. Eles podem até gostar de vocês e muito mas ... eles podem simplesmente desaparecer, comidos pelo online. E quanto maiores e mais famosos maior o perigo]
Landlords are nudging out the once-coveted big box chains in favor of sporting-goods retailers, fast-fashion chains, supermarkets, gyms, restaurants, movies theaters and other types of entertainment as they seek to keep their properties relevant in an age increasingly dominated by online shopping.[Moi ici: A conjugação de duas correntes, a evolução do online e a ascensão da economia das experiências]
“The definition of an anchor has changed,”
“The dependence of malls on department stores isn’t what it was 25 years ago,” said Sandeep Mathrani, CEO of another big mall owner General Growth Properties Inc.
Since 2011, General Growth has taken back space from 65 department stores, or about 15% of its anchors, and filled the locations with new occupants that include H&M Hennes & Mauritz AB, 24 Hour Fitness, Wegmans Food Markets Inc., Dave & Buster’s and other restaurants.
Fast-fashion chains, restaurants, specialty stores do a better job of driving mall sales and drawing shoppers"

Trechos retirados de "Mall Owners Push Out Department Stores"

terça-feira, junho 28, 2016

"Experiences cannot be mass-produced"

Por isto é que Mongo é gigantes-unfriendly:
"not all experiences are created equal. the Anthropology of Experience tells us that we create our identities through performances where we tell stories about ourselves to each other. if brands want to stage powerful experiences that resonate, these experiences must allow for the creation of meaning on a personal level. Experiences cannot be mass-produced; they must allow for the expression and projection of personal identity. not unlike the difference between watching a baseball game and playing one, brand experiences that allow us to project our beliefs, values, desires, abilities, and motivations to ourselves and each other will have the most power and resonance."
Trecho retirado de "How to Win in the Experience Economy"

quarta-feira, junho 22, 2016

Acerca do mundo das experiências

"Millennials are giving rise to a new concept: the "grocerant."
A grocerant is a grocery store that offers fresh, restaurant-quality prepared foods.
More and more grocery stores are morphing into grocerants and devoting a larger part of their space to prepared foods in a bid to attract more millennials.
Whole Foods' new chain of stores, 365 by Whole Foods Markets, is a perfect example of this trend. Most of the store is devoted to fresh food buffets and a variety of in-store restaurants.
In-store dining and take-out of prepared foods from grocers has grown nearly 30% since 2008, and accounted for 2.4 billion food-service visits and $10 billion of consumer spending in 2015, according to the report."
Trechos retirados de "Millennials are abandoning restaurants for an unexpected place"

Agora, comparar com estes outros trechos:
"Debido a la caída de las ventas en los establecimientos de gran superficie, las cadenas de alimentación de Europa se han visto presionadas a entrar, muchas de ellas, en la competencia de precios ‘low cost’, así como a crecer dentro del comercio electrónico.
Una de los principales motivos de esta situación es que los compradores europeos de alimentación cada vez evitan más las grandes superficies a favor de las compras online.
Pese a que de momento la penetración del comercio electrónico es baja en el canal de alimentación, ya se ha registrado una caída continua de las ventas en los hipermercados."
E uma palavra sobre as experiências?
Trechos retirados de "El rediseño del sector retail"

domingo, maio 29, 2016

Mais um exemplo da economia das experiências

Mais um exemplo da economia das experiências:
"She was also an actor playing a part, one of several whose paths we’d cross over the course of a two-day immersive theater experience in the Bay Area called The Headlands Gamble. As “detectives” employed by an agency referred to only as The Firm, my boyfriend and I had signed on to help “investigate” a crime, but at the start of the weekend we really had no idea where we would be going or what we would be doing—only that it would involve a caper that would take us around Marin County, San Francisco’s quirky neighbor to the north.
With a $2,450 price tag, this would not be an ordinary weekend away—an entire production, including actors and support staff, would create a fantasy world around us in the real world (think David Fincher’s The Game, with less danger and more wine). As the marquee debut from First Person Travel, a startup-style agency founded by creators Satya Bhabha and Gabe Smedresman, the experience blends game design with a longform interactive storyline.
 "Our greatest resource is the environment we're in. We get incredibly high production values for free, just by virtue of being there."
“Living a movie that heightens the world around you with the narrative, and where you have an impact on how things play out.”"
Não custa nada imaginar algo do mesmo género no vale do Douro, no montado alentejano, na baixa do Porto ou na Viarco em São João da Madeira.

Trechos retirados de "Become the Star of Your Own Live-Action Thriller for a Weekend"

quinta-feira, maio 12, 2016

O triunfo das experiências por todo o lado

"Survey shows shoppers spend more on experiences such as holidays and eating out and less on products
They call it the “experience economy”: a huge shift in consumer behaviour is said to be under way, from buying things to doing things."
"Millennials are prioritizing the experience over what they are actually getting. A lot of older people simply can’t grasp this concept."
"But there’s a whole group of people — and this group is growing, by the way — who have said, “Forget that. I want to focus on experiences instead.”" 

segunda-feira, abril 11, 2016

O que é que realmente procuram e valorizam?

Este artigo "Athletic-Gear Makers Run Into a Problem: Their Workout Clothing Is Too Sporty" é muito bom como base para a reflexão sobre os diferentes tipos de clientes e o que é que eles realmente procuram e valorizam:
"At a time when workout gear is fashionable, companies that make and sell sportswear are facing a strange predicament: their gear is too sporty for some.
Foot Locker Inc. also is adjusting the selection at its stores after noticing that upstart brands with higher style quotients such as Alala and Koral are performing well, and activewear endorsed by celebrities, including Rihanna, is driving sales.
We believe we have overemphasized the performance aspect of what our customers want in terms of athletically inspired apparel,” Chief Executive Dick Johnson said in late February. Shoppers are “very, very informed about style,” and want to look good “going out after class for a juice or coffee,” he noted.
As a result, some mainstay sports brands and retailers are rethinking the balance between performance and fashion.
Ms. Lee said she frequently buys new sports bras but avoids pure-sports brands like Under Armour because they lacked the fashion factor.
“It sounds silly to say that they look so athletic, because I’m doing something athletic,” Ms. Lee said, “but it doesn’t look cool enough to me.”"
Quem são os clientes-alvo? O que procuram e valorizam, realmente?
E os clientes não são um alvo estático, estão em movimento. É como se a componente racional esteja a perder força face à componente emotivo-experiencial.

sexta-feira, março 11, 2016

"how people want to feel"

"Instead of thinking about what you want to sell, consider how you want people to feel. [Moi ici: Ou melhor ainda, IMHO, consider how people want to feel] Even dull computer chips can be seem sexier when sold not on processing speed but on the experiences they enable for people. Ask yourself, “What business are we really in?” You may be running a restaurant, but are you helping people bond as a community? You may be selling an insurance solution, but are you creating the next office hero? The more emotional your appeal, the more persuasive it is likely to be.
Ariely also presented evidence that environment matters, more than we think.
Companies can tap into the power of environment to build their brands. Small details of the experience - including smells and sounds in a retail store, or colors and creative messages online - can be designed to express and deliver on brand attributes and values.
Great brands avoid selling products - they know it’s far more effective to seduce people through emotion, engagement, and experience than to push products on them."
Confesso que muitas vezes sinto falta disto ao auditar a área de marketing das empresas. Muita "comunicação à engenheiro", sobre o produto, sobre as especificações, sobre a empresa e, pouca sobre "how people want to feel"

Trechos retirados de "To Win Customers, Stop Selling And Start Seducing"

terça-feira, março 08, 2016

A economia das experiências

Ontem registávamos aqui algumas características acerca do valor durante o uso. Uma das características é a soma holística e subjectiva do conjunto que resulta da imersão no contexto, a experiência. Excelente exemplo do muito que está por vir em "Escape Room Devotees Get a Play-at-Home Option"

segunda-feira, fevereiro 08, 2016

Ainda acerca do triunfo das experiências

Recordar o registo com que terminei a parte I, acerca do atraso em perceber os sinais e o seu impacte na fiscalidade.
Depois ler mais este relato da transição para a economia das experiências em "5 new signs that signal the rise of "experientialism"".

sexta-feira, fevereiro 05, 2016

O triunfo das experiências

Mais um sintoma da economia baseada nas experiências:
"“I’m not saving up to buy anything,” said the 28-year-old engineer, who shares a rented apartment with two flatmates in south London. “I prefer to go out for dinner at a nice place, pay a round at the pub or explore a new area of the world. I feel like I would be losing out on living if I chose to own stuff instead.”
Experiences help millennials shape their identity and create memories, to a greater degree than for older generations,”
online marketplace for ticket sales, showed 78 percent of millennials would rather pay for an experience than material goods. That compares with 59 percent for baby boomers. Some 82 percent of millennials said they went to a live event in the past year -- concerts and festivals -- and 72 percent said they plan to increase spending on such outings.
It’s now experiences that people are short on, not items,”
“People want to buy happiness,” Huang said at a London cafe in January. “An experience is unique because it gives them that in three stages: the anticipation, the event itself, and the memories after. Not only does that final stage last forever, but you can also share it.”"
Trechos retirados de "Millennials Are Starting to Change the Stock Market"

BTW, só daqui a muitos anos os governos portugueses vão perceber esta mudança e os seus impactes na receita fiscal.

sexta-feira, janeiro 15, 2016

Um negócio completamente diferente...

Ontem, via e-mail, o João Figueiredo, que fiquei a conhecer na sequência de um workshop sobre o balanced scorecard, brindou-me com um artigo super-interessante, "A neuroscientist says there’s a powerful benefit to exercise that is rarely discussed". Material excelente sobre:
  • a experiência é o produto; e
  • o JTBD
Imaginem aqueles ginásios que sempre viram o seu negócio como a disponibilização de activos, máquinas e instalações, para que as pessoas as usassem por sua conta.
Agora, imaginem que um ginásio ao lado ... sim, eu sei, rouxinóis de MacArthur:
Agora, imaginem que um ginásio ao lado aposta no JTBD, nos resultados que os clientes realmente procuram e valorizam, usando o ginásio como um artifício, um instrumento para os conseguir atingir:
"The immediate effects of exercise on my mood and thought process proved to be a powerful motivational tool. And as a neuroscientist and workout devotee, I’ve come to believe that these neurological benefits could have profound implications for how we live, learn and age as a society.
Let’s start with one of the most practical immediate benefits of breaking a sweat: exercise combats stress. [Moi ici: Não precisos comprimidos!]
exercise improves our ability to shift and focus attention. [Moi ici: Não precisos comprimidos!]
increased levels of physical exercise can result in improved memory  [Moi ici: Não precisos comprimidos!]
Just consider how the educational system might be altered if we acknowledge exercise’s ability to brighten our mood, decrease stress, and improve our attention span and memory. The growing evidence that exercise improves these key brain functions should encourage schools around the world to increase—not decrease—students’ physical activity.
The good news doesn’t end there. Recent findings have suggested that the brain’s hippocampus is also involved in giving people the ability to imagine new situations. Since we know that exercise enhances the birth of new hippocampal brain cells and can improve memory function, this discovery suggests that exercise might be able to improve the imaginative functions of the hippocampus as well.
the longer and more regularly you exercise through your life, the lower your chances are of suffering from cognitive decline and dementia as you age.
In these ways, neuroscience gives us a framework to understand exercise as a tool for better education, increased productivity in the workforce and combating cognitive decline. It’s time for us to stop using the looming prospect of beach season as the motivation for exercise—and instead shift the conversation to a discussion about how staying active can change the way we live."

Agora imaginem montar o negócio em tornos destes JTBD: quem serão os clientes-alvo? Qual a proposta de valor? Qual o ecossistema da procura? 
Um negócio completamente diferente...
É voltar ao anúncio da Microsoft nos anos 90 do século passado:
"Where do you wanto to go today?"

Obrigado João.

segunda-feira, janeiro 11, 2016

Muito mais do que valor financeiro (parte VIII)

Parte I, parte IIparte IIIparte IVparte Vparte VI e parte VII. 
"How the experience economy will evolve
The experience economy is a long-term underlying shift in the very structure of advanced economies and the forces of creative destruction take time.
The shift into today’s experience economy comes with a number of implications that leaders should keep in mind as they manage their company’s shift from commodity trading, manufacturing and service providing or innovate wholly new businesses birthed in experiences:
1. Mass customization is the route up the progression of economic value
Companies should focus on reaching inside of the individual, living, breathing customer, making their offerings as personal and as individual as the customer
2. Work is theatre. Business enterprises would gain an invaluable perspective simply by declaring their work to be theatre. For when a business sees its workplace as a bare stage, it opens up opportunities to distinguish itself from the myriad humdrum makers of goods and providers of services that perform work without recognizing the true nature of their acts. With theatre furnishing the operating model, even the most mundane of tasks can engage customers in a memorable way.[Moi ici: Quando li isto, juro, recuei logo até Dezembro de 2006]
3. Authenticity is the new consumer sensibility. Concomitant with the shift into the experience economy is a shift in the primary criterion by which people choose what to buy and from whom to buy. No matter the offering – commodity, good, service, experience or transformation – customers will judge it based on whether or not they view it as authentic – that is, whether or not it conforms to their own self-image.
4. The experience is the marketing. Perhaps the worst offender when it comes to authenticity is advertising, as it has become a phoniness-generating machine. [Moi ici: Relacionar com o outro recorte que se segue mais abaixo] Companies should invest their marketing money in experience places. The best way to generate demand for any offering in today’s experience economy is with an experience so engaging that customers can’t help but pay attention and buy that offering. Marketing therefore needs to become placemaking, where companies create a portfolio of places, both real and virtual, to simultaneously render authenticity and generate demand."
Trechos retirados de "A leader's guide to innovation in the experience economy" de Pine e Gilmore, publicado em STRATEGY & LEADERSHIP, VOL. 42 NO. 1 2014, pp. 24-29
""“Marketing experiences are the new marketing,”
“It is really important for CMOs to understand that brand architecture is sort of representative of a bygone era where brands would tell people through creative campaigns what that brand stood for and why you should care,”
experiences are now the new brand.
the need for CMOs to become “experience architects.”"
Trechos retirado de "Experiences Are The New Brand, And CMOs Are Their Architects"

domingo, janeiro 10, 2016

Muito mais do que valor financeiro (parte VII)

Parte I, parte IIparte IIIparte IVparte V e parte VI.
Mais um exemplo do que pode ser feito na economia das experiências:
"Extreme Sandbox, a heavy-equipment playground for adults....Customers pay about $300 to play with construction equipment in a giant sand pit. Clients can drive an excavator, operate a bulldozer, or crush a car (for an extra $100) for up to 7 hours."

No que diz respeito à experience economy o céu é o limite!!!
Ainda ontem "Seis pessoas perdidas no Gerês" e "Seis pessoas em apuros no alto do Gerês já foram socorridas"... esta gente ganhou recordações, memórias para sempre e, como refere Kahneman em "Thinking, Fast and Slow":
"A story is about significant events and memorable moments, not about time passing....In many cases we evaluate touristic vacations by the story and the memories that we expect to store. The word memorable is often used to describe vacation highlights, explicitly revealing the goal of the experience."

Trechos retirados de "Mark Cuban Does the Unthinkable on 'Shark Tank'"

sábado, janeiro 09, 2016

Muito mais do que valor financeiro (parte VI)

Parte I, parte IIparte IIIparte IV e parte V.
"the growing desire to replace all this stuff with experiences – those which you can buy, and those which you can’t.
For small businesses looking to tap into future trends, a key movement in the next few years is bound to be that replacement of buying stuff with building memories for ourselves and our families.
The “experience economy” is set to grow, and many small and medium enterprises have services or products which fit that trend. The key now is to recognise that, and modify the way you interact with your customers to speak to this desire.
... Define who your customers are, and what experiences they are seeking.You need to know your customers, what they like and dislike, where you find them on social media, their problems, and how you can solve them....Use case studies to tell your potential customers what a great experience you can provide.Food, tourism, and leisure businesses are ideally placed to tap into this trend, and sharing the stories of people who have built great memories from your products or services is an effective way of doing that."

Trechos retirados de "Discover a key trend for business in 2016"

quinta-feira, janeiro 07, 2016

Muito mais do que valor financeiro (parte V)

Parte I, parte IIparte III e parte IV.
Mais um exemplo do que é trabalhar no B2C e o crescente, o explosivo mercado das experiências em "'Escape rooms' the latest in entertainment economy".
A experiência é mesmo o produto!!!
"Escape This Live offers groups a choice of two rooms in Catonsville — one Western-themed, the other pirate-themed. Customer groups are locked in for an hour and must find clues, solve riddles and unlock puzzles in search of the final key needed to escape. An employee watches a video feed and can offer a limited number of clues if they get stuck..Groups can rent an entire room at the Catonsville location for $250 or go as individuals and join a group for $29 each. Some of the people who were randomly teamed up have stayed in touch after the experience,
...Escape rooms are part of a growing number of businesses that offer unusual experiences, reflecting a trend of people placing more value on having a good time than accumulating items....Some say that since today's generation spends so much time on social media and digital devices, having a three-dimensional, tactile experience has become more important. Experiences also can be shared on social media and be valuable social currency...."It was worth every penny.""

quarta-feira, janeiro 06, 2016

Muito mais do que valor financeiro (parte IV)

Parte I, parte II e parte III.
Terminei a parte III com a frase:
"A informação que refiro nesta série é outra, é a que permite sensoriar experiências e mudar pessoas"
É uma tendência forte para o futuro, o proporcionar de experiências, a valorização do experienciar em detrimento do ter. Recordar:
Enquanto por cá está em marcha uma conspiração para pôr os contribuintes a pagar os jornais (é sempre é difícil aos incumbentes mudar velhos hábitos e mudar de vida) eis um exemplo de como outra "vítima da internet" aproveitou a tendência da experience economy para criar um novo negócio "Bon Jovi, NFL See Profit in an Intimate Fan Experience" (ver isto).
"“After 27 years of listening to his music, watching interviews and attending any concert I could go to, I finally go to stand next to him, put my arm around him and have my photo taken."
É isto:
"The business aims at a generation that would rather spend money on experiences than things, said Paul Swangard, the former managing director of the Warsaw Sports Marketing Center at the University of Oregon..As their discretionary income grows, so too will the market for experiences,” he said. “Building this business now, with the team and connections in place, gives them first mover advantage in what I expect will be a lucrative market.”
Enquanto corria debaixo de uma deliciosa chuva miudinha pensava na aplicação deste conceito aos atletas "reformados". Recordei logo que Michael Jordan organizava workshops para gestores. No campo, equipados e com bola misturava-se a oportunidade de estar lado a lado com ele e a partilha de estórias e experiências pessoais. Quanto poderia ter ganho Figo se em vez de escolas de futebol para crianças tivesse enveredado por experiências para adultos?

sexta-feira, janeiro 01, 2016

Começar 2016 olhando em frente!

Qual a melhor maneira de começar 2016?
Olhando para a frente!
E o que é que encontramos pela frente?
Sim, essa metáfora que uso sobre o mundo económico para onde nos estamos a entranhar, o Estranhistão.
Em "2016 Food Trends: Being Brand Agnostic, New Proteins, Delivery Shifts and 5 more" julgo que encontramos muitas das características desse mundo:
"Trend #1. Agnosticism" [Moi ici: Aqui estou um bocado dividido e tentado a discordar do autor. Em Mongo teremos dois caminhos, ou entregar o produto ou serviço básico (estilo "Grab & Go") ou co-construir a experiência. As marcas grandes optaram há muito pelo básico e, por isso, serão vítimas daquilo a que chamo radioclubização ou hollowing e os clientes nada sentirão por elas. As marcas que optam por co-construir a experiência, por servir uma tribo, terão cada vez mais força, talvez não a força dos números grandes, mas a força dos Davids]
A tendência que se segue é tão Mongo:
"Trend #2. Have it your way...
personalization will become pervasive...
Food retailers will need to curate their offerings, and understand what all of their customers’ wants and desires truly are [Moi ici: Isto fez-me lembrar o falhanço da Papelaria Fernandes... algures no tempo quiseram fazer uma mini loja Staples, sem máquinas, num espaço caro e visitado por outro tipo de público... BTW, foi outra prova do tempo que foi superada] if they will remain in business and grow and compete with online sellers who continue to hone their algorithms and offerings based on purchase history." [Moi ici: Confesso que não tenho grande receio dos algoritmos, nos próximos anos, se houver humanos do outro lado. Em Outubro recorri ao Booking para reservar um quarto de hotel em Almeirim, por causa de uma visita de trabalho. Desde então, não voltei a precisar de dormir em Almeirim. No entanto, já recebi 17 e-mails parvos a oferecer-me "ofertas de última hora para Almeirim"]
Em Mongo além da tribo e da personalização: a localização, a proximidade, a autenticidade e o DIY:
"Trend #3. Bioregions:
“Local” has been one of the biggest trends in the supermarket aisles for almost ten years.
A recent study by A.T. Kearney found that women and (with?) children – are willing to pay more for locally produced food. The ultimate in local? Growing lettuces, herbs and yes even kale in your own kitchen year-round without herbicides."
Salami slicers?
"Trend #4. Micro-stores:
Far from the everything-and-the-kitchen-sink hypermarkets, look for smaller, neighborhood grocers to spring up. These stores, such as ALDI (with over 1,400 locations in the U.S. and counting), Bfresh in Boston, Green Zebra in Portland are more relaxed, attentive and curated, with a heavy emphasis on products that Millennials yearn for, and buy. Excellent private and exclusive brands with prices that this generation can afford."[Moi ici: Recordar o que escrevi acima sobre o agnosticismo da tendência 1. Recordar o TOO BIG TO CARE]
O que é que a loja disponibiliza, produto ou experiência? Produto ou saúde? Ainda me recordo, numa longínqua vida passada de engenheiro, achar que uma PME nunca precisaria de um marketeer. Hoje, sentir que não precisa é o que me faz espécie. E as mercearias do futuro precisarem dos serviços de nutricionistas?
"Trend #5. A new way of eating:
unless your store can disrupt the pattern by offering retail dietitians, health fairs and a 24/7 source of unbiased food and health information. In 2016 we will see new kinds of proteins that are more sustainable and affordable than animal sources. Algae, nuts, vegetable, yeast and even insects will be used as ingredients to up the protein punch and we will see development of new healthier profiles
Look for an emphasis on “less is more” – fewer ingredients, and many more products touting their “free from” claims – free-from growth hormones, free-from GMOs ..."
Algo que julgo está muito mais atrasado em Portugal, o à vontade da compra online:
"Trend #6. Evolution of the millennial generation:
There are now more Millennials than Baby Boomers and although they got a late start in their careers they are now earning dollars, getting married and moving out of their parents homes. Millennials garner a lot of attention, and they buy very differently. There is no difference to buying online or in a store."
Também neste sector a explosão do "home delivery":
"Trend #7. A delivery shift:
It already feels as though you can order any food at any time and have it delivered in a flash, and that trend will only increase. One major change is that people of all age groups are willing to pay extra for that service."
Por fim, é a experiência da compra ao contexto da sua confecção e usufruto:
"Trend #8. Technology to the rescue:
In every way, from supply chain to point-of-sale systems to loyalty and more, technology continues to affect the food retail industry, and there’s no chance of that stopping. But as so many technologies flood the market, some of them aren’t that reliable. Retailers should be certain they have accurate and relevant information on their websites and apps, so shoppers don’t have to go to other sources – that may mislead. We cherish our mobile devices, and believe everything that is on the screen. The opportunity to retain a shopper relationship will come through information, service and empowerment. Now more than ever we need to equip store level personnel with information and technologies that can answer the questions that shoppers have. To create a food experience like no other with tastings and classes. To truly be the center of a community.
What will 2016 be like? More mobile. More delivery. More artisan. More curated. More delivered. More nutrition. More expensive."

sábado, dezembro 19, 2015

Acerca das experiências

""Experiences are great and lead to happiness because they tend to be more unique and less comparable than material goods," he says. "But what that also means is because they're more unique and less comparable, I need to know a lot about you to find an experience you'll really enjoy."[Moi ici: Caminhando nós para Mongo, a proximidade será fundamental para conhecer os clientes]
As more research continues to drive home the point that experiences make people happier, there are a few signs that the market is also changing, with a few new services that try to help you find experiences rather than objects.
"There's an opportunity there," says Goodman. "Right now you can go to the mall and there's a whole bunch of material things to look at and choose as a gift. Experiences require a little bit more creativity to think about—what are upcoming shows, plays—I can't just walk into a store and pick one off a shelf."" [Moi ici: Escolher ir ver uma peça de teatro é uma experiência. No entanto, chamar-lhe-ia uma experiência de base. Julgo que há potencial para subir na escala e oferecer uma experiência mais completa: Desenhar uma experiência para um grupo, começar pela recolha dos elementos do grupo, jantar, peça e regresso a casa, por exemplo. Há aqui potencial para as agências de viagem recuperarem mercado, apostando na co-criação de experiências com os turistas e não só. Não vendem viagens na net, co-desenham pacotes de experiências na net]
 Trechos retirados de "Why It's Better To Give Experiences, Not Things"

sexta-feira, dezembro 11, 2015

Acerca da economia das experiências

"One of the most exciting aspects of the technology industry today is the rise of new business models.
Now comes another new “economy” to think about: the experience economy. IfOnly, a web site started by well-connected San Francisco entrepreneur Trevor Traina, is building a business by selling customers the opportunity to do unique things rather than to own them. The site offers everything from pedaling up Marin County’s Mt. Tam with inventors of the mountain bike to baking with the creators of San Francisco’s Kara’s Cupcakes. “Every trend and every research report points to the fact that people want to live experientially,” Traina says. “People’s lives are pointing to experiences, not things. This is as true for wealthy people as millennials. The goal of IfOnly is to power the experience economy using our technology platform.”
Recordar ""uma oportunidade tremenda de se diferenciar" (parte IV)"

Trecho retirado de "Welcome to the ‘Experience’ Economy"

quinta-feira, outubro 22, 2015

Acerca da experiência do cliente (parte II)

Parte I.

Alguns destes números são de se segurar à cadeira.

  1. "Research shows that 55% of consumers are willing to pay more for a guaranteed good experience. Kolsky points out the word 'guaranteed', noting customers are no longer satisfied with just being promised a good experience.
  2. 86% of consumers are willing to pay more for an upgraded experience. Air travel and hospitality are examples where upselling better experiences can generate incremental revenue and bolster customer loyalty.
  3. 84% of consumers are frustrated when the agent does not have information.
  4. Customer frustration leads to the following: 13% tell 15 or more people if they're unhappy. Conversely, 72% of consumers will share a positive experience with 6 or more people.
  5. 67% of consumers site bad experiences as reason for churn. Kolsky researched and surveyed business leaders to find other critically important trends regarding customer experience including:
  6. 50% of customer experience natural occurring churn every 5 years.
  7. Only 1 out of 26 unhappy customers complain. The rest churn. A lesson here is that companies should not view absence of feedback as a sign of satisfaction. The true enemy is indifference.
  8. 91% of unhappy customers who are non-complainers simply leave.
  9. It is 6-7X more expensive for companies to attract new customers than to keep existing customers.
  10. 65% of companies are able to successfully upsell or cross-sell to existing customers.
  11. Only 12% of companies are able to successfully upsell or cross-sell to new customers.
  12. 75% of brands do not know what engagement means - but are measuring "it""