domingo, novembro 07, 2010

Estratégia não é o mesmo que Planeamento Estratégico... ou melhor, Planeamento da Estratégia.

"When change is slow within an environment, when conservative forces predominate and when we are secure in our predictions, strategy is reduced to planning. The fundamental issues have been effectively determined. During such times goals are clear, targets are easily defined, and the actions required for their accomplishment are predictable.
In contrast, when change is happening at an accelerated rate, when technology and its applications are unpredictable and when competition appears around every corner, strategy takes on a major role; there is an unprecedented demand for thinking in new ways and distinguishing new levels of abstraction. The fundamental issues of the times have not yet been determined.
When rapid changes are occurring everywhere in areas seemingly unconnected to us, we can be certain that they will soon affect us. When well-informed, intelligent people are being surprised by new developments, we can be certain that it is time for a new level of strategic thinking. The longer that we rely on inherited strategies that are mere technical functions, the more we will have to learn when it is time for new depth in strategic thinking. It is time now (for some it may be too late) to take on the challenge of discovering what strategic thinking really can be." (Moi ici: We are here today! Both at the macro-economic level as a country and at the micro-economic level where business units are embedded in a see of abundance, in an ocean of overproduction and underdemand.)
"For most of the twentieth century, our corporations have only required planning. Because of the impoverished demand in the field of strategy, planning has been mistaken for strategy. Strategy and planning, however, have no more to do with each other than deciding to get married and planning the wedding. Strategic thinking attempts to understand the nature of things. It creates the opportunity to respond to current circumstances and actions in such a way that the future created far surpasses any future that would have been created by the mere continuation of what is already in existence. To be considered effective, strategic thinking must be shared with many individuals in such a way that action can be independently coordinated throughout an organization. (Moi ici: E voltamos outra vez ao desafio do trapezista - a comunicação de algo que não está fechado, de algo que não é mas vai sendo)
The first and most important task in strategic thinking is to provide a theory by which an uncertain and constantly shifting world can be approached.
Once strategic thinking is underway, planning can then begin. Planning is a practice in and of itself. It is concerned less with the source of the idea than with ensuring that action is consistent with the original intention. Planning is a design methodology and practice that creates structures for fulfilling ideas. The challenge of planning is to create structures that are perfectly aligned with the principles of the original intention."
Assim como escrevo "mapa da estratégia" em vez de "mapa estratégico", também devíamos escrever e dizer "planeamento da estratégia" e não "planeamento estratégico".
Trechos retirados de "The intelligence advantage : organizing for complexity" por Michael D. McMaster

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