quinta-feira, março 25, 2010

Intuição e modelos mentais

E como é alimentada a intuição?
O que está na base do iceberg de Senge? (aqui e aqui)
Os modelos mentais!
"Experts are not just accumulating experiences. People become experts by the lessons they draw from their experiences, and by the sophistication of their mental models about how things work."
"Mental models are developed through experience—individual experience, organizational
experience, and cultural experience. The richer mental models of experts ... include more knowledge and also enable the experts to see more connections. These are two defining features of complexity.
The mental models of experts are more complex than those of other people."
"With experience we learn more and more patterns. These patterns let us size up situations quickly and accurately. The experience and the patterns enable us to judge what to pay attention to and what to ignore. That way, we usually reserve our attention for the most important cues and aspects of a situation. However, if the situation is deceptive or is different from what we expect, we may focus our attention on the wrong things and ignore important cues. That’s why the concept of ‘‘mindsets’’ creates so much controversy. Our mindsets frame the cues in front of us and the events that are unfolding so we can make sense of everything.
Experience and patterns produce mindsets. The more experience we have, the more patterns we have learned, the larger and more varied our mindsets and the more accurate they are. We depend heavily on our mindsets. Yet our mindsets aren’t perfect and can mislead us.
With more expertise, we may become more confident in our mindsets, and therefore more easily misled. As we saw in the previous chapters, every mechanism has limitations.
The mindsets that reflect our experience and power our expertise can, on occasion, cause our downfall. Mindsets aren’t good or bad. Their value depends on how well they fit the situation in which we find ourselves. Mindsets help us frame situations and provide anchors for making estimates."
É também por isto que fico com os cabelos em pé quando olho para os curricula dos políticos que nos governam, por exemplo aqui e aqui.
Que modelos mentais é que esta gente transporta? O que é que as habilita a exercer o poder nos tempos que correm? Como é que vêem o mundo?
Como escreveu Joaquim Aguiar, somos governados por funcionários.
Trechos retirados de "Gary Klein retirado de “Streetlights and Shadows - Searching for the Keys to Adaptive Decision Making”"

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