"In 2000, Venchi ventured into retail selling only its chocolates. Such a narrow product line wasn’t enough to support a big investment. Six years later, the company tried again, but added chocolate beverages, ice cream and other products.E não tem nada a ver com o produto, tudo com o contexto em que o produto é percepcionado e adquirido.
It also upgraded its locations and store designs, replacing cheap furniture with tonier pieces. Venchi also hired more experienced sales staff.
“The change in the perception was so big that the average consumer went from spending €5 to about €12,” Mr. Ferrero said. “We’re becoming more like a luxury fashion house than a food store.”"
Trecho retirado de "Prices Pinch Prosciutto Trade"
BTW, depois de ler o artigo completo, como não pensar no esforço exportador bem sucedido, que tantos e tantos pequenos produtores portugueses estão a ter.