sexta-feira, janeiro 02, 2015

E depois da comunicação da estratégia (parte I)

O quinto capítulo de "Business Strategy - Managing Uncertainty, Opportunity, and Enterprise" de  J.-C. Spender foi uma grande surpresa.
"If a strategy was simply a logical plan to reach a known objective, and many think of strategy of this way, communicating it would be easy. But the preceding chapters show strategizing as an ongoing process of selecting and dealing creatively with the situation’s uncertainties. Even when this has been done and the firm’s BM has been constructed, resourced, and its implementers trained up, and there is an appropriate idiosyncratic language with which to express and control it, those implementing will get further surprises and meet further uncertainties as they transform thought into action. It follows the strategizing process is not complete until it has been translated into irrevocable action, until all the actors identified have committed, “plunged in with both feet.” ... So strategizing managers need a communications approach that engages the implementers and others in the strategizing process actively and draws them into it, rather than an approach that treats their hearers as dumb cogs in a mechanical system designed to achieve their plans. ... Strategists need to know how to engage their subordinates in a process that continues up to the very moment of commitment."
Depois de comunicada a estratégia, o mundo continua a girar, as incertezas a desenrolarem-se e a realidade a mudar... a estratégia comunicada inicialmente tem de ser ajustada por cada um, no seu posto de trabalho.

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