A leitura do terceiro capítulo "Advanced purchase and the separation of purchase and consumption" de "The Pricing and Revenue Management of Services - A strategic approach" de Irene Ng veio reforçar a minha preocupação com os
custos não monetários.
"To mitigate valuation risk, firms often offer discounts to entice buyers to purchase, although the service rendered is still the same. Yet, buyers buy because the expectations they place on the benefits of the service is high enough (or the price of the service is low enough, depending on how you wish to see it) that notwithstanding the discount on their willingness to pay due to the valuation risk, the asking price is still worth it. Thus,
many service firms don’t realise that the demand could actually be far higher and the willingness-to-pay far greater (i.e. the firm could get a higher price) if the valuation risk could be reduced."
Irene Ng vai buscar o trabalho de Kahneman e Tversky ("
Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk"; "
Using Prospect Theory to Guide Product Management Decisions") para recordar que "
buyers’ aversion to loss is greater than their eagerness to acquire gains. Using the example above, the consumer may prefer to walk to the restaurant down the road so as to avoid the risk that he may not find a parking spot at the other restaurant, even if the latter is touted to have better ambience and food compared to the former." e chamar a atenção para:
"The cost of increasing a service’s benefits may not yield as much revenue as compared to spending the money to amplify the expected outlay for choosing the alternative. This is because any increase in the expected outlay for going with the competition, will increase the firm’s ENV (expected net value). And by amplifying the risk of choosing the alternative, the increase in a buyer’s ENV for the firm could
actually be even higher."
A minha conclusão é imediata, muitas empresas, em vez de investirem no aumento dos benefícios da sua oferta deviam apostar primeiro na redução dos riscos não-monetários da mesma oferta.
Actualmente ando à procura de um serviço para montar vidros duplos na minha casa, impressiona a quantidade de riscos não-monetários que temos pela frente: quem? garantias? opções? eficácia?
Por fim, o capítulo termina em beleza com uma das mensagens-chave deste blogue. Ganhem fôlego, e lembrem-se, não sou eu que o escrevo:
price is over-rated as a reflection of the service’s value or benefit to the buyer. Marketers forget that the price – commonly seen as the ‘economic value’ of their products – is usually severely discounted because of outlays required to buy or consume a product, especially if it’s a service.
The key strategic value for decision making is the ENV; how the ENV is affected by the expected benefits and outlays, and the construction of the pricing policy within the framework. The traditional understanding of willingness-to- pay is that price has to be lowered to increase surplus and improve the buyer’s inclination to buy, since the buyer’s willingness to pay cannot be changed for a given product."