"The COVID-19 operating environment requires that managers reexamine their collective thought processes and challenge their own assumptions. Failure to do so will create the risk of serious errors. Here are some of the pitfalls managers will likely encounter:
Optimism bias. Since managers and their organizations have never seen anything like this crisis, existing heuristics learned from years of management might not apply. One common problem is that managers experience optimism bias, both individually and collectively. They will be inclined to bring forward the date of an expected revenue rebound or minimize the duration of expected business closure. Simply, managers cannot or will not believe how bad the situation could get, and the organization ends up planning for a much milder scenario than transpires."
Li este trecho ontem ao final do dia. Depois, apanhei este artigo "Números de beneficiários do subsídio de desemprego deverá cair 4% em 2021":
"O Governo estima que o número de beneficiário do subsídio de desemprego caia 4% em 2021, com a melhoria da economia e a recuperação do mercado laboral."
Pessoalmente acredito que as coisas vão piorar antes de começarem a melhorar.
Trecho retirado de "When nothing is normal: Managing in extreme uncertainty"