"No Differentiation. The first question that stumps some teams is a fundamental marketing question. How is our product different from the competition? The fact that it takes some teams hours to answer this question often indicates a need to improve product development processes. Even so, getting to an answer is real progress in understanding a product’s positioning.Numa PME com um desafio destes em curso, resolvemos começar por um ponto de diferenciação. A empresa equacionou vários: proximidade; relação; rapidez; ...
Differentiation is sometimes hidden in service, reliability, and other less tangible value drivers that can be quantified if the team works through the customer’s business."
mas entendemos todos que para começar vamos lidar só com um desses pontos.
"Too many customer situations, offerings & competitors. Teams quantifying value often get hung up at the very first specific quantitative question. The answer to an early question all too often is “it varies” or “it depends.” Specific quantitative answers regarding how much better we are, and what that is worth to the customer, often change with: (1) the type of customer, (2) which version of our product we are offering, and (3) who the competitor may be in the customer’s buying process."O passo seguinte constituiu em responder à pergunta: Olhando para os clientes actuais, conseguimos reuni-los em grupos mais ou menos homogéneos em função da maior ou menor importância que dão ao factor escolhido?
Depois, outra pergunta: que vantagens os clientes retiram desse factor? Aqui recordo a tríade de MacDivit (reduzem os seus custos? aumentam os seus ganhos? ganho emocional?)
E a sua empresa, pratica o value-based pricing?