Mais um artigo que os deolindeiros e não só, deveriam ler para contextualizarem o que se vive na micro-economia mundial. "The Age of Temporary Advantage" de Richard D'Aveni, Giovanni Battista Dagnino e Ken Smith, e publicado pelo Strategic Management Advantage (Strat. Mgmt. J., 31: 1371–1385 (2010))
"how organizations can successfully compete, evolve, and survive
when firm-specific advantages are not sustainable or enduring, but more temporary in nature.
Almost since the onset of strategic management scholarship, the field has assumed that sustainable competitive advantage exists.
However, recent studies have begun to suggest that
sustainable competitive advantage is rare and declining in duration. Other studies have found anecdotal and more rigorous empirical evidence of the concatenation of temporary advantages. And
there is growing empirical evidence that the volatility of financial returns is increasing, suggesting that the relative importance of the temporary (volatile) component of competitive advantage is rising when compared to the long run component of sustainable competitive advantage.
The increasing temporary nature of advantages has been attributed to numerous causes, including
technological change, globalization, industry convergence, aggressive competitive behavior, deregulation, the privatization movement stimulated by governments or hedge funds, government subsidies, the rise of China, India, and other emerging countries, the increase in availability of patient venture capital money, terrorism, global political instability, the pressure of short-term incentives for senior executives to produce results, etc. (
Moi ici: falta aqui o papel dos clientes e consumidores, quanto mais opções de escolha têm à sua disposição e quanto mais se contrai o mercado de massas numa rede de segmentos de procura distintos, mais volátil a vantagem competitiva, por que mais se habituam a essa diferenciação)
What would the field of strategy be like if we conclude that the key instruments of strategy design no longer have value? Both Porter’s five forces model and the resource-based view are rooted in a
conception of the world that is essentially stable. (
Moi ici: Esta concepção sempre me deu a volta ao estômago... não acredito nela) And much of economic thinking is based on assumptions of equilibrium. What if equilibrium is impossible or fleeting? What if industry structure is too temporary to be called structure and oligopolistic bargains, barriers to entry, and market power over buyers are quite limited or fleeting? What do economic models tell us about advantage when industry structure and cooperative solutions are not sustainable? And what do we have when markets, resources, and firms are continuously moving but never reaching equilibrium?
Some have suggested that more fine-grained theories from Austrian economics—that emphasize entrepreneurs, action, and disequilibrium—offer hope for competing in rapidly changing conditions. Indeed, the competitive dynamics stream of research has been built upon this assumption. The principle argument in this stream of research is that the firm strategy/performance relationship is very much dependent on the behavior of both a focal firm and its competitors or the level of rivalry."
Quais as consequências disto, como é que isto influencia as decisões tomadas por quem tem de pensar no futuro das empresas?
Há os que, cumprida a comissão de serviço, recebem o seu e vão para uma praia beber piñacoladas e gozar o day-after. E há os que, ano após ano, distribuem a
bosta e prestam contas das suas decisões.