"At its core, a business is a value delivery system. [Moi ici: Como se o valor fosse criado pelo fornecedor... não, prefiro pensar no valor como criado pelo cliente] Once you've decided how to create value as described in the value proposition, you must then determine how to go about delivering that value. The deliver phase of the business model begins with the value chain, [Moi ici: Como não recordar "The Power of Co-creation" e a percepção de que cada vez mais as empresas têm de perceber que não controlam parcelas crescentes da cadeia de valor...] a useful tool in visualizing how an organization delivers value to its customers. While the value proposition takes an external view of value from the customer's perspective, the value chain takes the internal organizational view."
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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta ramaswamy. Mostrar todas as mensagens
quinta-feira, novembro 06, 2014
Acerca da criação do valor
Não estamos de acordo com a linguagem de Rich Horwath em "Elevate":
segunda-feira, fevereiro 24, 2014
Os duendes e a base do valor
Em Mongo, o Estranhistão domina esta paisagem:
Um mundo de tribos, de diversidade e heterogeneidade na procura.
Como é que as empresas tentam dar resposta a esta explosão câmbrica da parte dos clientes?
Aumentando a variedade dos produtos que oferecem. Contudo:
Um mundo de tribos, de diversidade e heterogeneidade na procura.
Como é que as empresas tentam dar resposta a esta explosão câmbrica da parte dos clientes?
Aumentando a variedade dos produtos que oferecem. Contudo:
"Product variety has not necessarily resulted in better consumer experience"As empresas têm de perceber que o papel dos consumidores/clientes mudou:
"The most basic change has been a shift in the role of the customer - from isolated to connected, from unaware to informed, from passive to active."E que isso traz consequências:
"What is the net result of the changing role of consumers? Companies can no longer act autonomously, designing products, developing production processes, crafting marketing messages, and controlling sales channels with little or no interference from consumers. Consumers now seek to exercise their influence in every part of the business system. Armed with new tools and dissatisfied with available choices, consumers want to interact with firms and thereby co-create value. The use of interaction as a basis for co-creation is at the crux of our emerging reality."Mas cuidado:
"Eventually, the roles of the company and the consumer converge toward a unique co-creation experience, or an "experience of one."
Notice what co-creation is not. It is neither the transfer nor out-sourcing of activities to customers nor a marginal customization of products and services. Nor is it a scripting or staging of customer events around the firm's various offerings. That kind of company-customer interaction no longer satisfies most consumers today.
The change that we are describing is far more fundamental. It involves the co-creation of value through personalized interactions that are meaningful and sensitive to a specific consumer. The co-creation experience (not the offering) is the basis of unique value for each individual. The market begins to resemble a forum organized around individuals and their co-creation experiences rather than around passive pockets of demand for the firm's offerings."
E, por isso, é que os duendes (a partir de hoje vou usar esta palavra para significar os artesãos de Mongo) têm uma vantagem importante sobre os incumbentes, habituados a ver o produto como a oferta. Com os duendes, a oferta é a experiência. A experiência que começa no co-desenho, continua na co-produção e se prolonga pela utilização, é essa experiência com mais pontos de contacto, como mais pontos de IKEA-effect que vai gerar uma superior percepção de valor na vida dos clientes.
Trechos retirados de "The Future of Competition" de C.K. Prahalad e Venkat Ramaswamy. Livro lido em 2008 e que fui re-ler a propósito de um tweet do Paulo Peres. E sentimos logo o efeito de 5/6 anos de experiência desde a sua primeira leitura, bem na linha de:
Trechos retirados de "The Future of Competition" de C.K. Prahalad e Venkat Ramaswamy. Livro lido em 2008 e que fui re-ler a propósito de um tweet do Paulo Peres. E sentimos logo o efeito de 5/6 anos de experiência desde a sua primeira leitura, bem na linha de:
"Nunca é tarde para aprender, mas às vezes é demasiado cedo"
sexta-feira, dezembro 23, 2011
Para que serve a batota
Voltando a "O importante é a experiência!!!" e às ideias de Venkat Ramaswamy:
"value cocreation together in dyadic direct interactions"
Ou seja:
Concentremos-nos pois nas interacções.
Para que serve a batota sobre a qual escrevo aqui no blogue?
Para melhorar as interacções e iniciar a cadeia de relações de causa-efeito que vão criar experiências superiores e aumentar o valor percepcionado durante o uso!!!
Importante ler esta reflexão "Human experience before process, please"
- O valor é função da experiência humana que sentimos durante o uso, durante a integração na nossa vida;
- As experiências resultam das interacções, emergem das relações que estabelecemos;
- Uma empresa é uma entidade que facilita a originação de valor com base em experiências através de interacções. Plataformas para o desenho de compromissos são os meios para a criação conjunta de valor através do desenvolvimento de interacções;
- Co-criação é o processo através do qual valor mútuo é expandido para as partes, onde o valor para os actores individuais participantes é uma função das suas experiências, tanto as experiências vividas na plataforma , como as experiências produtivas e significativas que daí resultam.
Apanhando algumas ideias de Christian Gronroos sobre a co-criação em "Value co-creation: Towards a conceptual model":
"all value creation is co‐creational... co‐creation requires a dyadic direct interaction between the co‐creating parties ...
co‐creation of value is used as an allencompassing expression to denote mutual value creation by the actors involved, emphasizing that in a business engagement both parties contribute to the value that is created. Naturally, some of these actions are independently value creating, some are facilitating value creation for the other party, and finally some are joint value‐creating activities, or in other words value cocreation together in dyadic direct interactions."Tudo isto para reforçar este ponto:
"value cocreation together in dyadic direct interactions"
Ou seja:
interacções -> experiências -> emergência de valor
.Concentremos-nos pois nas interacções.
Para que serve a batota sobre a qual escrevo aqui no blogue?
Para melhorar as interacções e iniciar a cadeia de relações de causa-efeito que vão criar experiências superiores e aumentar o valor percepcionado durante o uso!!!
Importante ler esta reflexão "Human experience before process, please"
sexta-feira, setembro 17, 2010
Sonho de um optimista ingénuo (parte V)
Continuando a leitura do artigo "Co-creating Experiences with Customers: New Paradigm of Value Creation" de Venkat Ramaswamy.
"the basis of value for the customer shifts from a physical product (with or without ancillary services) to the total co-creation experience, which includes co-designing as well as all the other interactions among the consumer, the company, ...
Therefore, the co-created experiece outcome dependes on the nature and level of access to the company's employees and extended community, as well as the level of transparency of all parties."
De salientar a lista sobre "Co-creation is not about"
"the basis of value for the customer shifts from a physical product (with or without ancillary services) to the total co-creation experience, which includes co-designing as well as all the other interactions among the consumer, the company, ...
Therefore, the co-created experiece outcome dependes on the nature and level of access to the company's employees and extended community, as well as the level of transparency of all parties."
De salientar a lista sobre "Co-creation is not about"
quinta-feira, setembro 16, 2010
Sonho de um optimista ingénuo (parte IV)
Por exemplo, as empresas grandes não podem chegar, ou não podem trabalhar bem, ou não podem competir a sério, imho, na arena da co-criação.
Este interessante artigo "Co-creating Experiences with Customers: New Paradigm of Value Creation" de Venkat Ramaswamy, chama a atenção para um novo paradigma de mercado. Em vez do mercado ser um lugar de troca, em vez da criação, da originação de valor ocorrer no interior das empresas... o mercado ser um lugar de co-criação de experiências com os clientes.
Destaco este trecho:
"Products and services are being commoditised as never before.
Is there an antidote? Yes. By redefining interaction as the new locus for creating value with customers. This means going beyond products and services and innovating 'experience environments' for co-creating value. This is at the crux of the emerging new opportunity space."
Este interessante artigo "Co-creating Experiences with Customers: New Paradigm of Value Creation" de Venkat Ramaswamy, chama a atenção para um novo paradigma de mercado. Em vez do mercado ser um lugar de troca, em vez da criação, da originação de valor ocorrer no interior das empresas... o mercado ser um lugar de co-criação de experiências com os clientes.
Destaco este trecho:
"Products and services are being commoditised as never before.
Is there an antidote? Yes. By redefining interaction as the new locus for creating value with customers. This means going beyond products and services and innovating 'experience environments' for co-creating value. This is at the crux of the emerging new opportunity space."
domingo, junho 22, 2008
Variedade e variabilidade e mais variabilidade
Neste postal reflecti sobre o perigo da cristalização, e sobre a diferença entre variedade e variabilidade.
A leitura do livro "The future of competition" de C.K. Prahalad e Venkat Ramaswamy permitiu-me avançar um pouco mais nessa reflexão.
Quem presta serviços tem de apostar na variabilidade da prestação em função de quem é servido, dado que cada cliente é diferente e tem expectativas diferentes.
"A basic tension is emerging between the Total Quality Management (TQM) of products and processes versus what might be called Experience Quality Management (EQM). Traditional product-oriented TQM taught us to stamp out variation in a bid to control product quality. But EQM means combining heterogeneity - in other words, variability - with quality of execution.
The same consumer who demands a unique, personalized experience also demands responsiveness, speed, reliability, and cross-channel consistency in actually experiencing the underlying event staisfactorily. How can we simultaneously meet such seemingly contradictory demands?
The answer lies in the crucial distinction between variability in consumer experiences - access to many alternative channels, products, and services - and variability in the underlying processes. The former is our ally; the latter is our enemy. The trick is in configuring an array of resources so as to create a multitude of possible experiences while maintaining the quality of each of the underlying subprocesses.
In other words, the experience network must be designed to accommodate variation in experiences while reducing variation in the quality of the supply processes that are activated to co-construct those experiences."
A leitura do livro "The future of competition" de C.K. Prahalad e Venkat Ramaswamy permitiu-me avançar um pouco mais nessa reflexão.
Quem presta serviços tem de apostar na variabilidade da prestação em função de quem é servido, dado que cada cliente é diferente e tem expectativas diferentes.
"A basic tension is emerging between the Total Quality Management (TQM) of products and processes versus what might be called Experience Quality Management (EQM). Traditional product-oriented TQM taught us to stamp out variation in a bid to control product quality. But EQM means combining heterogeneity - in other words, variability - with quality of execution.
The same consumer who demands a unique, personalized experience also demands responsiveness, speed, reliability, and cross-channel consistency in actually experiencing the underlying event staisfactorily. How can we simultaneously meet such seemingly contradictory demands?
The answer lies in the crucial distinction between variability in consumer experiences - access to many alternative channels, products, and services - and variability in the underlying processes. The former is our ally; the latter is our enemy. The trick is in configuring an array of resources so as to create a multitude of possible experiences while maintaining the quality of each of the underlying subprocesses.
In other words, the experience network must be designed to accommodate variation in experiences while reducing variation in the quality of the supply processes that are activated to co-construct those experiences."
sexta-feira, junho 20, 2008
Mais batota...
Agora que dei atenção a esta necessidade de fazer batota parece que estou sempre a dar de caras com artigos sobre o tema.
Comecei a ler o livro "The future of competition" de C.K. Prahalad e Venkat Ramaswamy e... é um monumento ao tema da batota.
Um monumento dedicado à co-criação entre cliente e fornecedor:
"Events form the basis for experiences. An event is a change of state in space and time that affects one or more individuals."
"We can disaggregate events into its components or subevents of increasing granularity."
"People experience events at varying levels of granularity."
"Several businesses have already learned how to provide a variety of offerings, and even stage standardized experiences around these oferings."
"Context in space and time is an inherent part of any event and thereby experience. If an event is about what happened, then context is about when it happened (time) and where it happened (space). These dimensions factor into the meaning ascribed to the experience. ... As the context changes, so does my experience.
Context also entails the situational circumstance associated with an event and how it happens. Companies have moved from providing content to shaping the circumstances of events, as Starbucks has done in its coffee stores. Contextual elements such as store location, interior design, lighting, product options, and recorded music creatively combine to let patrons relax, read, chat with friends, or savor a moment. While the firm stages the broad context through its experience environment, it also provides the scope for individuals to define their own contexts and enjoy different kinds of Starbucks experiences."
Comecei a ler o livro "The future of competition" de C.K. Prahalad e Venkat Ramaswamy e... é um monumento ao tema da batota.
Um monumento dedicado à co-criação entre cliente e fornecedor:
"Events form the basis for experiences. An event is a change of state in space and time that affects one or more individuals."
"We can disaggregate events into its components or subevents of increasing granularity."
"People experience events at varying levels of granularity."
"Several businesses have already learned how to provide a variety of offerings, and even stage standardized experiences around these oferings."
"Context in space and time is an inherent part of any event and thereby experience. If an event is about what happened, then context is about when it happened (time) and where it happened (space). These dimensions factor into the meaning ascribed to the experience. ... As the context changes, so does my experience.
Context also entails the situational circumstance associated with an event and how it happens. Companies have moved from providing content to shaping the circumstances of events, as Starbucks has done in its coffee stores. Contextual elements such as store location, interior design, lighting, product options, and recorded music creatively combine to let patrons relax, read, chat with friends, or savor a moment. While the firm stages the broad context through its experience environment, it also provides the scope for individuals to define their own contexts and enjoy different kinds of Starbucks experiences."
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