"a dialogue between an English lord and his American visitor:Lembrei-me logo deste diálogo quando vi este tweet:
“How come you got such a gorgeous lawn?” asks the American.
“Well, the quality of the soil, is, I dare say, of the utmost importance,” replies the lord.
“No problem.”
“Furthermore, one does need the finest quality seed and fertilizers.”
“Big deal.”
“Of course, daily watering and weekly mowing are jolly important.”
“No sweat, just leave it to me.”
“That’s it.”
“No kidding?! That’s it?!”
“Oh absolutely. There is nothing to it, old boy, just keep it up for five centuries.”"
E deste senhor que mimetiza bem a postura do americano do trecho "É preciso ser coerente". Nicolau Santos acha que um roadshow montado à última da hora resolve o problema do investimento externo... "Oh absolutely. There is nothing to it, old boy, just keep it up for five centuries"Este ano estima-se que a Irlanda cresça uns míseros 4.9%. A conjuntura internacional não perdoa.— MAL (@mlopes) June 7, 2016
O que fez a Irlanda quando a UE tentou obrigá-los a aumentar o IRC? Manteve a coerência e reforçou a sua imagem "just keep it up".
O que faz o governo português quando precisa de dinheiro?
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