segunda-feira, dezembro 15, 2014

Acerca de Mongo

"Now more and more of us are eschewing 9-to-5 jobs to plow our own paths, pursue our career passions, and wrest control of our daily grind. And that transformation is only accelerating. Soon, we’ll look back on the desk-jockey era as a distant memory.
In this Gig Economy (i.e., the rising labor force of entrepreneurs) we’re increasingly independent by choice. Last year, nearly 80% of new entrepreneurs made the leap, even though they weren’t coming off unemployment. And we’re happy that we took the plunge, with eight of 10 solopreneurs saying that they’re satisfied with their work.
Here are the trends that are fostering the independent work revolution.
Generation Gig...
This tech-savvy, uber-connected generation thinks differently about earning a living. They care more about the content and impact of their toils than how much money they earn or status they acquire. They want to pursue the work they’re interested in while maintaining flexibility. Indeed, a recent study shows that 79% of them would consider quitting their traditional job to freelance.
With this Generation Gig dominating the workforce, our rise into independent work is sure to reach meteoric heights.
SaaP: Services as a Product...
The Sharing Economy Goes Mainstream...
Startup America...
The Rise of the Digital Nomads...
A Toast to the Future of Work...We’re increasingly living in a world where passion, collaboration, and technology all play an equally crucial role in the way make our livings."
Trechos retirados de "2015 Forecast: You'll Never Work the Same Way Again"
Recordar "Portugal é terceiro país da UE com mais trabalhadores por conta própria"

1 comentário:

CCz disse...

Nem 5 minutos depois deste postal recebo telefonema em que alguém com muito valor me comunica que vai enveredar por esta via do trabalho independente, por vontade própria, deixando a segurança da ilusão da estabilidade (como disse Nassim Taleb)