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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta amancio ortega. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quinta-feira, junho 25, 2015

Amâncio Ortega era um pacato subcontratado, até que um dia [em 1975] aconteceu-lhe uma desgraça..."

"Amâncio Ortega era um pacato subcontratado que produzia em regime de private label para quem o contratasse. Até que um dia [em 1975] aconteceu-lhe uma desgraça..."
Primeiro, os resultados:
"Inditex, the fast-fashion retailer's parent company based in Spain, recently said profits in the first quarter jumped by a whopping 28%. Sales were up by an impressive 14%."
Segundo, a justificação, um modelo de negócio diferente:
""Unlike fast-fashion retailers, which have buying teams sourcing current trending fashion from third-party vendors, traditional specialty retailers have design teams creating product they believe is going to be trending 12 months out,
Zara's unconventional business model eliminates this risk [Moi ici: have a "fashion miss," it means markdowns,].
The company's strategy involves stocking very little and updating collections often. Unlike brands that update only once a season, Zara restocks with new designs twice a week, [Moi ici: Os membros da tríade ficam à nora com estas cenas que arrasam os modelos baseados no Homo racionalis]
it encourages customers to come back to the store often. It also means that if the shopper wants to buy something, he or she feels the need to buy it to guarantee it won't sell out.
"They broke up a century-old biannual cycle of fashion," an analyst told Hansen. "Now, pretty much half of the high-end fashion companies" — Prada and Louis Vuitton, for example — "make four to six collections instead of two each year. That's absolutely because of Zara."
Specialty retailers will need to follow suit in order to succeed, according to Goldman."

sábado, julho 28, 2012

Abertura de espírito e atenção aos sinais...

Ontem, a propósito deste postal "Mais uma previsão acertada", fizeram este comentário:
"Sem dúvida. Mais uma visão acertada, do Amancio Ortega. Anos 70."
Ao lê-lo, a minha mente voou e fez logo uma série de ligações...
Há um esquema muito interessante e conhecido, da autoria de Henry Mintzberg, sobre as estratégias deliberadas, as estratégias emergentes e as estratégias realizadas:
Como consultor, ao trabalhar com as empresas, facilito as discussões que ajudam a formular a estratégia pretendida. Depois, com o auxílio de umas ferramentas oriundas da Teoria das Restrições e com novas discussões, ajudo a concretizar a estratégia deliberada, aquilo a que costumo chamar "O que vamos fazer na próxima 2ª feira?"
Durante a implementação da estratégia deliberada, na concretização, na execução, materializa-se a estratégia realizada, a estratégia efectiva. Pois bem, enquanto planeamos e realizamos a nossa vida, a vida da empresa, a vida também acontece... podem surgir pistas, acontecimentos, conhecimento, eventos, que podem emergir e influenciar a estratégia efectivamente realizada. Um evento tanto pode ser o aumento do IVA, que torna mais difícil a venda no mercado interno, como pode ser um incêndio ou a falência de um concorrente importante, que abre uma oportunidade de crescimento não esperada.
Assim, como é importante pretender e deliberar para realizar, também é importante estar atento ao que emerge. Ainda esta semana, numa empresa, numa conversa durante a transição da fase da pretensão, para a fase da deliberação, alguém referia que um cliente o tinha abordado para avaliar a possibilidade de fazer um determinado serviço que não fazia parte da gama de serviços.
É interessante, um cliente não um estudo, não um relatório, um cliente a manifestar interesse num novo serviço... será que faz sentido? Será que é uma nova oportunidade de negócio? Será que é o primeiro sintoma de uma nova tendência? Será que vale a pena investigar?
E volto à frase sobre Amâncio Ortega lá cima.
Sir Ken Robinson deu-me a conhecer a história da vida de Vidal Sassoon:
"In 1954, he and a partner opened a very small salon on the third floor of a building in London’s fashionable Bond Street. “Bond Street was magic to me because it meant the West End. It was where I couldn’t get a job earlier. The West End meant I was going to make it. I was determined to change the way things were done or leave hairdressing. For me it wasn’t a case of bouffants and arrangements. It was about structure and how you train the eye.”
In the first week, they took in only fifty pounds, but after two years they had built the business to a point where they could move to the “right” end of Bond Street and compete with the top salons.
And then one day, something caught his eye that was to transform his vision and the whole field of hairdressing. “One Saturday, one of the guys was drying a client’s hair and just using a brush and drier without any rollers. I thought about it over the weekend, and on the Monday I asked him why he had dried her hair like that. He said he’d been in a hurry and didn’t want to wait for her to come out of the dryer. ‘Hurry or not,’ I said, ‘you’ve discovered something, and we are going to work on this.’ For us, that’s how blow drying started.”
Vidal Sassoon was to create a revolution in cutting and styling hair that changed the industry and the way that women looked around the world."
Cynthia Montgomery deu-me a conhecer a história da IKEA. Hoje, olhamos para esta descrição do mosaico de actividades IKEA:
E tudo parece planeado, deliberado, organizado... e, no entanto, Kamprad e a sua IKEA construíram quase todo o mosaico fugindo das restrições e constrangimentos... as situações fizeram emergir oportunidades que gente atenta aproveitou.
Na revista Forbes aprendi a lição de Mary Kay, sempre atenta sinais emergentes que a rodeavam:
"The ideas and innovations that make a difference often appear to us, at first, as mere fragments or flickers of an idea. They’re weak signals, easily missed. The best idea people know enough to pay attention to those signals and follow them through stages of reflection and development.
A classic example is the founding of Mary Kay Inc., the global direct sales company that started out as the faintest of signals.
In the early 1950s, Mary Kay Ash was selling mops and other household cleaning products at a house party in Texas, when she noticed something. It was the remarkably smooth complexions of the women there, which they owed to a homemade facial cream offered by their friend, the hostess.
At the time, Mary Kay was driven to be the best mop saleswoman she could be, and she could have easily forgotten about the women’s complexions (or not even noticed this weak signal in the first place). But she was interested in the skin cream: the hostess sent her home with a bottle, and it gave her face a similar glow." 
E agora recordo a história de Amâncio Ortega como a conheci em Novembro de 2004 na revista HBR no artigo "Rapid-Fire Fulfillment". Amâncio Ortega era um pacato subcontratado que produzia em regime de private label para quem o contratasse. Até que um dia aconteceu-lhe uma desgraça:
"When a German wholesaler suddenly canceled a big lingerie order in 1975, Amancio Ortega thought his fledgling clothing company might go bankrupt. All his capital was tied up in the order. There were no other buyers. In desperation, he opened a shop near his factory in La Coruña, in the far northwest corner of Spain, and sold the goods himself. He called the shop Zara....The lesson Ortega learned from his early scare was this: To be successful, “you need to have five fingers touching the factory and five touching the customer.” Translation: Control what happens to your product until the customer buys it. In adhering to this philosophy,Zara has developed a superresponsive supply chain. The company can design, produce, and deliver a new garment and put it on display in its stores worldwide in a mere 15 days. Such a pace is unheard-of in the fashion business, where designers typically spend months planning for the next season. Because Zara can offer a large variety of the latest designs quickly and in limited quantities, it collects 85% of the full ticket price on its retail clothing, while the industry average is 60% to 70%."
É fundamental, conciliar as estratégias pretendidas e deliberadas com a abertura de espírito e a atenção aos sinais que acontecem... podem fazer emergir estratégias interessantes.