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A apresentar mensagens correspondentes à consulta Reframing ordenadas por relevância. Ordenar por data Mostrar todas as mensagens

terça-feira, setembro 26, 2017

Uma terceira vez

Ao aproximar-me do final de "Strategy for a Networked World" de Ramírez & Mannervik já decidi. Vou pôr em stand-by o início da leitura da mais recente aquisição, "Value First then Price: Quantifying value in Business to Business markets from the perspective of both buyers and sellers" e vou ler pela terceira vez (a primeira vez em 2008, a segunda vez em 2012) "Reframing Business: When the Map Changes the Landscape".

Acho que nunca li um mesmo livro técnico 3 vezes.

O prefácio do livro é de Mintzberg o que é engraçado pois é dele a citação que uso tantas vezes:
Nunca é tarde para aprender, às vezes é demasiado cedo.
Quando li o livro em 2008 apanhei umas pequenas pérolas. Quando o reli em 2012 apanhei e percebi muitas mais coisas.

Espero com a terceira leitura apanhar muito mais e relacionar com mais experiências pessoais e outras leituras feitas entretanto. (Olha, há um tipo que já o leu sete vezes!!!)

quinta-feira, abril 19, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte VII)

"Focus on relationships.
When facing notions like interaction and integration, it becomes obvious that relationships play an important role within value creation, ... Both interaction and integration can be considered a means to the end, which is relational value. This is due to the important role of interactions in facilitating relationships.  ...  Relationships are a source of value, but they also provide companies with a good understanding of the customer and his/her needs. A multitude of studies have connected relationships with the customers’ willingness to provide information ... Hence, more accurate information can be gained concerning what customers value considering their life and experiences. Therefore, we propose that the relevance of relationships can also be considered as an important part in fitting the companies actions and offers to the customer’s life, stressed by the C-D logic."

Por isso, recusei:
 "Quem não aposta no "cheaper" e no "cost", aposta na interacção, aposta na co-criação, aposta noutro mindset... eu diria, "Every visit customers have to make are an opportunity for interaction and co-creation"
Nunca esquecer, Golias pode apostar e ganhar com a automação porque está no seu ADN; contudo, David não tem qualquer vantagem em seguir esse caminho, tem muito mais a perder do que os euros que poupa."

Como diz um empresário com que estou a trabalhar: Vai-te ganho que me trazes perda!!!

Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113

quarta-feira, outubro 25, 2017

Privilegiar os inputs sobre os outputs (parte VIII)

Parte I, parte II, parte IIIparte IV, parte V, parte VI e parte VII.

"servicification. This means that the emphasis, when we look at offerings, is no longer on the production process that historically created them as outputs, but in their property as inputs in the value creating process of the customers system. This shift of emphasis from production to use, from output to input, from the past to the future, immediately widens the scope of what an offering is, what kinds of characteristics a company needs to build into its offerings, and what competences are required of the company. It also automatically shifts the emphasis from the transaction to more long-term relationship with the customer
experiencification. By this I mean that offerings are now increasingly designed to be linked also into the mental and symbolic processes of customers including the meaning and purpose of their value-creating activities. In fact, many offerings which seem like products are simply artefacts which fulfill the function of bringing to the customer a context, a story even, which is somehow meaningful to him. Artefacts link a more general, external reality with and inner, personal, reality into a whole characterized by the pursuit of meaning and purpose."
Escrever sobre este título "Privilegiar os inputs sobre os outputs" e recordar uma linguagem muito usada em empresas industriais:

- "A expedição é o cú da fábrica!"

Trechos retirados de "Reframing business" de Richard Normann.

quinta-feira, janeiro 01, 2009

Leituras de 2008

Este ano, foi mais um ano de muitas e boas leituras, que nos desafiaram, que nos questionaram e ajudaram a crescer.
Categoria 1
Os livros que fizeram a diferença e que recomendamos de olhos fechados. São o nosso top pessoal:
  • "The Innovator's Solution" (2003) de Clayton Christensen e Michael Raynor, talvez o melhor livro que li nos últimos 4 anos;
  • "Seeing What's Next" (2004) de Clayton Christensen, Scott Anthony e Erik Roth;
  • "The Strategy Paradox" (2007) de Michael Raynor;
  • "The MomentumEffect" (2008) de J.C. Larreche talvez o terceiro melhor livro de 2008;
  • "Manage For Profit Not For Market Share" (2006) de Hermann Simon, Frank Bilstein e Frank Luby;
  • "Commitment" (1991) de Pankaj Ghemawat;
  • "Reframing Business" (2001) de Richard Normann;
  • "Value Migration" (1996) de Adrian Slywotzky;
  • "The Profit Zone" (1997) de Adrian Slywotzky e David Morrison. Talvez o segundo melhor livro de 2008.
Categoria 2
Livros que são boas referências ou apresentam instrumentos de trabalho:
  • "The Tipping Point" (2000) de Malcolm Gladwell;
  • "The Art of Possibility" (2000) de Rosamund Zander e Benjamin Zander;
  • "How Customers Think" (2003) de Gerald Zaltman (este livro levou-me por territórios nunca dantes navegados);
  • "Visible Thinking" (2004) de John Bryson, Fran Ackermann, Colin Eden e Charles Finn (bom para quem se quer iniciar/aventurar no mundo dos mapas causais);
  • "The Practice of Making Strategy" (2005) de Fran Ackermann, Colin Eden e Ian Brown;
  • "The Inside Advantage" (2008) de Robert Bloom;
  • "Authenticity" (2007) de James Gilmore e Joseph Pine II;
  • "A sense of Urgency" (2008) de John Kotter;
  • "The Predator State" (2008) de James Galbraith
  • "The Workforce Scorecard" (2005) de Mark Huselid, Brian Becker e Richard Beatty.
Categoria 3
Livros que se leram sem desapontar:
  • "Crossing the Chasm" (1991) de Geoffrey Moore;
  • "Inevitable Surprises" (2003) de Peter Schwartz;
  • "The Future of Competition" (2004) de C.K. Prahalad e Venkat Ramaswamy;
  • "Escaping the Black Hole" (2005) de Robert Schmonsees;
  • "The Art of the Long View" (1991) de Peter Schwartz;
  • "The Logical Thinking Process" (2007) de William Dettmer (para quem nunca leu nada de Dettmer este é um bom livro para aprender a desenhar S-CRT e S-FRT... para quem já conhece os livros anteriores este livro sabe a pouco);
  • "The Social Atom" (2007) de Mark Buchanan;
  • "Creative Destruction" (2001) de Richard Foster e Sarah Kaplan;
  • "Six Disciplines for Excellence" (2007) de Gary Harpst;
  • "Think Better" (2008) de Tim Hurson;
  • "The Execution Premium" (2008) de Robert Kaplan e David Norton.
Categoria 4
Livros que desapontaram (se calhar sou eu que ainda não passei pelas experiências de vida que me ensinarão a apreciá-los devidamente):
  • "A revolução da Riqueza" 2006) de Alvin e Heidi Toffler;
  • "Hidden in Plain Sight" (2007) de Erich Joachimsthaler;
  • "Value Merchants" (2007) de James Anderson, Nirmalya Kumar e James Narus.
Categoria "Comunicar melhor"
  • "Presentation Zen" (2008) de Garr Reynolds, um verdadeiro must para aprendizes de comunicação;
  • "Slideology" (2008) de Nancy Duarte, outro must;
  • "Advanced Presentations by Design" (2008) de Andrew Abela, que dizer deste livro? Se os outros são um must e este é o melhor dos três na minha opinião.
  • "Visual Language" (1998) de Robert Horn;
  • "Mapping InnerSpace" (2002) de Nancy Margulies;
  • "Clear and to the Point" (2007) de Stephen Kosslyn.
Categoria "Portugueses"
  • "Liderança as Lições de Mourinho" (2007) de Luis Lourenço e Fernando Ilharco;
  • "Administração Pública" (2007) de Alfredo Azevedo;
  • "O BSC Aplicado à Administração Pública" (2007) de Agostinha Gomes, Nuno Ribeiro, Jão Carvalho e Sónia Nogueira;
  • "Balanced Scorecard" (2007) de Francisco Pinto;
  • "Os Mitos da Economia Portuguesa" (2007) de Álvaro Santos Pereira.

domingo, outubro 15, 2017

"it took a holistic approach towards how to play"

Retirei a figura que se segue do livro "Reframing Business" de Richard Normann:
Figura fácil de relacionar com esta estória:
"Where to play: Instead of thinking about existing customers, Pro 7 asked itself, who is not buying TV advertising and why not? The answer: Start ups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Why don’t they buy? They usually don’t have the money. If they have the money, they don’t want to spend it on something like TV advertising with an uncertain outcome. And even if they were interested in buying TV advertising, they didn’t have the experience and skills to plan and execute a TV media campaign.
How to play: Instead of simply thinking about how to make the existing product, TV advertising, available to start ups and SMEs, Pro 7 took a more holistic approach, thinking about the products, services, the customer experience, but also the business and revenue models required to turn these noncustomers into customers, while at the same time making sure Pro 7 would not sacrifice its margins. The initial answer was to give away advertising minutes for free and in turn receive a share of the revenues created by its advertising. Along with this new revenue model, Pro 7 took care of media strategy and planning, spot production and execution, offering the new customers a holistic customer experience. Since its origins in 2012, the model has evolved into media-for-revenue-share and media-for-equity, making Pro 7 the first company in the world investing with its media power into start ups.
How to win: The change in the revenue model occurred only after some time. The initial media-for-revenue-share model made a lot of sense for the customers, but not for Pro 7. Only after offering media-for-equity did the new strategy create value not only for the customers, but also for Pro 7, and other equity partners, who had complained about the revenue-share model, as Pro 7 was taking cash out of the business.
So in other words, Pro 7 asked about noncustomers and what their barriers to consumption were; it took a holistic approach towards how to play, crafting a comprehensive offering, business model, and revenue model; and it thought about how to create value not only for its customers, but also itself, and its ecosystem partners."
Calçar os sapatos do cliente, ou do não cliente, e ver o mundo pelos seus olhos. O truque é deixar de pensar em despachar os outputs que se produzem e pensar nos inputs na vida do cliente. Como ele pensa, como ele opera, que medos, que preocupações, que aspirações...

Há dias li este trecho:
"Think “input before output”"
E dei-lhe uma outra interpretação, mais em linha com este slide:

 Pensar em output é pensar em despachar o que se produz, o que no limite significa tentar impingir o vómito que se produz, o "old focus" da 1ª figura.

Pensar em input é pensar no "new focus" da 1ª figura e perceber que o que damos numa relação B2B é um input para ser processado na relação que interessa ao cliente, a sua relação com o seu cliente.

Trecho retirado de "What’s the focus of your strategy conversations?"

quinta-feira, setembro 28, 2017

"in the real world WOB often shifts faster than WOM"

E eis que chego ao capítulo final de "Strategy for a Networked World" de Ramírez & Mannervik onde apanho:
"Our colleague Richard Normann used to differentiate between World of Business (WOB) concerning the organization's interactions with its external context - and World of Management (WOM), or what happens inside the organization. While in an ideal world WOM supports WOB, in the real world WOB often shifts faster than WOM in established companies and in established societal processes, and WOM becomes a prison or obstacle for new WOB possibilities, preventing WOB to develop as fast as one would hope."
A primeira coisa que me veio à mente foram os números desta tabela:
 E um tweet de Nassim Taleb que vou tentar recuperar:

Só a PAX ROMANA durou pelo menos 300 anos.

BTW, naquela citação lá em cima acrescentaria o WOG - o World of Government que transmite sinais errados para o WOM e aumenta a descolagem entre o WOB e o WOM até à inevitável derrocada.

Já depois de fechar este postal recomecei a leitura de "Reframing Business - When the Map Changes the Landscape" de Richard Normann onde encontrei:
"As change increasingly comes to characterize the world around us, more often than not the problem is that the dominating ideas reflect a 'reality' of the past, not the 'reality' of the present nor of the future. And sometimes dominating ideas may have been so successful that they are adhered to even though they should really have been abandoned and replaced. Thus, 'the failure of success'. Such misfits between the dominating ideas and an evolving context are often easy to see with hindsight, but we should bear in mind that every reality is open to innumerable interpretations and descriptions, and that in the heat of the moment there are always good reasons for defending many such sets of dominating ideas (as management guru entertainers who sarcastically tell stories about the wrongdoings of managers of earlier eras tend to forget)."

quarta-feira, abril 11, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte I)

"Within the past few decades, there has been a broad shift from searching for sources of competitive advantage within a company, to investigating external sources of competitive advantage.
Arguing so, the C-D logic even goes further in positioning the customer in the center by shifting the focus from the company’s processes to the customer’s reality and history.
Broadly discussed and commonly accepted is the shift from value-in-exchange to value-in-use.
Value-in-use expresses the idea that value is created by using a product or service, rather than by producing the product or service, which constitutes one key assumption of the S-D logic.
This idea is advanced by value-in-context, which lays an emphasis on the role of “[...] other market-facing, public, and private resources [...]”. In line with this, a notable article emphasizes the customers’ embeddedness into a social context by applying social construction theories [Moi ici: Malta da ISO 9001:2015 estão a ver aqui alguma relação com a cláusula 4.2?]
The C-D logic recognizes this by emphasizing the highly dynamic and multi-contextual reality and life of the customer, implying a significant emphasis on the customer’s experiences and history, especially in service settings. As a result, the notion of value-in-life is proposed. Whether value-in-context or value-in-life is more appropriate is not yet commonly agreed upon."
Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113

segunda-feira, abril 16, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte V)

Parte I, parte II, parte III e parte IV.
"Interaction [Moi ici: Uma palavra muito usada neste blogue, essencial para a co-criação].The recent literature concerning the S-D logic and value-in- use places a special emphasis on company-customer interactions as source of CV. Although interactions have already been acknowledged as source of value by other frameworks, the notion is further enhanced. Emphasizing interactions as a crucial concept from a S-D logic perspective, Grönroos and Ravald define interactions as “[...] a mutual or reciprocal action where two or more parties have an effect upon each other”. On this basis, it is argued that through interactive processes, companies can get actively involved in creating experiential value. Other contributions confirm this by seeing interactions as having the ability to promote experiential and phenomenological value..Similarly, scholars assess that interactions provide the basis for forming the customers’ preferences. The importance of the company-customer interaction is underlined by the ability to facilitate value and to influence CV perceptions. As a result, it is broadly accepted that the customers’ creation of value is catalyzed through interactions. Although the difference between services and goods environments is still discussed, it appears that interactions being especially important in a service-context is an accepted concept. From the companies’ perspective, this is due to the multitude of opportunities for co-creating value with the customer when acting within the customer’s sphere..One other issue that comes into play is the superior ability to sense the customers’ needs within interactions. Although interactions per se are especially considered by the S-D logic, they may also provide a source of in-depth knowledge about the customer and his/her life, which is rather emphasized by the C-D logic."
Um exemplo recente, fabricante de máquinas nacional visita potencial cliente e observa o tempo que demora a desmontar parte de máquina para limpeza, antes de poder avançar para a cor seguinte. Logo ali, propõe solução que transforma o tempo de limpeza de cerca de 20% do tempo disponível para operar em menos de 5%. A máquina que vai fabricar fará o mesmo serviço que a outra, mas demorará menos tempo a ser preparada para a produção seguinte, aumentando a produtividade do cliente.

Tudo porque foi visitar o cliente e a interacção permitiu "in-depth knowledge about the customer and his/her life".

Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113

domingo, abril 15, 2018

Acerca de valor para o cliente (parte IV)

Parte I, parte II e parte III.
"Experience-based facet.
Contrary to the experiential and phenomenological nature, the facet of CV that we term ‘experience-based’ refers to the past experiences of customers. ... the starting point is the customer’s reality and life”. Value is therefore regarded as part of the dynamically-constructed and multi-framed reality of each customer. Although earlier contributions also recognized similar aspects, the focus on the customer’s history, and thus, the experience- based nature of CV was especially emphasized by the C- D logic. In this light, value is termed ‘value-in-life’, which better explains the holistic view of the customer’s life than value-in-context. With this focus on the internal context, it is emphasized that value formation is extended beyond the interactive processes and the visibility of companies and includes the customer’s mental processes, resulting in an increase in complexity as now the customer’s history is also considered.
A facet of the experience-based nature of value is its dynamic aspect, which expresses the constantly changing and adapting evaluations of what customer’s value."

Trechos retirados de "Reframing customer value from a dominant logics perspective" de Tobias Schlager e Peter Maas e publicado por International Journal of Marketing (2012) 51:101–113