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segunda-feira, maio 29, 2017

Monopólios informais e lucro

"There are many ways to drive profit. One way is to be the low-cost provider, or be the most efficient company in your marketplace. However, the most lucrative way to drive profits is through customer preference.
When your customers prefer you to the competition, [Moi ici: Esta preferência é aquilo a que chamo monopólio informal. Um monopólio criado pelo cliente.their willingness to pay you a premium, relative to the competition, increases. The more customers prefer you, the more profit you can make.
preference are not about products or services, but about the impact those products or services have on them. [Moi ici: Outra vez, não são os atributos mas o que a oferta ajuda o cliente a atingir, a progredir, a evoluir, a experienciar] A customer won’t prefer you just because you are the fastest, newest, or highest performing, but because of what those features do for them.[Moi ici: the customers]
Every customer has the permission to create their own personal reasons for why a product or service benefits them. For every 1000 customers who believe they benefit from a feature of your product or service, there are 1000 descriptions of what that benefit is.
This means that creating strong customer preference is not just about effective marketing and sales messaging that describes your offerings, but is about framing your offerings in a way that is personally relevant to each customer.[Moi ici: E entramos assim na beleza de Mongo]
If you are a mass marketer, this is really difficult, because you are stuck saying the same thing to thousands of customers.
Not only do I encourage you to recognize customer preference as the key driver of your profits, I encourage you to focus your sales and marketing efforts on personalizing your messages. Describe the impact of your offerings in ways that are personally relevant to each of your customers."[Moi ici: Fácil para quem cultiva a proximidade, a interacção e fomenta a co-criação]

Trechos retirados de "Preference and Profitability"

terça-feira, julho 06, 2010

"Do Differentiation Differently"

Os clientes não são abstracções estatísticas, são entidades únicas, entidades concretas.
Um cliente não é um segmento.
Seteve Yastrow recorda e reforça esta tese com o postal "Do Differentiation Differently":
"Your customer doesn't really care if you are different. But he will be blown away if he sees that you think he is different.
Most marketing and sales theory doesn't approach customers in this way. We talk about target markets and demographics, which, instead of recognizing what makes each customer unique, is a way of grouping customers by what makes them similar. We talk about product positioning and unique selling propositions, which is all about us and only incidentally about the customer.
Flip your thinking around. Focus on differentiating your customers.
Take Notice
Put your customer hat on: How much effort do companies expend telling you about themselves vs. the amount of time they spend trying to learn what makes you different? Are there companies that demonstrate that they understand what makes you unique, by interacting with you in a way that is singular and relevant only to you? How do you feel about these companies, relative to those that clump you together with the rest of the "target market?""

sexta-feira, novembro 13, 2009

Já se futurizou? (parte II)

Peter Drucker ensinou-me esta máxima: A melhor forma de prever o futuro é... construí-lo.
Steve Yastrow escreveu um postal "Choose your future" que ajuda a reflectir sobre a possibilidade, o dopping mental, de pensar sobre a construção do futuro.
The hard truth: You choose your future whether you want to or not.
Every time you do anything -- yes, anything -- you are affecting the course of your company's future. (Moi ici: Minkowsky space) Sometime's these actions are as momentous as the CEO's decision to cook the books; sometimes they are small gems, like the receptionist offering to hail a cab for a client in a snowstorm. In every case, they have an effect on the future.
Now, zoom out from single actions, and think about the cumulative effect of the thousands of things you do every day. (Moi ici: Schwerpunkt, blitzkrieg, concatenação de acções dispersas e aparentemente desgarradas para criar um rolo compressor imparável.) Can any of us think, for even a moment, that the sum total of everything we do doesn't affect the course of our business's future?
No matter whether you try or not, you inevitably choose your future. It might not be the future you really want, but your actions will choose it. Everything you do is an overt choice about the future you will have."
So, if you're going to choose your future, you might as well choose a good future. I'll let you in on a consultant's secret little observation: When I first meet most companies, it's very clear to me that they haven't spent a lot of time talking about what kind of future they want to have. (Moi ici: exactamente! So true!!!) Oh, sure, they've discussed their future... a bit.
"But there are too many variables that affect our company's future," you might be thinking, "and we can't affect them all."
Of course there are many variables. Some of these variables are not in your control, such as interest rates in 2013. Other variables are in your control, like where to invest your capital.
So a first step in choosing your future is to recognize what is in your control and what is not
When you acknowledge where you have choice, you are making a very important step in choosing your future.
You can't choose all futures.
In our quest to leave too many possibilities in place, we end up diluting our efforts, our focus and our chances for success with any one option.
Isn't this the truth! Virtually every company I've ever worked with (including my own) is in dire need of a "to-don't list" that will keep them from being distracted. You just watch. When you commit yourself and your company to a focused future direction, you will enjoy much better "return on effort" with everything you do."
"Admit that you are choosing your future, every day, by the actions you take.
Be bold and choose a future.
Recognize what you can choose, and what you can't choose. Distinguish between "the window and the mirror."
Focus! Don't leave too many options open.
Make mid-course corrections as you go forward."
Já se futurizou? Já viajou no tempo e olhou para a sua empresa em 2015?

sábado, março 28, 2009

Sumo para reflexão

Steve Yastrow apresenta algumas interessantes pistas para reflexão durante esta agitação das placas tectónicas da economia.
O homem que me despertou para a importância e urgência do tema recalibração já vai na Parte IV