sexta-feira, fevereiro 29, 2008

Olhar o cliente-alvo de frente, menina-do-olho para menina-do-olho

O primeiro capítulo do livro "The Inside Advantage" intitulado "The Most Important Word in Business" foi lido com uma sensação de dejá-vu... não só na ideia, como nas expressões utilizadas. Basta procurar neste blogue, para descobrir o uso de expressões e imagens muito semelhantes às utilizadas no livro.
Por exemplo:
"do you really know your customer?"
"focuses on your core customer, your target for all future growth. You can't leverage your Inside Advantage, you can't grow, you can't even survive in business, if you don't recognize that customers and potential customers are paramount and that there is far more to them than a statistic can convey."
"what works in one market or with one customer does not necessarily work with others. One size does not fit all - a well-known fact, but one that's frequently overlooked. Second and even more important: it's not enough to define your customer as a market statistic - you can't get to know a statistic."
"That's why you must think of your customer or potential customer in the singular - as one living and breathing person. That person you can get to konow, and you can develop a close relationship with him or her.
Knowing your customer - fully understanding his or her needs, preferences, and prejudices - is vital to creating a robust and effective growth strategy for your business. Quite simply, you'll have a much better chance of selling your product or service to someone you know and understand."
"When you get well beyond the customer's demographics, you'll understand her or his habits, needs, and goals. Then and only then, you can define your target customer in human terms and determine how best to grow your business with him or her."
"I've found it quite helpful to form a mental picture of the customer I'm trying to sell to, wheter or not I can actually sit across the table from the person."
"I always look (metaphorically) into my customer's eyes and formulate virtual questions."

Assim, quem é o seu cliente-alvo?

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