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domingo, fevereiro 07, 2010
Se nos concentrarmos demasiado nos problemas, não temos tempo para as oportunidades
Primeiro comecei por ler este artigo "Drucker’s ideas stand the test of time".
Drucker foi o homem que mudou a minha vida, profissionalmente falando, por isso, guardo muitas das suas lições junto do coração. Essas lições podem traduzir-se em ditados ou resumos que são orientações para a vida. De longe, o que mais uso, o que mais recomendo, é:
"Se nos concentrarmos demasiado nos problemas, não temos tempo para as oportunidades"
Depois, no blogue de Don Sull, li este postal "Slow exit: Delayed disinvestment and value destruction" e fiquei impressionado com os números.
Usando linguagem figurada, costumo dizer que uma empresa não gosta de "matar" os seus filhos, os seus produtos ou negócios, há muita energia investida, há muito amor e há muito orgulho. Ao olhar para os números de Don Sull lembro outra razão, a incapacidade para, a partir dos resultados individuais, para a partir dos eventos isolados, descer no icebergue e perceber os padrões e as estruturas sistémicas subjacentes.
Penso que Don Sull remata muito bem o postal com três razões a considerar para evitar cometer este erro.
BTW, há quantos anos anda a Rhode nos jornais? Há quantos anos a Qimonda deixou de ser rentável em Portugal?
Os tempos que se avizinham, tempos de muita escassez de dinheiro, vão impor a muitas organizações privadas e sobretudo públicas, a necessidade de repensar o que fazem, o que devem abandonar. Quando o dinheiro não falta, quando o dinheiro acaba sempre por aparecer, o novo serviço, o novo produto vem aumentar o leque da oferta, é muito difícil cortar.
No final dos anos 80 e nos anos 90 do século passado trabalhei numa empresa que distava uns 3 ou 4 km do centro da povoação e da estação de caminho de ferro. Quando a empresa se instalou nos anos 60 ninguém tinha carro, assim, a empresa contratou uma empresa de transportes para realizar o serviço de transporte do pessoal entre a povoação e a fábrica. Conversando com os trabalhadores dos primeiros tempos, percebe-se que a camioneta andava sempre cheia.
Quando comecei a trabalhar na empresa não tinha carro e chegava à povoação de comboio, por isso, era um utilizador regular do serviço de transporte facultado. Todos os dias, numa camioneta a cair de velha, com as cassetes ou cartuchos de um Portugal Mix qualquer, com um terço pendurado no retrovisor, 6/7 pessoas recorriam ao serviço deixando mais de 30 lugares vagos.
Entretanto saí da empresa e o serviço continuou a ser realizado nos mesmos moldes, apesar da empresa ter realizado, no mesmo período, um forte corte no número de pessoas.
sábado, dezembro 19, 2009
Blitzkrieg contra a incerteza
Há dias perguntava: Como se combate o aumento da incerteza?
E a resposta foi: Aumentando a flexibilidade!
E como se aumenta a flexibilidade?
Haverá maior sinónimo de incerteza do que o início de uma batalha?
Reflectindo sobre Boyd em tempos escrevi estas reflexões Schwerpunkt I, Schwerpunkt II e Auftragstaktik.
O exército alemão que praticava a blitzkrieg começava primeiro por assegurar que o propósito da missão era claro e compreendido por todos, depois, dava liberdade táctica para que no terreno, perante as oportunidades encontradas, os operacionais decidissem o que fazer.
Sabendo qual é a estratégia assegura-se a coesão do grupo, unidade teleológica. Liberdade de acção assegura decisão-acção e feedback rápido e a contra-actuação pelo inimigo não é clonável, por que um outro grupo de operacionais com que se defronte pode actuar tacticamente de forma diferente.
Voltando ao último postal de Don Sull que comentei "Guest blog: John Brown on leadership in turbulence" destaco:
"Strategy matters: Leaders need to understand their competitors want to do and what they might do. Every business model has strengths and weaknesses, and leaders must establish and maintain a high level of awareness of the competitive landscape and their own vulnerabilities. (Moi ici: Estabelecer uma unidade de propósito, o terreno onde queremos combater, a nossa strategic landscape: quem são os clientes-alvo; qual a nossa proposta de valor; qual o nosso mapa da estratégia, qual o nosso modelo de negócio.)
Explain the “Why”: Employees should understand explicitly how their actions support their team’s objective and how their team supports the organization. Without this knowledge, people stand around and wait for orders. (Moi ici: Boyd diria, without this knowledge como aspirar a responder rapidamente às mensagens de resposta às nossas acções no terreno? E sem resposta rápida, existe flexibilidade? Só sabendo o porquê das coisas podemos aspirar a ter mais sensores alinhados a perscrutar o terreno.)
Explain the “Why”: Employees should understand explicitly how their actions support their team’s objective and how their team supports the organization. Without this knowledge, people stand around and wait for orders. (Moi ici: Boyd diria, without this knowledge como aspirar a responder rapidamente às mensagens de resposta às nossas acções no terreno? E sem resposta rápida, existe flexibilidade? Só sabendo o porquê das coisas podemos aspirar a ter mais sensores alinhados a perscrutar o terreno.)
Delegate: Teams must develop the habit of letting junior people make decisions and be held accountable for them in periods of relative calm, because when things heat up, the team will win or lose based on the quality of their snap judgments. (Moi ici: cá está a aposta no desenvolvimento da intuição - Kleine e Zaltman). Boyd escreveu: ""Give lower-level commanders wide freedom, within an overall mind-time-space scheme, to shape/direct their own activities so that they can exploit faster tempo/rhythm at tactical levels yet be in harmony with the larger pattern/slower rhythm associated with the more general aim and larger effort at the strategic level."
Delegate: Teams must develop the habit of letting junior people make decisions and be held accountable for them in periods of relative calm, because when things heat up, the team will win or lose based on the quality of their snap judgments. (Moi ici: cá está a aposta no desenvolvimento da intuição - Kleine e Zaltman). Boyd escreveu: ""Give lower-level commanders wide freedom, within an overall mind-time-space scheme, to shape/direct their own activities so that they can exploit faster tempo/rhythm at tactical levels yet be in harmony with the larger pattern/slower rhythm associated with the more general aim and larger effort at the strategic level."
"A medium to realize superior intent without impeding initiative of many subordinates, hence a medium through which subordinate initiative is implicitly connected to superior intent.
Schwerpunkt represents a unifying concept that provides a way to rapidly shape focus and direction of effort as well as harmonizesupport activities with combat operations, thereby permit a true decentralization of tactical command within centralized strategic guidance—without losing cohesion of overall effort.
or put another way
Schwerpunkt represents a unifying medium that provides a directed way to tie initiative of many subordinate actions with superior intent as a basis to diminish friction and compress time in order to generate a favorable mismatch in time/ability to shape and adapt to unfolding circumstances.""
Purge the Jerks: Bullying managers may get results in the short term, but their behavior retards the flow of information, destroys initiative, and pushes capable people away. Tolerating jerks practically guarantees failure in an environment of sustained turbulence.”" (Moi ici: como escreveu Robert Sutton "The No Asshole Rule")
terça-feira, junho 09, 2009
Active inertia
Convido a ler o artigo "Tragic narrative of corporate decline" de Don Sull no Financial Times.
O trecho sobre a Active inertia merece uma reflexão... quantas vezes caímos nesse pântano? Como podemos descobrir que o que funcionava já não serve? Quem é que pode dizer desta água não beberei? E se os MBA's da GM e tantas outras não resistiram, porque exigimos isso aos gerentes das nossas PME's?
"Hardened commitments are fine so long as the environment rewards progress along an established trajectory. Problems arise when shifts in the external context render existing commitments outmoded or obsolete. Facing this situation, companies often fall prey to active inertia, the tendency of established organisations to respond to changes by accelerating activities that succeeded in the past.
Organisations trapped in active inertia resemble a car with its back wheels stuck in a rut. Managers see market shifts, step on the accelerator, and race the engine in an increasingly frantic effort to pull themselves out of the rut. Instead of digging themselves out, however, they only dig themselves deeper. The ruts that channel their behaviour are the very commitments – now numerous, hardened and deeply intertwined – that underpinned their historical success."
O trecho sobre a Active inertia merece uma reflexão... quantas vezes caímos nesse pântano? Como podemos descobrir que o que funcionava já não serve? Quem é que pode dizer desta água não beberei? E se os MBA's da GM e tantas outras não resistiram, porque exigimos isso aos gerentes das nossas PME's?
"Hardened commitments are fine so long as the environment rewards progress along an established trajectory. Problems arise when shifts in the external context render existing commitments outmoded or obsolete. Facing this situation, companies often fall prey to active inertia, the tendency of established organisations to respond to changes by accelerating activities that succeeded in the past.
Organisations trapped in active inertia resemble a car with its back wheels stuck in a rut. Managers see market shifts, step on the accelerator, and race the engine in an increasingly frantic effort to pull themselves out of the rut. Instead of digging themselves out, however, they only dig themselves deeper. The ruts that channel their behaviour are the very commitments – now numerous, hardened and deeply intertwined – that underpinned their historical success."
terça-feira, janeiro 27, 2009
Estratégia como um punhado de regras simples
Em vez de ser arrastado para o lado negro da crise, procurar as oportunidades que sempre existem e aparecem.
Kathleen Eisenhardt e Donald Sull publicaram em Janeiro de 2001, na revista Harvard Business Review o artigo "Strategy as Simple Rules", de onde retirei os seguintes trechos:
“In traditional strategy, advantage comes from exploiting resources or stable market positions. In strategy as simple rules, by contrast, advantage comes from successfully seizing fleeting opportunities.
Managers using this strategy pick a small number of strategically significant processes and craft a few simple rules to guide them. The key strategic processes should place the company where the flow of opportunities is swiftest and deepest.
Like all effective strategies, strategy as simple rules is about being different. But that difference does not arise from tightly linked activity systems or leveraged core competencies, as in traditional strategies. It arises from focusing on key strategic processes and developing simple rules that shape those processes.
In stable markets, managers can rely on complicated strategies built on detailed predictions of the future. But in complicated, fast-moving markets where significant growth and wealth creation can occur, unpredictability reigns. It makes sense to follow the lead of entrepreneurs and underdogs – seize opportunities in the here and now with a handful of rules and a few key processes. In other words, when business becomes complicated, strategy should be simple.”
A abordagem proposta é sufcientemente fluida para se adaptar ao fluxo dos acontecimentos. Em vez de pensar num posicionamento a defender, ou de recursos a gerir, pensar em: processos críticos; regras simples e no fluxo de oportunidades a acompanhar.
Kathleen Eisenhardt e Donald Sull publicaram em Janeiro de 2001, na revista Harvard Business Review o artigo "Strategy as Simple Rules", de onde retirei os seguintes trechos:
“In traditional strategy, advantage comes from exploiting resources or stable market positions. In strategy as simple rules, by contrast, advantage comes from successfully seizing fleeting opportunities.
Managers using this strategy pick a small number of strategically significant processes and craft a few simple rules to guide them. The key strategic processes should place the company where the flow of opportunities is swiftest and deepest.
Like all effective strategies, strategy as simple rules is about being different. But that difference does not arise from tightly linked activity systems or leveraged core competencies, as in traditional strategies. It arises from focusing on key strategic processes and developing simple rules that shape those processes.
In stable markets, managers can rely on complicated strategies built on detailed predictions of the future. But in complicated, fast-moving markets where significant growth and wealth creation can occur, unpredictability reigns. It makes sense to follow the lead of entrepreneurs and underdogs – seize opportunities in the here and now with a handful of rules and a few key processes. In other words, when business becomes complicated, strategy should be simple.”
A abordagem proposta é sufcientemente fluida para se adaptar ao fluxo dos acontecimentos. Em vez de pensar num posicionamento a defender, ou de recursos a gerir, pensar em: processos críticos; regras simples e no fluxo de oportunidades a acompanhar.
sábado, janeiro 24, 2009
Uma reflexão útil para os tempos que atravessamos.
Stephen Covey no seu livro "The seven habits of highly effective people" escreve:
"Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feeling.
Because we are, by nature, proactive, if our lives are a function of conditioning and conditions, it is because we have, by conscious decision or by default, chosen to empower those things to control us..In making such a choice, we become reactive."
"It's not what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us that hurt us."
Vivemos tempos difíceis? Vivemos! E quem o negar não é sério.
Enquanto os macro-economistas e os burocratas não vêem saída, já os anónimos actores da micro-economia podem optar pela criatividade estratégica, e descobrir oportunidades que os teóricos não vêem.
Donald Sull publicou um artigo no Financial Times intitulado "Seizing the upside of a downturn" de onde extraí os seguintes trechos:
"In a downturn, most managers fixate on the abundant bad news: demand is down, prices are falling, credit is scarce, and lay-offs are likely. Obsessing over threats obscures a surprising but crucial truth about downturns: the worst of times for the economy as a whole can be the best of times for individual firms to create value for the long term. "
"Every downturn opens a window of opportunity to adjust the status quo, and astute managers push through necessary changes while the window is open. An economic crisis marks a sharp break with the past, and, observing the break, employees recognize that a firm cannot continue to do what it did in the past. The downturn lowers their resistance to change and cuts through complacency. A downturn often brings latent challenges to a head, and savvy managers can harness the resulting energy to infuse the organization with a sense of urgency in fixing these problems."
"In a downturn, it is easy for managers to focus exclusively on managing threats, and thereby lose sight of golden opportunities. To counterbalance this, they should ask themselves the following questions. Are competitors retreating from opportunities that we can seize? Should we double down in growth markets, such as Bric economies, rather than retrenching to our core? Does our customers’ or competitors’ pain create an opportunity for us? Can we snap up key resources at bargain prices?"
Claro que quem se alapa à boleia dos apoios governamentais não vai sentir uma necessidade tão forte de se ajustar ao novo status quo, vai por isso adiar a tomada de decisões, vai esperar que a maré suba para o 'barco' voltar a flutuar. E muito provavelmente vai ficar ultrapassado ... defendendo um pssado que já não volta.
"Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feeling.
Because we are, by nature, proactive, if our lives are a function of conditioning and conditions, it is because we have, by conscious decision or by default, chosen to empower those things to control us..In making such a choice, we become reactive."
"It's not what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us that hurt us."
Vivemos tempos difíceis? Vivemos! E quem o negar não é sério.
Enquanto os macro-economistas e os burocratas não vêem saída, já os anónimos actores da micro-economia podem optar pela criatividade estratégica, e descobrir oportunidades que os teóricos não vêem.
Donald Sull publicou um artigo no Financial Times intitulado "Seizing the upside of a downturn" de onde extraí os seguintes trechos:
"In a downturn, most managers fixate on the abundant bad news: demand is down, prices are falling, credit is scarce, and lay-offs are likely. Obsessing over threats obscures a surprising but crucial truth about downturns: the worst of times for the economy as a whole can be the best of times for individual firms to create value for the long term. "
"Every downturn opens a window of opportunity to adjust the status quo, and astute managers push through necessary changes while the window is open. An economic crisis marks a sharp break with the past, and, observing the break, employees recognize that a firm cannot continue to do what it did in the past. The downturn lowers their resistance to change and cuts through complacency. A downturn often brings latent challenges to a head, and savvy managers can harness the resulting energy to infuse the organization with a sense of urgency in fixing these problems."
"In a downturn, it is easy for managers to focus exclusively on managing threats, and thereby lose sight of golden opportunities. To counterbalance this, they should ask themselves the following questions. Are competitors retreating from opportunities that we can seize? Should we double down in growth markets, such as Bric economies, rather than retrenching to our core? Does our customers’ or competitors’ pain create an opportunity for us? Can we snap up key resources at bargain prices?"
Claro que quem se alapa à boleia dos apoios governamentais não vai sentir uma necessidade tão forte de se ajustar ao novo status quo, vai por isso adiar a tomada de decisões, vai esperar que a maré suba para o 'barco' voltar a flutuar. E muito provavelmente vai ficar ultrapassado ... defendendo um pssado que já não volta.
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