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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta proposta de valor; clientes-alvo. Mostrar todas as mensagens

sexta-feira, julho 01, 2011

Arquitectar a co-criação de valor a nível do ecossistema da procura

Ontem, durante a viagem de comboio Porto-Estarreja tive oportunidade de ler mais um artigo co-assinado por Lusch e que vai ao encontro de reflexões que por aqui se fazem:
Primeiro um retorno ao homem que mudou a minha vida:
"He envisioned marketing as the whole business seen from the customer’s point of view and argued that the fundamental purpose of the business was to create a satisfied customer, with profit as a reward, not the goal itself.
Drucker attempted to focus the firm on how the customer, not the firm, views and values the firm’s offerings: ‘‘What the business thinks it produces is not of first importance . . . . What the customer thinks he is buying, what he considers ‘value,’ is decisive—it determines what a business is, what it produces and whether it will prosper’’
During this era, advertising began to move away from a focus on product attributes and features and toward customer benefits.
Although it is relatively easy to copy or replicate competitors’ functional benefits, it becomes more difficult to copy or replicate the nonfunctional or symbolic benefits a brand offers.
Recently Frow and Payne (Forthcoming) extend the value proposition concept to stakeholders and marketing systems or what have also been referred to as value networks or service ecosystems (Lusch, Vargo, and Tanniru 2010) (Moi ici: Já aqui usamos o termo ecossistema há algum tempo... e aquela extensão da proposta de valor para os stakeholders... talvez vá atrás destas "Dores de crescimento"(?). Tenho de arranjar os dois artigos!).
The firm must be understood as a complex network mechanism linking customer value and the value of the firm for all of its stakeholders.
Firms are evolving from largely self contained hierarchical bureaucracies into complex networks of relationships with resource providers of all kinds. Firms seek to focus more clearly on their own distinctive competencies as sources of competitive advantage while relying more heavily for adaptive, collaborative advantage with strategic partners to provide their distinctive competencies as components of the tangible and/or intangible product offering.
Marketing is emerging as performing a broader role in the management of the enterprise in guiding all business processes that are involved in the cocreation of value with customers.
Understanding customers and how the enterprise fits into their value-creating processes and communicating that understanding to the other resource-providing stakeholders becomes the primary role of marketing.
In the recent past, evidence suggests that marketing in many firms has been relegated to managing communications and branding activities. (Moi ici: Ehehe Aranha, cá estão eles)
To be truly customer centric, the firm has to think not about optimizing the firm and its activities but how to support customers in their resource integration and value cocreation activities. (Moi ici: A seta 1 é muito mais importante que a seta 2...Talvez a mensagem mais constante neste blogue. A única que explica o paradoxo de Kaldor, que permite fugir da armadilha de Pasinetti, que permite evitar o jogo do gato e do rato entre a produtividade e os salários, que permite ser próspero com uma moeda forte. Longa vida a Marn e Rosiello que me abriram os olhos há muito tempo.) Stated alternatively, the organization should be an effective and efficient service support system for helping all stakeholders, beginning with the customer, become effective and efficient in value cocreation.
The key concepts in the value cocreation concept of strategy and organization are core competencies and dynamic capabilities used to cocreate value and the relationships with all stakeholders that help to accomplish this. Value is created when a customer interacts with the resources and capabilities provided by a relationship with their firm/supplier and other providers of resources. Thus, the value can only be cocreated by sellers and customers together. A ‘‘good’’ relationship is one that creates value for both parties and leaves each wanting to continue the relationship in some form. ‘‘Good’’ customers are loyal; ‘‘good’’ suppliers are trusted and reliable and have strong ‘‘brands’’ or reputations.
Value Propositions Communicate Intention Throughout the Network (Moi ici: Grande subtítulo... uma proposta de valor é uma forma de comunicar uma intenção)
Intention and capability to offer value of a particular kind in a particular way is communicated to potential buyers and resource-provider partners with a value proposition, an invitation to participate in the process of cocreating value that is superior to competitor offerings
Also the firm’s value proposition must have appeal for all stakeholders who must see the potential value for themselves in value propositions being realized and their role in value cocreation with customers. It is a marketing responsibility to assure that the firm’s value proposition is communicated to, and understood by, the entire network of resource-providing stakeholders.
Customers as a Strategic Choice
The ability to actually provide the promised value depends upon carefully choosing appropriate potential customers, (Moi ici: Quantas empresas escolhem cuidadosamente os seus clientes-alvo? Como a corte que o macho faz à fêmea no mundo biológico... quem escolhe e quem é que é escolhido? Por que já estou a ouvir comentários do tipo: Então o fornecedor é que escolhe o cliente? Também! É a minha resposta. Tem de ser uma relação ganhar-ganhar) those with needs and preferences that are understood to be a good match for the resources and capabilities of the firm and its stakeholders. Strategy formulation is essentially a process of matching the networked firm’s competencies and capabilities with customer needs and preferences, identifying latent customer demand that is relatively underserved by competitors’ value propositions. ‘‘Bad’’ potential customers are those who will not value the firm’s resources and capabilities and will therefore be unwilling to provide reciprocal resources or service in their interactions with the marketer enterprise.
Value Definition is Dynamic and Learning is Critical
It is a fundamental premise of the value cocreation concept of marketing strategy and organization that the customer’s definition of value changes continuously. Marketing must be a learning process for both the supplier network organization and the customer."

4 páginas e meia cheias de sumo!!!

Trechos retirados de "A Stakeholder-Unifying, Cocreation Philosophy for Marketing" de Robert Lusch e Frederick E. Webster Jr, publicado no Journal of Macromarketing 31(2) 129-134.