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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta ken robinson. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quinta-feira, dezembro 06, 2012

O Sol não gira em torno da Terra

Como eu gosto desta passagem:
"Our ideas can enslave or liberate us. Some people never do make the transition and remain resident in the old world view: their ideological comfort zone. As history has shown us, those who see the future and rush to meet it, like Galileo and Darwin, are often thought of as heretical, or worse. The modern world view is still dominated by the ideology that came to replace medievalism: the ideology of rationalism, objectivity and propositional knowledge. These ideas frame our attitudes and theories every bit as much as myth and superstition underpinned the painstaking calculations of the medieval astronomers. Just as their ideology created the framework for their questions, so does ours."
Muitos comentadores quando falam e escrevem sobre economia continuam a afirmar que o Sol gira em torno da Terra.
Carlos Diaz Ruiz ajuda a pôr as coisas num contexto interessante. Primeiro, o que os comentadores usam:
"The market, from a neoclassical perspective, is a trade arena seeking price uniformity (Cournot, 1897, p. 51). Price uniformity means a tendency for the same price to be paid for the same thing, at the same time, in all parts of the market. As a mechanism, markets allow participants to evaluate and exchange any tradable item. (Moi ici: Reparar naquela data)
The neoclassical market is built upon three assumptions. (1) The market is composed of individuals who have rational preferences. (Moi ici: LOL) (2) Buyers maximise utility and sellers maximise profits.(Moi ici: LOL) (3) Market participants act independently and on the grounds of full and relevant information.(Moi ici: LOL)"
Depois, o contexto. Reparem onde se encontra, historicamente, o que os comentadores usam como modelo mental:
Pessoalmente, gosto disto:
"Market actors do not only act within their environment, actors shape markets with their everyday practices. In other words, markets are ongoing practical accomplishments (Kjellberg & Helgesson, 2007).
Service-Dominant Logic (S-D), a proposed perspective in opposition to a Goods-Dominant Logic, explains markets in terms of value (Vargo & Lusch, 2004). Vargo (2007) proposed four ideas to understand markets: (1) a focus on value instead of products; (2) value creation as understood by the beneficiary, not the seller; (3) an integrated perspective between producer and consumer; and (4) a network perspective, instead of dyads (i.e., seller and buyer)."

Trechos retirados de:

  • "Out of Our Minds" de Ken Robinson
  • "Theories of markets: Insights from marketing and the sociology of markets" de Carlos A. Diaz Ruiz e publicado na The Marketing Review em 2012.

sábado, outubro 20, 2012

Algo que se constrói, não algo que nos acontece

Os opinadores nos media, quase todos contaminados por um doentio locus de controlo no exterior, culpam os outros pela nossa situação colectiva.
Seth Godin escreveu algo útil para essa gente reflectir:
"The beaten path isn't something that happens to you, it's something you build.
It's the last step, not the first."
 Nunca é o que nos acontece que é determinante... mas sim o que fazemos com o que nos acontece... e volto a Laurence Gonzales e a "Deep Survival", e a Ken Robinson e a "The Element", e aos "alfaiates de máquinas" cheios de paixão e sentimento pelo que fazem.
São como os ratinhos do "Quem mexeu no meu queijo!", não culpam o mundo pelo que lhes acontece, constroem um novo mundo com o que são, com o que têm dentro de si.
E um dia, quando estivermos em Mongo e isto passar a ser banal, o que vai fazer a diferença será a paixão, a arte, mesmo no fabrico de máquinas. O caminho que construímos...
E é mesmo Lc 10, 21.

segunda-feira, julho 09, 2012

Acerca do futuro e de Mongo - UAUUU

Muitos chamam-me mongo por acreditar em Mongo, leiam este artigo "DIY revolution turns home into a factory", mais um relato da revolução que vai mudar a nossa vida. Tento imaginar como era a vida na sociedade pré-industrial para ter uma ideia de para onde podemos caminhar... um mundo de artesãos, um mundo de prosumers, um mundo de fazedores, um mundo de criadores, um mundo de tribos, um mundo de proximidade conjugada com globalização. Para mim é uma perspectiva excitante... 
"The Technology, Entertainment and Design (TEDGlobal) conference in Edinburgh, the festival known as "Davos for optimists", shone a light on the DIY revolution, a movement that encompasses items ranging from manufacturing to synthetic biology to medicine.
After a decade in which digital technologies have disrupted industries from music to the media, it's capitalism itself that is under attack. (Moi ici: A ideia de um capitalismo assente em empresas grandes, deslocalizadas, produtoras de milhões de unidades iguais que podem ser vendidas em todo o mundo, com exércitos de operários e/ou de robôs ao seu serviço) A decade ago, open-source software revolutionised the internet. Now the idea has entered the realm of physical things: open-source hardware.
Catarina Mota, a 38-year-old Portuguese PhD student, is typical of the new breed of DIYers, or, as they tend to call themselves, "makers".
Like most makers, she is self-taught. "A lot of people were doing these sorts of things as kids and then stopped," she says. "As manufactured goods became cheaper we became consumers. But now everything has changed. We don't accept things as they are given to us(Moi ici: Lá se vai a produção em massa, lá se vai a venda sem interacção, sem co-produção, sem co-desenho, sem proximidade) We make technology work for us. And we can make a living from it. It's not just a hobby. It has the potential to change economics profoundly." (Moi ici: E que potencial, vai alterar o emprego, a criação, a produção, a distribuição, o consumo, a colecta de impostos, a escola decadente, como elemento uniformizador para um mundo que prefere a variedade, vai ter de dar lugar a vários modelos independentes com muito mais diversidade. Como se percebe com a leitura de "O Elemento" de Sir Ken Robinson em vez de um programa nacional vai ter de ser um menu à escolha do aluno... Hilary Austen revisitada, viva a arte!!!)
"People are hungry for meaning. It's about enterprise and low-cost access to blueprints. .. Production will be in the hands of the people."
"It's definitely capitalism. But it's more democratic forms of capitalism." (Moi ici: Indy Capitalism com a democratização da produção!!!)
It's also a phenomenon perfectly suited to the austerity age. Mass unemployment, says Andrew Hessel, a biology futurist from California, might even be the necessary catalyst. "Before, people would just go and get a job in retail. Now that's gone. There are millions of jobs that are not just coming back. But you can set up your own business for $100." (Moi ici: O que PPC disse e levantou tanta polémica)
And the ideas, as evidenced by their high visibility at TED, are just starting to go mainstream. Bruno Giussani, the European director of TED who organised the programme, believes we are on the cusp of something radically new, not least because, according to Massimo Banzi, one of the founding fathers of the field, "you don't have to ask for permission"." (Moi ici: É por causa deste sentimento de optimismo, de crença no futuro e na revolução DIY que há anos, quando comecei a perceber a chegada de Mongo,  a associei a este filme)
No alvo com esta reflexão de hoje de Seth Godin,

segunda-feira, junho 04, 2012

Mongo também passa por aqui

"One of the essential problems for education is that most countries subject their schools to the fast-food model of quality assurance when they should be adopting the Michelin model instead. The future for education is not in standardizing but in customizing; not in promoting groupthink and “deindividuation” but in cultivating the real depth and dynamism of human abilities of every sort. For the future, education must be Elemental."
Estão a ver qual o destino dos programa nacionais, dos curricula nacionais, das turmas que aprendem(?) o mesmo em todas as escolas do país?
Trecho retirado de "The Element" de Ken Robinson

quarta-feira, maio 30, 2012

A atitude é tudo

"it’s not what happens to us that determines out lives—it’s what we make of what happens"
O capítulo 7 de "The Element" de Ken Robinson é um hino ao locus de controlo no interior.
Ao ler o texto que se segue, em vez de pensar em pessoas, podemos pensar em grupos de pessoas, em organizações, em empresas:
"There is a risk in giving examples of people who have found their Element. Their stories can be inspiring, of course, but they can also be depressing. After all, these people seem blessed in some way; they’ve had the good fortune to do what they love to do and to be very good at doing it. One could easily ascribe their good fortune to luck, and certainly many people who love what they do say that they’ve been lucky (just as people who don’t like what they’re doing with their lives often say they’ve been unlucky). Of course, some “lucky”  people have been fortunate to find their passions and to have the opportunities to pursue them. Some “unlucky” people have had bad things happen to them. But good and bad things happen to all of us. It’s not what happens  to us that makes the difference in our lives. What makes the difference is our attitude toward what happens. The idea of luck is a powerful way of illustrating the importance of our basic attitudes in affecting whether or not we find our Element. Describing ourselves as lucky or unlucky suggests that we’re simply the beneficiaries or victims of chance circumstances. But if being in your Element were just a matter of chance, all you could do is cross your fingers and hope to get lucky as well. There’s much more to being lucky than that. Research and experience show that lucky people often make their luck because of their attitudes." 
"the ability to look at situations in different ways. There’s a difference between what we are able to perceive—our field of perception—and what we actually do perceive.
"Wiseman [The Luck Factor, psychologist Richard Wiseman] has identified four principles that characterize lucky people. Lucky people tend to maximize chance opportunities. They are especially adept at creating, noticing, and acting upon these opportunities when they arise. Second, they tend to be very effective at listening to their intuition, and do work (such as meditation) that is designed to boost their intuitive abilities. The third principle is that lucky people tend to expect to be lucky, creating a series of self-fulfilling prophecies because they go into the world anticipating a positive outcome. Last, lucky people have an attitude that allows them to turn bad luck to good. They don’t allow ill fortune to overwhelm them, and they move quickly to take control of the situation when it isn’t going well for them."
Em linha com o ditado "As oportunidades multiplicam-se à medida que são aproveitadas".
Em linha com a vantagem de quem coloca o locus de controlo no interior de si.
Em linha com quem exibe um positive mindset.
Em linha com quem olha para o mundo como um jogo de soma positiva.
BTW, "How Great Leaders Make Their Own Luck" gosto da "empirical creativity"

terça-feira, maio 29, 2012

Não sigam as regras, criem as vossas próprias regras

Agora, já percebo porque é que várias pessoas no último ano me falaram do livro "The Element" de Ken Robinson.
Num mundo em que somos "pressionados" (uma palavra tão em voga nos tempos que correm) desde muito cedo a conformar-mo-nos, é salutar ler uma voz que nos aconselha a lutar por uma paixão.
Ontem, durante o jogging, ao ouvir a história da vida de Vidal Sassoon e da sua luta para descobrir, seguir e aperfeiçoar a sua paixão:
"“I took some time out after that because I still wasn’t sure if I wanted to be a hairdresser. I loved football so much. In the end, I suppose it was the prospect of all the pretty girls and, of course, my mother that swung it for me. At first I couldn’t get a proper job in the West End of London at a big salon like Raymond’s because I had a cockney accent. That’s the way it was in those days.”
For three years, he took voice lessons to improve how he sounded so he could get a job at one of the better salons. “I knew I had to learn how to project myself, so I got a job teaching in different salons in the evenings. I used my tips to take a bus to the West End and go to the theater. I’d catch the matinee and see great Shakespearean actors like Laurence Olivier and John Gielgud and try to copy their voices.”
He went regularly to London’s many art museums and began to educate and inspire himself with the history of painting and architecture. “I really think that was what set me on my course. I was developing my own vision for hairdressing. The shapes in my head were always geometric. I have always been working toward a bone structure so as to define a woman rather than just make her ‘pretty pretty.’ I knew hair dressing could be different, but it took a lot of work and nine years to develop the system we use in our salons.”
A minha mente abandonou o som dos auriculares e começou a recordar a letra da canção de um dos meus grupos preferidos: "Logical Song" dos Supertramp cantada pelo grande Roger Hodgson, a certa altura ouve-se:
"But then they sent me away to teach me how to be sensible, logical, oh responsible, practical.
And then they showed me a world where I could be so dependable,
oh clinical, oh intellectual, cynical."
A mensagem da conformidade: segue as regras, segue as regras...
Depois, não sei como, veio-me à memória uma notícia que li algures este mês. Um espanhol que pela manhã de um dia tinha finalmente conseguido um emprego com contrato sem termo e, que à tarde já estava desempregado. Depois, no desenvolvimento da notícia, descobria-se que já tinha tido 7 empregos, todos completamente diferentes uns dos outros... não tinha nenhuma paixão, não era especialista em nada, tinha-se conformado a esperar ter sorte... uma folha à deriva na corrente.
O mesmo se passa com as empresas.
A mensagem da tríade é, conformem-se, sigam as regras, sejam lógicas, sejam responsáveis, sejam práticas... sejam eficientes, cortem , pensem nos custos.
Nós somos pela outra via, pelo caminho menos percorrido, não se conformem, não sigam as regras, não sejam lógicas, sejam saudavelmente irresponsáveis, sigam a paixão que as pode diferenciar da manada, descubram o vosso ADN, abusem da batota e arrasem o status-quo.

sábado, maio 26, 2012

A Torre de Babel a esboroar-se

Realmente é cómico:
"There is something faintly comical about the idea. Professors and strategy directors will duke it out among academe’s gleaming spires and ivory towers, while executives from Bonn to Beijing cope with the real-world consequences of a crisis few forecast and a future nobody can predict. Let the slide presentations commence!"
Ando a ouvir um livro de Ken Robinson "The Element". A certa altura o autor levanta o problema da inteligência... defendendo que não existe uma escala linear para a medir, que não existe um padrão único para a aferir.
O mundo de que estamos a sair é que precisava de estrutura e disciplina militar, nas escolas, nas empresas, na sociedade, esse mundo é que precisava de programa único, currículo único, planeamento central e estratégia emanados do Estado.
Mongo está a deitar abaixo essa Torre de Babel da língua e do pensamento único... gosto tanto de usar esta metáfora.