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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta Iannarino. Mostrar todas as mensagens

domingo, agosto 11, 2019

Acerca do valor

Excelente artigo sobre princípios associados ao conceito de valor, "What Does It Means to Create Value Now":
"First Principles.
Value is in the eyes of the beholder—or the recipient, for our purposes here. You have the right to develop a theory as to what should be valuable for another person, but they possess the right to determine their worth. Because perceptions about value vary, you may have to explain why your dream client should perceive the value in the way you view it.
The person receiving the value needs to be better off in some way having received it. If the person is no better off having received the attempted value creation, it is not value.
Value exists on a continuum. Some things are more valuable than others. My view of this continuum of value in sales is 1: Product Value, 2: Experience Value, 3: Tangible results, and 4: Strategic Value.
Value has a contextual component, meaning something that might have been valuable in the past may not be helpful in the future. Something that would be valuable in one circumstance might be less useful when the conditions are different.
Value creation tends to degrade over time; it has a half-life. The value you created in the past is not likely to be as valuable to your clients as the value you create now.
Value creation may also build on prior value. It is possible to create an upward spiral of higher value over time. [Moi ici: A base para a subida na escala de valor, a base para os macacos que não voam, mas trepam às árvores]
The greater the value you create, the more relevant you will be to your clients and your dream clients. An inability to create value will make you irrelevant. [Moi ici: O paradoxo do foco num nicho]
Value creation is found in your understanding. It is as much in your learning as it is your teaching. While it is important you help your clients discover something about themselves, it’s equally (or more) important that you allow them to educate you if you want to create a preference."
Uma ressalva: as empresas não criam valor, as empresas criam ou co-criam valor potencial. Só quando o cliente experiencia valor na sua vida é que ele se materializa.

Relacionar com "Richard von Strigl on Subjective Value":
"The economic value of a good can only be understood as a "subjective value", that is to say, it is always related to and depends upon the effective ends of a determinate economic agent (even though the agent may, of course, take into account the interests of several individuals when setting his ends, as is, for example, the case of a family father)."

domingo, maio 05, 2019

Cuidado com a miudagem!

"Salespeople and some of their leaders believe they can pitch everyone and win new business, and there is a growing cottage industry on LinkedIn of salespeople who are taught and trained to write a four-paragraph pitch with a link to their calendar to strangers, without targeting, and without any indication that the person might be right for their service or solution...
It’s easy to increase your activity by pitching more people faster, and you can deceive yourself into believing that you are efficient. Efficiency is measured by the energy expended to produce a specific result, not the elimination of effort and energy without a result. To believe that you are efficient when you try to make selling easy, you have to refuse to look at the wasted energy and effort.
Most of the effort expended in trying to make selling easier would be better spent in increasing your effectiveness."
Estão a ver o problema de não saber que são os clientes-alvo, de tratar os clientes como miudagem?

Trechos retirados de "The Problem with Wanting Sales to Be Easy"

terça-feira, novembro 20, 2018

"markets are being pulled in two different directions"

“The concept of levels of value describes the way markets are being pulled in two different directions. Where no real value creation is necessary, where what is being purchased is a true commodity, prices are being reduced to the lowest point possible. Companies are competing by being super transactional, removing the friction of buying and lowering costs. This is the strategy of Level 1 and Level 2 value providers. It is important to note that when a company makes this decision, it is a strategic decision. Super transactional does not simply mean discounting or making pricing concessions. This is how these companies consistently compete.
The opposite strategy is super relational. This is high trust, high value, high caring. This approach is the very opposite of super transactional, placing greater value on providing results, being proactive, developing customer intimacy, and having deep knowledge and expertise.
When decisions are complex, with many factors at play and many possible paths forward, relationships of value matter a great deal. This is the strategy of Levels 3 and 4, and because most B2B sales organizations have been creating Level 3, selling the tangible return on investment and solving their client’s existing problems to the point of its being a commodity, success in creating opportunities and acquiring and retaining clients requires Level 4. Level 4 is disruptive in that it allows you to compel change.
If you behave like you are super transactional, intentionally or unintentionally, you will be treated like a commodity. You will be an attractive alternative only to prospects who care mostly about price, even if they do so to their detriment. This is to be a vendor or supplier (two words that you should be horrified to ever hear your client utter when referring to you), not a trusted adviser (words that produce the sweetest  “sound to your ears).
Alternatively, if you are super relational, you will attract companies and people who want better results. You will be interesting to people who are growth oriented and people who want to address their systemic challenges and threats and move their companies forward. Being super relational is what makes you a trusted adviser.”
Qual é a direcção da sua empresa?
Que indicadores segue?
Acha que a gestão requerida por uma direcção é a mesma que a requerida na outra direcção?
Acha que a cultura requerida por uma direcção é a mesma que a requerida na outra direcção?

Já pensou a sério nisto? Não?! Talvez seja isto o que lhe está a acontecer: "If you behave like you are super transactional, intentionally or unintentionally, you will be treated like a commodity."

Excerto de: Anthony Iannarino. “Eat Their Lunch”.

domingo, novembro 18, 2018

"Your job is to make all things unequal"

"On the continuum of value creation, we put Level 1 value on the left end, and the farthest point at the other end is Level 4, strategic partner. This is what we mean when we say, “Enter the conversation from the right.” It means that we start with the highest level of value.
Levels 1 through 3 are not advice. The features and benefits of a product won’t help you understand why you can no longer generate the results you need in a world of constant, accelerating, disruptive change. The services and support that create the experience of being easy to do business with don’t help you achieve your longer-term strategic goals and outcomes. The fact that you produce tangible business results, while being critically important, doesn’t help me understand what I need to do to deal with a future that will require me to make changes I haven’t yet considered. A long-term strategic partnership now requires someone who can occupy the role of trusted adviser and offer good counsel. This requires playing at Level 4.
Level 4 means that you have the business acumen and situational knowledge (in other words, the experience) that allow you to create a strategic level of value. It means you understand and can explain the dissonance your dream client is experiencing; you can explain why they are struggling to produce the results they need and are challenged by their current circumstances. .
You can explain to the client why and how they need to change before they need to make that change. This is the “advice” part of “trusted adviser.
To remove your competitor from your dream client’s account, you need to create value that is strategic. This is the kind of value that provides them with a competitive advantage. It’s built on insight and ideas. It’s made up of your ability to help guide their business to a better future state. It also requires the ability to develop the relationships necessary to make change inside their company.
For our purposes here, we will use this operating philosophy: All things being equal, relationships win. All things being unequal, relationships still win. Your job is to make all things unequal [Moi ici: Numa empresa, o objectivo é trabalhar para desnivelar o terreno, para criar a concorrência imperfeita, para desenvolver uma vantagem competitiva] by creating greater value by creating trusted relationships, the kind that allow you to deliver your advice—and have that advice taken. ”

Trechos retirados de “Eat Their Lunch” de Anthony Iannarino.