quinta-feira, setembro 17, 2009

A miudagem...

... lembram-se?
"A miudagem" e "Olhar olhos nos olhos, pessoas concretas não a miudagem da abstracção estatística"
Pois bem, Ronald Baker no seu Pricing on Purpose recorda as ideias de Stanley Marcus da Neiman-Marcus.
“One point he was especially fond of making was there was no such thing as a market, only customers: I am unaware of any store, or any business school, for that matter, that conducts a course or a series of lectures on “The Care and Treatment of Customers.”
I am referring to “customers” and not “consumers,” for never in my retail experience have I ever seen a “consumer” enter a store. I’ve seen lots of “customers,” for that’s what they call themselves (Marcus, 1979: 211).
At first glance, this is a contestable statement. Business executives, and certainly economists, pore over macroeconomic data of markets, trends, and demographics, lumping individuals into amorphous segments. No doubt this type of analysis is useful, but Marcus’ point is compelling once given serious consideration. In 2003 General Motors sold 8.59 million vehicles, yet each was sold one at a time. The micro level, where the customer interacts with the seller, is inherently a flesh-and-blood transaction. As economist Herbert Stein always said, “There is nobody here but us people.” In the final analysis, markets and consumers are statistical abstractions, while customers are human beings who want to be treated specially and individually.”A estatística de mercado é um fantasma... não existe!
Uma parte do mercado aprecia o vermelho, outra aprecia o amarelo. As empresas que querem ir a todas e satisfazer todos os tipos de clientes... colocam no mercado o produto laranja (a média estatística) só que ninguém quer a média."
Quantas empresas falham nesta verdade básica, cada cliente é um cliente único.

1 comentário:

Suzana disse...

Bem, estou de acordo, mas temos que reconhecer que os conhecimentos de estatistica auxiliaram imenso a Peter Drucker a possibilidade de antever o futuro...