domingo, novembro 18, 2018

"Your job is to make all things unequal"

"On the continuum of value creation, we put Level 1 value on the left end, and the farthest point at the other end is Level 4, strategic partner. This is what we mean when we say, “Enter the conversation from the right.” It means that we start with the highest level of value.
Levels 1 through 3 are not advice. The features and benefits of a product won’t help you understand why you can no longer generate the results you need in a world of constant, accelerating, disruptive change. The services and support that create the experience of being easy to do business with don’t help you achieve your longer-term strategic goals and outcomes. The fact that you produce tangible business results, while being critically important, doesn’t help me understand what I need to do to deal with a future that will require me to make changes I haven’t yet considered. A long-term strategic partnership now requires someone who can occupy the role of trusted adviser and offer good counsel. This requires playing at Level 4.
Level 4 means that you have the business acumen and situational knowledge (in other words, the experience) that allow you to create a strategic level of value. It means you understand and can explain the dissonance your dream client is experiencing; you can explain why they are struggling to produce the results they need and are challenged by their current circumstances. .
You can explain to the client why and how they need to change before they need to make that change. This is the “advice” part of “trusted adviser.
To remove your competitor from your dream client’s account, you need to create value that is strategic. This is the kind of value that provides them with a competitive advantage. It’s built on insight and ideas. It’s made up of your ability to help guide their business to a better future state. It also requires the ability to develop the relationships necessary to make change inside their company.
For our purposes here, we will use this operating philosophy: All things being equal, relationships win. All things being unequal, relationships still win. Your job is to make all things unequal [Moi ici: Numa empresa, o objectivo é trabalhar para desnivelar o terreno, para criar a concorrência imperfeita, para desenvolver uma vantagem competitiva] by creating greater value by creating trusted relationships, the kind that allow you to deliver your advice—and have that advice taken. ”

Trechos retirados de “Eat Their Lunch” de Anthony Iannarino.

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