terça-feira, agosto 30, 2016

Mongo, experiências, emoções, significados e tribos

Há dias referi em "Há 46 anos... que capacidade de previsão" a previsão feita por Alvin Toffler acerca do advento da economia das experiências.
Em "Online conjugado com a economia das experiências" referi a evolução das caixas de um produto com um perfil perfeitamente funcional para um outro cada vez mais emocional.
Entretanto, li Ulwick em "“Emotional vs Functional Jobs: The Basics of Messaging”"
Agora, em "What You Buy Is Who You Are" leio:
"The industry’s pioneers were outdoor enthusiasts like Barker. They developed the specialized products they wanted to use themselves, including gear suited for the American West rather than European terrain. They taught customers how to rock climb and cross-country ski and even how to get passports for “adventure travel.”
Navigating the Outdoor Retailer show’s maze of display booths, you get the idea that the industry is selling stuff, and lots of it. But when the industry association boasts that U.S. consumers spend $646 billion a year on outdoor recreation, that figure includes four times as much money for travel and related expenses as for products. The gear is there to enable the experiences -- and, at least as important, to make customers feel like the people they want to be.
The industry is just one example of the shift from function to meaning as a source of economic value. It’s a change with enormous cultural ramifications for how we think about consumption and employment. It transforms what once was, or at least appeared to be, the value-neutral marketplace into a competition among ideas. Instead of at most signaling wealth (“conspicuous consumption,” “keeping up with the Joneses”), what we buy now carries value-laden significance.
When outdoor enthusiasts shell out for the latest odor-killing socks or that solar-powered phone charger, they aren’t just buying functional products. They’re buying meaning: the “freedom to pursue the adventure of life,” the “right to roam,” the “freedom to travel” and “discover your world,” among just a few of the inspirational slogans bedecking booths. Yes, the goods solve technical problems, but they also express aspirations and identity.
The meaning economy poses an unavoidable dilemma. [Moi ici: Atenção ao que se segue. É algo que nunca vi escrito desta forma tão transparente a não ser aqui no blogue. É por causa do que se segue que defendo há muito tempo que o futuro não é dos Golias. Os Golias procuram o que é comum, procuram uniformidade, procuram eficiência] Consumers hold diverse views and attitudes, and they derive real value from expressive consumption. But abandoning lowest-common-denominator branding feeds tribalism and cultural conflict. A diversity of workplaces lets workers find more interesting, congenial employment. Yet that diversity requires more homogeneity within a given organization or even a whole industry -- this one is “family friendly,” that one “macho,” this one embodies “Christian values,” that one expects employees to be “fun and quirky.”"
Voltando ao tema da transição do funcional para o emocional como não recordar esta experiência pessoal relatada em "Um sonho" e este trecho:
"Não podemos continuar a vender produtos, temos de trabalhar para os clientes-alvo que valorizam as experiências que podemos dar com vantagem competitiva diferenciadora."
Retirado de "Alargar os horizontes" que relata a situação que gerou o "Um sonho".

Tive pena do caso MonteCampo. Ainda tentei desafiar a empresa a fugir do século XX mas não tive engenho comunicativo para o conseguir.

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