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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta market-driven. Mostrar todas as mensagens

segunda-feira, dezembro 26, 2016

"Client-focused, not client-run"

"Client-focused, not client-run.
Having so emphatically made the point that the client and client needs are central to the success of any enterprise, it is important to reinforce the point that client focus does not mean responding slavishly to whatever a client demands, nor just doing what a client asks. [Moi ici: E sem uma estratégia consciente, como é que uma empresa traça a linha entre a resposta que faz sentido e a outra?] The ultimate purpose of an enterprise is to create wealth, so there would be no point in responding to client demands that might result in bankruptcy.
It’s more complex than that, however. As Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, says: ‘You can’t just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they’ll want something new.’
In some circumstances (particularly where new products or services are concerned) clients may not understand whether or not a particular offering will be of value to them. [Moi ici: E referir claramente para quem a oferta não se dirige. Para que ninguém se sinta enganado] In these situations the value proposition approach is far more powerful than old-style marketingspeak, because it enables a new offering to be expressed in terms of the value of the client experience that it will deliver.
That’s the heart of this entire concept. Clients do not buy ‘things’. They buy the experiences that those ‘things’ are able to deliver."
Trechos retirados de "Creating and delivering your value proposition : managing customer experience for profit" de  Barnes, Helen Blake e David Pinder. Um livro que li em 2010 e que me redespertou curiosidade ao arrumar papéis em caixas para uma mudança.

quarta-feira, novembro 16, 2016

Market-driven ou market-driving (parte IV)

Parte I e parte II e parte III.
Este texto, "51 anos depois da primeira máquina de tricô, a Benetton já imprime camisolas":
"“Queríamos produzir algo especial, criar um novo clássico com total liberdade de movimentos,...“Este lançamento é muito importante porque significa voltar o foco para as nossas raízes e o nosso know-how”,"
Esta semana, ao conversar com o D. Pedro IV, que tinha comentado este postal, "Cuidado com o benchmarking" (e de certa forma o que a Benetton fez, como relatado nas partes I a III desta série, foi benchmarking e cópia de outros modelos que estavam e estão a resultar em outras empresas com outro ADN) falámos em Reeves e no, muitas vezes necessário, encolhimento para renovar e recomeçar tendo por base o ADN e não para copiar o que funciona com outros (cargo cult).

Recordo esta série com um título irónico: ""despedir é sempre resultado de uma maldade ou de preguiça da gestão" (parte V)" e recordo Steve Jobs:
"He shrunk Apple to a scale and scope suitable to the reality of its being a niche producer in the highly competitive personal computer business. He cut Apple back to a core that could survive."
Para depois criar o nível seguinte do jogo.
Muitas vezes os custos afundados e, sobretudo a vaidade (palavra usada pelo D. Pedro IV), impedem as empresas de fazerem este encolhimento estratégico.

domingo, novembro 06, 2016

Market-driven ou market-driving (parte I)

O artigo "From market-driving to market-driven - An analysis of Benetton’s strategy change and its implications for long-term performance" de Raffaele Filieri e publicado por Marketing Intelligence & Planning Vol. 33 No. 3, 2015 pp. 238-257, merece ser lido para quem quer perceber porque, para além da subida dos custos na Ásia, o reshoring está a ocorrer. O artigo leva também a pensar que as empresas de calçado portuguesas que operam como market-driven nos mercados de proximidade, terão de operar como market-driving quando querem exportar para a Ásia ou Estados Unidos.
"The double-dip recession, the growth of low cost retailers, and the capability to rapidly satisfy ever changing consumer fashion needs are three different but intertwined factors which are reshaping the map of competition in the fashion industry. Today’s fashion market place is highly competitive and companies need to constantly “refresh” product ranges within a store to adapt to volatile fashion trends. Market-driven companies such as Zara and H&M seem to master this capability to match customer requirements in real time by offering trendy items at affordable prices.
define market-driven management as the activity of “learning, understanding, and responding to stakeholder perceptions and behaviours within a given market structure”. Market driven refers to a business orientation that is based on understanding and reacting to the preferences and behaviours of customers within a given market structure through conducting market research and delivering incremental innovations. This orientation is strongly linked with the acquisition of information and knowledge about customers and competitors, which enable the firm to generate product innovation and to sustain a competitive advantage. The firms’ responsiveness to market needs depends on the propensity to act based on the knowledge acquired from the market
the market-driven orientation does not guarantee a sustainable competitive advantage
argued that the market-driven approach leaves the organization open to the tyranny of the served market in which managers see the world only through their current customers’ eyes. ... suggest that being market oriented detracts from innovation. To this regard, Christensen and Bower stated: “firms lose their position of industry leadership […] because they listen too carefully to their customers”. The common theme among the criticisms is that businesses pay a penalty for being market oriented. Likewise, while a strong market orientation is indicative of a propensity to innovate, it is not necessarily indicative of successful innovation. In order to induce changes in the behaviours of customers and competitors, simply being receptive to current market trends through market sensing abilities is not sufficient to sustain innovation.
It has been suggested that in order to achieve a superior business performance, firms need to actively influence the market rather than being only ready to react to it. To shape the market, scholars have found that a market-driving orientation is better able than a market-driven orientation to gain a sustainable advantage by changing the structure or composition of a market and/or behaviours of its players.
Innovation is a pre-requisite for creating customers and this is consistent with the “forward sensing” approach, in which market sensing is aimed to acquire state of the art knowledge which allows firms not only to be responsive but also to generate new concepts and ideas that alter the market structure. ... state that over time even successful market-driving firms change, as they should, into market-driven firms."