"Trabalha-se o numerador. Segue-se a lição de Marn e Rosiello, há que subir preços da única forma que um mercado competitivo permite, apostando em produtos de maior valor acrescentado, apostando na concorrência imperfeita. Não sei, confesso a minha ignorância, mas talvez criando experiências empresariais que desenvolvam produtos tecnológicos ou farmacêuticos à custa do leite, não necessariamente alimentares. Recordo as escamas do bacalhau islandês e as folhas das videiras."
Sim, eu sei o que costumo escrever aqui: os macacos não voam, trepam às árvores!
Entretanto, estava a preparar-me para sair para a Missa de Domingo quando deparo com este texto, "Kirin looks beyond beer with $870mn push into healthcare and pharma". Um produtor de cerveja, a braços com a quebra do consumo decorrente do Inverno demográfico e da crescente imagem negativa das bebidas alcoólicas no Japão, quer usar a techmogia e know-how sobre o processo de fermentação alcoólica em experiências biotecnológicas, para dar um novo rumo à empresa.
"Kirin will invest about ¥100bn ($870mn) in its healthcare and pharmaceutical businesses over the next three years, as the Japanese brewer pushes beyond the shrinking beer market at home and setbacks to its core businesses in Asia.
'If the beer segment would grow forever, it would've been better for us to focus on it, because making a challenge in a new business is very tough," he said.
'We want to turn Kirin into a fermentation biotechnology company. We need to grow a new business while the beer segment is still healthy," he added.
Kirin wants to use the technology of the beer-making process, in which sugars are converted by yeast to alcohol, in its biotech ventures."
"I'd argue that processes critically important for an organization's existence define its evolution. If something is existentially important, those providing it will have more leverage. And former strongmen become irrelevant. ...Ergo. Economic processes aren't neutral power-wise. That's a major factor in the evolution of power structures. That would also explain why many in power would sabotage economic development. If it's too complex for them to administer, it will change the power balance, not in their favor."
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