Há dias citei:
"the word ‘strategy’ derives from the Ancient Greek position of ‘strategos’. The image that the Greeks liked to use to convey the skill of a great strategos was that of the kubernetes – the helmsperson on an inshore fighting ship. The kubernetes’ skill lay in his recognizing that because he could not make waves he had to passively accept the currents, but at the same time he was active working the rudders so as to change direction within the parameters of what was possible."
Ontem publiquei um relato sobre a disrupção nas cadeias de fornecimento.
Hoje, durante a caminhada matinal, li "Shipping chaos gives top importers ‘massive competitive edge’":
"The largest importers are paying far lower freight rates than smaller importers, the playing field is becoming increasingly uneven, and foreign ocean carriers are in position to pick the American import sector’s winners and losers.
“We’re seeing a price differential of $15,000 [per forty-foot equivalent unit or FEU] between the lowest short-term price in the [trans-Pacific] market and the top price,”
“That implies a huge competitive advantage for established players, which has consequences across the economy and for everyday life, and also, from a point of view of lowering competition and increasing barriers to entry for future competitors.”
Patrik Berglund, CEO of Xeneta, added, “Everybody’s seeing price increases but … being really big is really a massive competitive edge in this market.”
“To put this price differential of $15,000 into context, last year, it was $500.”"
Qual o impacte disto no próximo Natal?
Qual o impacte disto nos preços para os consumidores?
Qual o impacte disto no campo de possibilidades para os produtores na proximidade dos centros de consumo?
Como minimizar, ou como aproveitar o dominó de situações gerado por este evento?
Que realidades podem ser criadas?
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