segunda-feira, agosto 29, 2016

"respond by becoming a shell of their former selves"

Competir pelo preço, tentar seduzir clientes oferecendo o preço mais baixo, é uma opção estratégica legítima e honesta. Contudo, não é para quem quer, é para quem pode.
"Of course, you have competition. But the big companies that are winning the price war aren't winning because they've eliminated customer service and common sense. They're winning because of significant advances in scale and process, advances that aren't available to you.
Organizations panic in the face of the floor falling out from under their price foundation, and they often respond by becoming a shell of their former selves. [Moi ici: Aquilo a que chamo de "hollowing" ou radioclubização, usando exactamente essa terminologia de carcaça oca] Once you decide to become a cheap commodity, all of the choices you made to be a non-commodity fall victim to your pursuit of cheap.
Cheap is the last refuge for the marketer who can't figure out how to be better.
The alternative is to choose to be worth it, remarkable, reliable, a good neighbor, a worthy citizen, leading edge, comfortable, trusted, funny, easy, cutting edge or just about anything except, "the cheapest at any cost.""
Há duas alternativas, aumentar o denominador ou reduzir o denominador. Não se pode é ser PME e querer estar nos dois campeonatos em simultâneo:
Trecho retirado de "In pursuit of cheap"

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