domingo, julho 26, 2015

O poder da serendipidade

O poder da serendipidade
"In a world of people who too often see their situation as unchangeable, entrepreneurs choose to act. We feel the power of free will when we hear stories about the bold actions of entrepreneurs.
Inspiring stories. But here is the rub: In each story, the innovator’s choice was driven by their context
In each of these cases, context drove choice.
True, it took a bold decision to actually create these businesses, and the innovators should be admired for this reason. But still, there is no way anyone could have started any of these businesses without being in the context that made the innovation possible.
Context drives choice, yet choice is still pivotal to innovation because we often choose our context.
Context drives choice, but we choose our context."
De certa forma o jogo, o balanço, na nossa vida, entre a exploitation e a exploration. É sempre útil, ter uma saudável dose de exploration na nossa vida. Podemos pensar que estamos bem, podemos estar bem e, no entanto, com a movimentação das placas tectónicas da paisagem competitva, com a alteração do enrugamento, deixamos de estar numa zona agradável e, sem exploração prévia que nos tenha dotado de outras habilidades... corremos mais riscos de passar um mau bocado.

Trechos retirados de "Context Drives Choice (and Vice Versa)"

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