terça-feira, junho 11, 2013

O truque do mapa da estratégia (parte II)

Parte I.
Ontem, escrevíamos aqui:
(Moi ici: Aqui é que entra o truque do mapa da estratégia... qual é o nosso ADN? Onde podemos fazer a diferença? Existe massa crítica de clientes-alvo? Quem são os clientes-alvo? O que procuram e valorizam? Que mosaico de actividades devemos desenvolver para os conquistar, satisfazer e fidelizar? Que recursos e infraestruturas suportaram essas actividades estratégicas? E, assim, tudo fica alinhado!!!)
E em sintonia encontramos "You Can’t Build a Winning Strategy If You Don’t Know Who You Are":
"Every enterprise is regularly confronted with questions of where to grow, how to acquire, and what should make up its business portfolio. The corporate landscape is littered with companies that have lost their way because their answers to those questions became detached from who they are: their way of creating value for customers and shareholders (or “way to play”), and the differentiating capabilities they leverage to play their way better than anyone else. (Moi ici: Recordar este número "56 percent said their company has not allocated resources in a way that really supports the strategy, and 55 percent reported difficulties in ensuring that day-to-day decisions are in line with strategy" e "Only a third (33 percent) said they feel the company’s core capabilities fully support the company’s strategy") These two essential components of every company’s identity must work together and reinforce each other for a company to have a right to win in its particular markets

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