sábado, julho 02, 2011

From customer centricity to balanced centricity

Um furo na agenda permitiu a ida à biblioteca da Católica na Asprela onde tive acesso a "Extending the service-dominant logic: from customer centricity to balanced centricity" de Ever Gummesson, publicado pelo J. of the Acad. Mark. Sci. (2008) 36:15–17
São duas páginas e meia a abordar um tema que me fascina: e quando não basta lidar com o cliente? E quando o cliente impede a nossa chegada ao consumidor? E quando há alguém mais poderoso do que o cliente na cadeia da procura? (recordar os frangos Purdue)
A Centromarca em vez de atacar os clientes dos seus associados devia estudar este tema... balanced centricity. Por mim, já encomendei o último livro de Gummesson, há aqui qualquer coisa que vale a pena explorar e investigar.
"It claims that the marketing concept and customer-centricity are too limited as a foundation for marketing and have not—and cannot—but partially be implemented in practice. It urges marketing scholars and educators to accept the complexity of marketing and develop and teach a network-based stakeholder approach balanced centricity — epitomized by the concept of many-to-many marketing."
Popper tinha razão ao criticar Espinosa, de que vale a liberdade de pensamento se não há com quem conversar, discutir e aprender ... em tempo escrevi este postal e depois este sobre o ciclo da vida no cliente, a experiência do uso. Sou um fanático defensor da abordagem por processos, transformar os vectores de um mapa da estratégia num conjunto de acções, de actividades concretas realizadas por pessoas concretas ancoradas num conjunto chamado processo... mas quando se pensa a sério e por algum tempo no assunto, conclui-se que apesar de estarmos a fazer a parte da empresa que quer servir... não estamos a ser profissionais no que diz respeito ao conhecimento do ciclo de vida na mente e na experiência do cliente.
"Marketing needs rejuvenation. The half a century old marketing concept advocates that satisfaction of customer needs and wants is the bedrock of business, and that market-orientation is superior to product-orientation. This may have had an impact, but my thesis is that customer-orientation has been applied half-heartedly and that it is supplier ego-centric rather than customer-centric.
(Moi ici: Acerca da value chain de Porter) The chain is supplier-centric. It virtually stops when the customer has bought something. It is based on goods and manufacturing. Value-added is equalized with the cost incurred by the supplier. It could mean that the less a firm exerts cost control, the more it adds value— value thus represent low productivity. It sounds like an oxymoron. The chain represents a sequential process and the operations of the supplier are distinct from consumption.
But a product has usually no value in itself. If unsold, the supplier does not recover its cost; if unused, the customer’s money is wasted. Within the SD-logic value is co-created; the supplier contribution is a value proposition that can be of service to customers and the customer contribution is value actualization. If it is a durable product like a car, the customer may use it for several years. But “use it” evokes the wrong vibrations. The customer rather interacts with the car and service is created in that process.
This leads me to question the realism of the marketing concept and customer-centricity, both saying that customer satisfaction is the goal of a firm. How can we discard supplier-centricity? Suppliers do create the value propositions without which there will be no value actualization on the customer side. These days shareholder value seems to be the prime driver of companies, and this can be just as one-sided as can complete customer orientation. It may even be that technology is the prime driver.
By separating suppliers and customers we deprive them of context and interdependency; co-creation of service is a necessity. We therefore have to move away from one-party centricity — either supplier-centric or customer-centric — to two-party centricity which simultaneously zooms in on both suppliers and customers.
Service is not created just by the supplier and the customer. (Moi ici: O tal ecossistema) It is created in a network of activities involving a host of stakeholders. For example, there are contributions from intermediaries, employees, the media, neighbors, and society in general through such infrastructural networks as roads, electricity grids and broadband connections. More advanced stakeholder thinking is required.
It means that marketing as an academic discipline cannot just settle for simplistic consumer surveys and statistics or the teaching of cause and effect models with two or a few variables.
My feeling is that the interests of multiple parties need to be secured. Thus the concept of balanced centricity — all stakeholders have the right to satisfaction of needs and wants.
But is balanced centricity a realistic objective or is it yet another professorial whim? (Moi ici: Não creio que seja um "professorial whim", no entanto, não acredito que seja pragmaticamente útil nas circunstâncias em que o cliente seja o mais poderoso na cadeia da procura, no ecossistema da procura. Quando uma cadeia da procura tem vários intervenientes) I do not have the answer but I am convinced that if we keep fragmenting marketing and other business functions and duck complexity, context and dynamics, we will not move ahead.

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