Margins feed on ideas.
our concept of luxury has evolved. Luxury has become more about personal pleasure and self-expression and less about status.
Luxury goods are no longer a sign of status; they're the mark of connoisseurship.
But we haven't completely left behind the status era, because connoisseurship only works when you are recognized as a connoisseur. What fun would it be to wear the world's nicest watch or jeans, and have no one recognize it? A connoisseur lives to be recognized by fellow aficionados. Kindred spirits can only recognize each other, though, if the product allows some "signal" that insiders can notice, such as the subtle back-pockets of ultra-premium jeans that can only be decoded by other connoisseurs. (Moi ici: Trabalhar para 'tribos' no sentido que Seth Godin lhes deu? Explosão de nichos ou a mongolização do planeta que, afinal de contas, não é mesmo plano. É o triunfo da cauda longa?)
When does an outrageous price for a product become acceptable and even desirable? When the item transforms us from consumers to connoisseurs."
Trechos retirados de "The Inevitability Of $300 Socks"
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