quarta-feira, julho 30, 2008

Como é que o tempo flui?

O futuro é um tema que me atrai.
Durante anos percebia a relação de causa-efeito, com causas no passado e efeitos no presente ou no futuro. Depois, com Ortega Y Gasset fiquei fascinado com a colocação das causas no futuro, para influenciar o presente.
Richard Normann no seu livro "Reframing Business - When the Map Changes the Landscape" acrescenta-me mais alguns motivos de reflexão:
"It can be argued that time is always now and that there is nothing we can do about that. And that the only thing that happens is that 'the now' is moving.
"business executives have always realized that the real reason for mentally moving into the future is to influence the minds and therefore the actions of people living in the present. The idea behind moving into the conceptual future therefore is to create a different future by influencing action now.
the human mind continuously creates different mental images of possible futures - what we now think of as acenarios - and that the existence of these can actually be shown physiologically in the brain. Such scenarios are in fact necessary for survival and for being able to structure our present. We use them in a 'what of if?' sense.
By imagining ('living in') and empathizing with alternative possible future states and events we can 'back-cast' to the present, and we can begin to consider what we have to do to handle possible eventualities, prepare ourselves, perhaps influence the course of events. These future scenarios provide us with relevancy structures without which we would have much lower if any possibilities at all to distinguish what is relevant to us or not - we would be drowned by signals and information.
it is part of the nature of the human mind to move conceptually and more or less freely between the conceptual past, the here-and-now, and the conceptual future. In fact, the more and the richer experiences we can dig out and bring into the future from the past, the richer the present. Therefore we should try to be 'exiles from the past'. And the more we can bring of insightful aand rich scenarios from the future into the present - the more we can become 'vistors from the future' - the ritcher the present.
All this suggest another mental image of how time moves (or how we relate to the time domain):

1 comentário:

Raul Martins disse...

E realmente é fascinante o olhar o futuro na "poesia" de Gasset.
Que bom era que os nossos políticos colocassem as causas no futuro e não sempre em justificações no passado para tudo e mais alguma coisa.
Carpe diem!