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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta scripting markets. Mostrar todas as mensagens

segunda-feira, agosto 15, 2011

Balanced centricity

"Exploring co-creation networks: Creating balanced centricity within a public transport service system" de Elina Jaakkola e Matthew Alexander, apresentado no Naples Forum on Services 2011.
E queixava-me eu de que algo faltava "Dores de crescimento":
"Although literature on industrial networks acknowledges that interactions between single counterparts are inevitably connected with their other interactions across the network, few studies examine networks that consist of different types of resource-integrating actors. Therefore, the study of value creation within service systems comprising of relationships between a range of actors (both business and consumer) represents an interesting research gap in the literature."
Em 2007 facilitei a criação de um balanced scorecard para uma organização pública. Começámos o trabalho pela identificação dos intervenientes na tradicional perspectiva dos clientes (designação demasiado simplista para quem descobre uma coisa chamada "balanced centricty")
É por causa da "balanced centricity" que penso em cadeia da procura e, é a minha experiência pessoal que ás vezes me faz o usar a palavra "armadilhar"... ontem concluí que se calhar, muitos dos comentários das empresas portuguesas que se queixam de barreiras técnicas e outros subterfúgios, para justificar a dificuldade em entrar em certos mercados de exportação, mais não são do que a consequência da incapacidade de competir contra uma rede estabelecida.
Uma empresa aparece com um produto, para tentar convencer um potencial comprador e esquece-se da rede em que esse potencial comprador está envolvido. E esquece-se de que, cada vez mais, um produto é só um pretexto para algo mais vasto, uma gama de serviços que geram experiências. Ou seja:
"Analyzing dyadic exchanges does not give a sufficiently wide view of value creation, as all exchanges are influenced by a network of actors. A more abstract designation “actor-to-actor” is suggested by Vargo and Lusch (2011) to emphasize the complex and dynamic system of actors that co-create value, and at the same time, jointly provide the context through which value gains its individual and collective assessment.
SDL suggests that actors form a value network where resources are integrated and applied through interaction to provide service-for-service. Such a value network, or service eco-system, is “a spontaneously sensing and responding spatial and temporal structure of largely loosely coupled value proposing social and economic actors interacting through institutions and technology, to co-produce offerings, exchange service offerings, and to co-create value”. Service systems are connected through the proposition, acceptance and evaluation of value. Through value propositions - “reciprocal promises of value, operating to and from suppliers and customers seeking an equitable exchange” - partners, suppliers, shareholders, and other stakeholders offer access to their resources, but they also expect reciprocation. Exchange is motivated by application of resources for the benefit of another party with the anticipation of reciprocity.
Each actor has specific capabilities, rooted in their available resources and the way they can be combined with others, that would attract other actors facing similar problems."
A minha experiência de procurar conhecer o ecossistema em que as empresas operam, mesmo quando elas não têm consciência dele, fez-me achar tão familiar estes quadros retirados do artigo:
Quem são os actores na cadeia da procura? Qual o enredo que os motiva a participar na rede? Qual o guião que os vai juntar?
Fascinante, é mesmo arte, caro @andrecruzzz é mesmo uma tela em branco à espera do artista com unhas, pincéis e tintas para a transformar em algo de harmonioso, convidativo, sedutor e belo.

segunda-feira, agosto 08, 2011

Não é armadilhar, é perceber os clientes dos clientes

Na sequência de:

“In more complex B2B deals, it is not a single person selling to a single person. Both the customer and the supplier are many-headed, meaning that one network meets another.”

“In B2B, customers are using received deliveries as input to deliveries to their customers.

Every supplier has a relationship to the customer’s customer. It is there even if it is indirect and not recognized. Many products pass through several stages before they reach the user.

Who is the customer and whose needs and specifications should be satisfied?
The dilemma has been expressed in the following way: ‘It is also possible that the properties sought by the customer may not be the same, or may even be at odds with those properties required by the user further downstream. In this respect the injunction to match the product not only to the needs of the immediate client, but also to those of the user further downstream is worth recording even if this is difficult to achieve in practice.
Sometimes a new product may be neutral to the intermediary, but of special value to the user. Should a supplier then turn directly to the user? This may seem rational but at the same time it means a disturbance in the relationships to the middlemen, who feel that their positions are threatened. The intermediaries in turn may protect their business by withholding information and blocking personal contact between the manufacturer and the user.

The suppliers can choose their mission to be ‘helping customers to do business with their customers’. They must then understand the customer’s customer.
Trechos recortados da leitura de "Total Relationship Marketing" de Evert Gummesson

terça-feira, julho 26, 2011

Não é armadilhar, é criar harmonia, é construir uma sinfonia...

Ao identificar os intervenientes num potencial mercado que queremos criar, temos de pensar na proposta de valor para os clientes directos, os distribuidores na figura...
também temos de pensar numa proposta de valor para os compradores (clientes dos clientes), numa proposta de valor para os utilizadores e outra, ainda, para os influenciadores.
Ou seja, temos de criar um alinhamento, uma sinfonia de propostas de valor que crie um mercado em que todos tenham algo a ganhar. A esse conjunto de propostas de valor podemos chamar de... proposta de mercado para criar uma nova configuração do mercado.
Pois é essa a proposta de Storbacka e Nenonen em "Scripting markets: From value propositions to market propositions" publicado por Industrial Marketing Management Volume 40, Issue 2, February 2011, Pages 255-266. Um excelente artigo:
"markets are socially constructed, subjective realities that can be altered by different actors in the market.
economic action is embedded in networks of social relationships and that markets are socially constructed
This paper builds on the foundational propositions of the S-D logic and takes as its starting point the following assumptions: (1) markets consist of networks of market actors, (2) markets are social constructions co-created by market actors, and (3) markets are resource integrators aiming at the co-creation of value.
organizations “produce” the environments to which they respond, through their actions and selective attention, Brooks (1995) claim that “enacted markets” are outcomes of prior transactions between actors. Thus, the market is defined by the already established relationships and this “structure” form mental barriers against other perceptions of the market. (Moi ici: Esta a maior barreira que se pode enfrentar. A barreira criada pelo nosso próprio cérebro.)
Market practices are defined as the interactions between market actors within a market configuration
markets cannot be seen as given constructions where actors compete for positions. The focal actor can, hence, make subjective market definitions and attempt to influence other to share this definition (create a “shared social construction”), i.e. the actor engages in market making.
Scripting markets – making market propositions
Market scripting can be defined as the conscious activities conducted by a market actor in order to alter the current market configuration in its favour. Central to market scripting is the subjective motive of the focal actor to align the mental models and business models of other market actors so that they reinforce the mental and business models of the scripting actor, and increase marketness. (Moi ici: Aqui entra a capacidade de calçar os sapatos do outro... algo de muito pouco português. É preciso ir para além do momento da troca entre cliente e fornecedor e visualizar a vida do cliente, e visualizar as experiências  que se podem influenciar nessa vida... é preciso pensar em Brandenburger e Nalebuff e nas relações ganhar-ganhar que se podem criar. Como criar um mercado em que todos os actores estão em sintonia com a nossa empresa?)
The concept of market scripting asks for an enlargement of the idea proposed by Vargo and Lusch (2004), re-phrased as “the enterprise cannot deliver value, but only offer value propositions” in Vargo and Lusch (2008). As value is increasingly co-created in networks, in market practices participated by several actors, the argument could be that “the firm offers market propositions”, signifying that successful firms need to offer their view on how the market should be configured and engage actors in collective sensemaking activities aimed at creating a shared market view. (Moi ici: Isto é poesia... pura poesia)
We define market propositions as resource integration promises: the scripting actor promises to enhance value creation for participating actors by creating a market configuration that makes increased density of resources and capabilities, and value co-creation possible.
A key objective of configurations is to create harmony, consonance, or fit between configurative elements. Elements of a configuration interact if the value of one element depends on the presence of the other element; reinforce each other if the value of each element is increased by the presence of the other element; and are independent if the value of an element is independent of the presence of another element.
Several different market configurations may be effective, as long as the elements reinforce each other in order to achieve a high degree of configurational fit, achieved when the resource and capability density maximizes the network’s aggregated value creation.
markets develop and change by influencing market configurations
firms are increasingly engaged in complex market configurations where the alignment of market views becomes central for success. Firms, hence, need to offer market propositions: offer their view on how the market should be configured and engage actors in activities aimed at creating a shared market view. Market propositions are in essence resource integration promises: the focal actor promises to enhance value creation for participating actors by creating a market configuration that makes increased density of resources and capabilities, and value co-creation possible. (Moi ici: Isto é jogar o jogo num novo nível... and I love this game)
We labelled the practice of making market propositions market scripting, and defined it as the scripting actor’s activities aimed a altering an extant market configuration: to align the mental models and business models of other market actors so that they reinforce the mental and business models of the scripting actor, and increase marketness. Market scripting mechanisms are based on the performativity of all the configurative elements."
É mesmo isto!!!
Claro que nem todos os clientes, ou intervenientes a jusante poderão fazer parte do jogo, só os que estiverem preparados para alinhar porque vão ganhar.