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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta restoring. Mostrar todas as mensagens

terça-feira, julho 11, 2023

É impressionante a diferença de ritmo entre os dois lados do Atlântico.

Uma série de postais nos últimos 30 dias aqui no blogue sobre o tema do reshoring:

No Domingo passado publiquei o tweet:

Ontem apanhei este vídeo de Peter Zeihan:

Além do tema do tweet acima, o vídeo acaba com a referência a dois temas interessantes: 
"doubled construction stuff spending again. So, we were already at record levels three years ago, we've now doubled the record and this is going on from there. Now this does mean we're going to have some more inflation in the short in the midterm because there's no way you double the size of the industrial plant without that, but once we get to the back side of this a few years from now, we will have a supply chain system that is local, that is employed by locals, that serves local customers and uses less energy and less water and has fewer steps and it's largely immune to International shocks"

Algo que me faz pensar no regresso da indústria às cidades