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Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta economia digital. Mostrar todas as mensagens

segunda-feira, setembro 02, 2019

Uma nova lógica competitiva

Em "The New Logic of Competition" encontrei uma figura muito interessante, muito rica:

"Today, artificial intelligence, sensors, and digital platforms have already increased the opportunity for learning more effectively—but competing on the rate of learning will become a necessity by the 2020s. The dynamic, uncertain business environment will require companies to focus more on discovery and adaptation rather than only on forecasting and planning. [Moi ici: Apostar mais em exploration do que em exploitation, apostar mais em experimentação e novidade do que em seguir o guião]
Classical models of competition assume that discrete companies make similar products and compete within clearly delineated industries. But technology has dramatically reduced communication and transaction costs, weakening the Coasean logic for combining many activities inside a few vertically integrated firms. At the same time, uncertainty and disruption require individual firms to be more adaptable, and they make business environments increasingly shapeable. Companies now have opportunities to influence the development of the market in their favor, but they can do this only by coordinating with other stakeholders.
As a result of these forces, new industrial architectures are emerging based on the coordination of ecosystems—complex, semifluid networks of companies that challenge several traditional business assumptions. [Moi ici: Algo que começámos a perceber quando descobrimos o papel dos influenciadores, dos prescritores, dos reguladores, e dos clientes dos clientes]
New opportunities are likely to come increasingly from digitizing the physical world, enabled by the rapid development and penetration of AI and the Internet of Things. This will increasingly bring tech companies into areas—such as B2B and businesses involving long-lived and specialized assets—that are still dominated by older incumbent firms.
Companies can no longer expect to succeed by leaning predominantly on their existing business models. Long-run economic growth rates have declined in many economies, and demographics point to a continuation of that pattern. Competitive success has become less permanent over time. And markets are increasingly shapeable, increasing the potential reward for innovation. As a result, the ability to generate new ideas is more important than ever. [Moi ici: Subir na escala de valor depende cada vez mais não do que se produz, mas das experiências que permitimos que o cliente sinta na sua vida ao integrar a nossa oferta na sua actividade]
Looking ahead to the 2020s, uncertainty is high on many fronts. Technological change is disrupting businesses and bringing new social, political, and ecological questions to the forefront.
Furthermore, deep-seated structural forces indicate this period of elevated uncertainty is likely to persist: technological progress will not abate; the rise of China as an economic power will continue to challenge international institutions; demographic trends point toward an era of lower global growth, which will further strain societies; and social polarization will continue to challenge governments’ ability to effectively respond to national or global risks.
Under such conditions, it will become more difficult to rely on forecasts and plans. Business leaders will need to consider the larger picture, including economic, social, political, and ecological dimensions, making sure their companies can endure in the face of unanticipated shocks. In other words, businesses will effectively need to compete on resilience." [Moi ici: Mas a constituição e os partidos socialistas, da direita e da esquerda, consideram a flexibilidade e a resiliência crimes graves! ]

Como é que a sua organização se está a preparar para este mundo muito mais incerteza? O que está a fazer para ser mais criativa? O que está a fazer para conciliar digital e físico? O que está a fazer para construir ou integrar um ecossistema? O que está a fazer para aprender muito mais depressa?

quarta-feira, fevereiro 13, 2019

"who can best improve someone’s financial health"

Recomendo vivamente a leitura de "The Lesson From Acorns And Stash: People Don't Want Savings Accounts, They Want Help Saving Money":
"The change in the market isn't with young Millennials opening Neobank accounts (or more accurately, debit-related payment accounts), but with:
Older Millennials and Gen Xers, and
Savings tools like Acorns and Stash.
The overall adoption percentages of Neobanks by generation are small--but the percentage of Older Millennials with a Neobank account is nearly double that of Young Millennials.
In contrast to Neobank adoption, US consumers have opened more than 7 million accounts with fintech savings tools like Acorns and Stash. Importantly, those consumers said those tools helped them save nearly $5.6 billion in 2018.
Among Older Millennials and Gen Xers--and even Baby Boomers--roughly twice as many are using savings tools like Acorns and Stash than have a Neobank account. And among Young Millennials, it's about three times as many.
[Moi ici: O trecho que se segue é muito boa] The lesson here is that consumers want help managing--i.e., improving and optimizing--their financial lives. They don't want an "account" to replace their existing accounts simply because it comes from a digital-only provider..
The relative success of tools like Acorns and Stash provides a clue as to why so many banks haven't seen much success from their personal financial management (PFM) efforts: Tools that monitor or track one's financial life are different from tools that optimize or improve performance.
The lesson from Acorns and Stash's success is that banks will need to compete on who can best improve someone’s financial health (for a given cost)--and not on who has the best rates and fees. The winners will be the financial institutions who can deliver on improving financial health--and prove it."
Por cá, os bancos, a coberto da protecção aos incumbentes, andam entretidos a aumentar ou a criar taxas e taxinhas por serviços. Ou seja, a espremer o modelo de negócio do século passado, em vez de seduzir clientes... uma outra versão de "Cambão versus estratégias baseadas nos clientes-alvo".

Talvez ganhassem alguma coisa em ler "The Problem With Problems"

domingo, outubro 02, 2016

Crescer não é uma estratégia

Como sabem, não passo de um anónimo consultor da província de um país periférico a caminho do socialismo. No entanto, tento estudar, testar e reflectir sobre o que concluo e observo. Assim, exponho o peito às balas da realidade, não da oratória ou da retórica, confrontando o que penso com o que outros pensam e esperar que um dia a realidade ilustre de forma clara, com a tal vantagem de ver no espelho retrovisor o que antes era conjectura, quem tinha razão.
Segue-se um primeiro trecho retirado de "A Stout Porter: Business Strategy In the 21st Century" onde o autor defende que o objectivo mais importante no mundo da economia digital é crescer, crescer rapidamente, crescer mais rápido que os concorrentes. Não concordo! Acredito que até na economia digital terá de haver estratégia baseada na heterogeneidade crescente do mercado.
Recordo "Mongo e as tribos", a heterogeneidade vai, mais tarde ou mais cedo, reclamar a diferenciação. Não esquecer "Estratégia em todo lado - não é winner-take-all" (parte I e parte II). Crescer não é uma estratégia.
"This paper discusses Porter’s principles from our point of view — that of a firm dedicated to investing in promising tech startups in Europe and turning them into long-term leaders on competitive global markets.
The Right Goal...
suggest that increasing returns are now the right goal: business strategy should now be all about maximizing a company’s increasing returns to scale.
Increasing returns have a major consequence from a strategic point of view: they create a new competitive regime in which a single company ends up grabbing most of the market. When two companies driven by increasing returns compete on the same market, only one of them will be able to survive on the long term and realize a substantial return on its investment.
So let’s be clear: bubble or not, the right goal in the digital economy is not to be the market share leader or the most profitable company. It is to take the vast majority of the market, at (almost) any cost."
Nem uma palavras sobre clientes, sobre propósito, sobre razão de ser...
