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quarta-feira, abril 20, 2022

"that starts the race to the bottom"


"the hard, cold facts show that competing in an existing category is a race to the bottom.

If everyone says they are "better," consumers get confused. They assume if everyone says they are "the best" at what they do, the only way to make a decision is to compare.

The first thing they compare is price. And that starts the race to the bottom. It's like watching two prizefighters stand in the middle of the ring and pound the shit out of each other."

Trecho retirado de "Niche Down: How To Become Legendary By Being Different" de Christopher Lochhead e Heather Clancy. 

sábado, novembro 03, 2018

"You 'Ain't Seen Nothing Yet"

Os industrialistas que criaram o século XX, recordar que para mim o século XX começou a 7 de Outubro de 1913 e acabou a 9 de Novembro de 1989. Nunca esquecer que foram os industrialistas que criaram o mercado de massas, para eles as pessoas eram plancton, afinal:
"Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black."
E o século XX tem progressivamente dado lugar a Mongo, essa realidade económica onde todos somos excêntricos.

Mongo revela-se na explosão de segmentos e nichos que nunca parará até chegarmos ao mercado com dimensão 1.

Esta semana dois exemplos. No calçado:
(BTW, sapatos para animais é uma tendência que notei desde que vim morar para Gaia)

E nas parkas:
"“If you think of these brands, the fit and fashion are not the same,” says Weintraub. “They’re all parkas, but put them on and you’ll see some fit tighter, some are puffy, some are slimmer.”
They all have personalities, too, he says, adding that the pricey parkas appeal to younger buyers, who are the primary driver of luxury parkas (not to mention the luxury market in general).
We’re seeing a lot of fragmentation in the luxury parka market – the category itself is not a one-size fits all anymore,” he says."
Só posso rematar, tendo aquele "We’re seeing a lot of fragmentation" em mente com:
You 'Ain't Seen Nothing Yet