segunda-feira, dezembro 03, 2018

Construir monopólios informais

Este blogue é o blogue da "Concorrência imperfeita e dos monopólios informais".

É tão esquisito, a palavra monopólio é uma palavra proscrita, é uma palavra que representa o pior que há no mundo económico-político. No entanto, quando lhe acrescento a palavra informal, "monopólio informal" tudo muda de figura e passa a ser o meu objectivo primordial quando trabalho estratégia com as empresas.

Em Agosto de 2004 fiz um trabalho com uma empresa do sector da construção onde usando o balanced scorecard e o conceito de ecossistema de partes interessadas desenvolvemos um monopólio informal para fugir da competição pelo preço. Passados estes anos todos é interessante, no mesmo sector, num outro país, encontrar a mesma terminologia em "Compete as 1 of 1":
"Some years ago, the founder and CEO of a small custom-engineered structural components company (based around a core technology of precast-prestressed concrete) recognized that his industry was undergoing consolidation. He lacked the capital to acquire other firms and wanted to remain independent. So he approached Plantes Company to help him find a way to become, in his words, “a monopoly.” He wisely recognized the advantages of creating a unique market position: being 1 of 1 instead of 1 of many. [Moi ici: Como não recordar a biologia, as paramécias de Gause ou os rouxinóis de MacArthur] Developing a differentiated and hard-to-copy market position could lead to attractive returns, profitable growth opportunities, and freedom to remain independent during industry consolidation.
Kay worked closely with the leadership team to identify current and potential competencies, [Moi ici: Como não recordar "Do concreto para o abstracto e não o contrário"] the benefits they could provide, and which kinds of current or potential customers would most benefit from these competencies. She also helped the leadership team understand that the company’s direct customers — general contractors — were, in fact, competitors. Why? Because they could and often did fill the needs of end customers by backwards-integrating into structural components using cast-in-place concrete, a substitute technology.
Kay recommended the company redesign its business model to become a design-build contractor vertically integrated around the precast-prestressed concrete core technology. Its value promise would be “more building for your dollar, faster, and without schedule and cost overrun risks.” As a general contractor, the firm could control the design of the project and the precast, making this promise feasible and hard for general contractors to copy. Execution required specializing initially in parking decks, where precast is a high percent of cost-of-goods-sold and the company could sell directly to owners who needed new parking decks quickly.
Today, the company, which used to win business on price, does all its work on a negotiated basis."

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