Nem de propósito, acerca da democratização da produção, com a proliferação futura de makerspaces dos duendes do bairro, da cidade, do concelho, este texto:
"What used to be called “public goods” is today called “platforms”. A new form of a company is being born!A par disto, outro tema comum aqui no blogue, o ecossistema da procura:
Once the up-front costs have been incurred and the platform is established, the more people there are who are sharing the benefits, the greater the net present value of the whole value system becomes. A platform company should therefore be as open, as accessible and as supportive as possible, to as many users as possible. This is unequivocally the route to optimum value creation. Moreover, the higher the value of the system, the costlier it becomes to all its members to replace it – creating a major barrier to entry.
Restructuring a firm for the new world would require concurrent relative downsizing of legacy systems and upsizing of the new open platforms. [Moi ici: Recordar isto, os "greenfield investments"] As both are explicitly costly things to do and the financial rewards of the latter are typically deferred, the exercise becomes challenging for incumbents to implement within the constraints of the existing financial frameworks. But it is happening!
Internet scale economies can create almost boundless returns without the company growing at all.
The sheer size of an enterprise will tend to mean less in the digital network business than in the world of physical goods. Companies don’t grow any more in the way they used to! It is the networks that grow!"
"But something else needs to change too: customer focus has been the dominant mantra in business. Everybody knows that everything should focus on the customer. However this is not enough any more.[Moi ici: Recordar "Acerca do ecossistema da procura"]Trecho retirado de "Why companies don’t grow – The idea of the platform company"
The central aggregator of enterprise value will no longer be a value chain, but a network space, where these platform companies are fully market-facing and the customer experience is defined by applications connecting to the platform.
The basis of executive power is shifting from being in charge to being connected. New leaders understand that power with people is much more effective than power over people. It is about integrating the best of networked thinking and leveraging the new platforms for value creation."
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