sexta-feira, dezembro 06, 2013

"five existential questions that every enterprise should be asking itself every day"

"Any strategy adds value only as far as it sharpens or enhances the answers to five existential questions that every enterprise should be asking itself every day:
1. What business or businesses should you be in?
2. How do you add value to your businesses?
3. Who are the target customers for your businesses?
4. What are your value propositions to those target customers?
5. What capabilities do you need to add value to your businesses and differentiate your value propositions?
I call these the Strategic Five. If you can’t answer these, your strategies—in whatever form they take—are incomplete, misdirected, or, perhaps, mislabeled. But if the Strategic Five remain your true north, your strategies will enhance rather than dilute the coherence of your business (more about this is a future blog post)."
Trecho retirado de "Introducing s+b’s “Strategy of the Year”"

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